Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 40) - Wed 28 Mar 2012


BAHAHAHAHA! You killed him?! I never...even considered that as a possibility, or that Rin could activate the sword.

A tip of the hat to you madam, for all the awesome waaaaangst  and I can now see how rin can have angst. 


Til next time, Lovely

laenfante (Chapter 1) - Wed 28 Mar 2012

That...was...AMAZING!!! So vivid, so intense, that fight was. And that final blow of Kagome's...WOW! And our precious Rin, coming at last to save the day...where's the next chapter?!? WHERE?!?!

Pricila (Chapter 40) - Wed 28 Mar 2012

Aww!!  You are wicked for ending it this way!  I can't believe a dragon of all things takes out Sessh, nothing can take him out it just does not compute in my mind!  BUT you have given me hope that not all things are lost and that Sessh will be back.  She can't lose another love!  Pleaes write the next chapter asap!  

DescendingFrost (Chapter 40) - Wed 28 Mar 2012

Absolutely loved it! I am so impressed this next installment came out so quickly--you're making my LIFE! Thank youuu! :gushes:

koneji (Chapter 39) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

Sessh's inner battle with his instincts against his feelings and consideration for his mate brought forth more awareness of their youkai nature. It was a pleasant reminder, and a refreshing idea against the more softened versions of him that I've read. Keep up the fantastic writing!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 39) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

Gah, and I'm so darned tired that I failed to realize that I'd already reviewed the last chapter once before.  How silly is THAT??  Anyway, I'm glad that people have been prodding you to update this wonderful story... and they'd better keep it up, cuz you CAN'T leave it languishing with Rin in the clutches of DRAGONS!!!  This will bother me for days now, or until I get so fried out that I can't remember anything else.  Still, with true storyteller's grace and aplomb, you've created QUITE the little "cliffie!"  Kudos, m'dear!!!!



DescendingFrost (Chapter 39) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

Glorious as always! Absolutely loved it!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 38) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

ACK!!!  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, keep this a chapter story with nice, satisfying, lovely huge chunks of chapters!


I want to lose myself in your words, envisioning the world you create for your readers, and forget where I'm sitting.  I want to drown in the characters' doings, speculate on their motives and actions, and drive myself nuts wondering where you're headed.  (Like that mysterious illness?  You're not gonna kill off major characters, are you??  *whimpers*)


I so adore BOTH versions of this story, and I delight in seeing an alert for a new chapter, just positive that I will get to sit here for a time immersed in your world.  It's so rarely that I get to zone out like that anymore - if you would, please keep it up??



Kayelyn (Chapter 39) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

And all of us would gladly crack the whip again, if it gets us more of this! Poor Sesshomaru, it's going to be heartbreaking to see how he reacts to the news of Rin's abduction. Can't wait for more!

Michelle (Chapter 38) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

I absolutely LOVE your writing style! Excellent plot as well.... I feel bad for Kouga... I feel like you have more planned for him.

Michelle (Chapter 1) - Thu 15 Mar 2012

That was fucking sexy as hell... oh my lol. i wonder why kagome is a demon.. or demon-like. is it because she has the sacred jewel in her possession? or she accidentaly made a wish on it? hmm....

DescendingFrost (Chapter 38) - Tue 13 Mar 2012

Oh please, oh please update this amazing fic! :O I can proudly say I have read it three times now since finding it a month of so ago and it absolutely my favorite SessKag fanfiction ever! So pleaseee make me the happiest fangirl in the world and treat the world with an update! <3 

joyouki (Chapter 38) - Mon 05 Dec 2011

NO!! No drabbles...LONG LONG chapters!!! I would like to say I have enjoyed this story.  I have not been able to post a reply after the chapters because I usually read them on my cell, and it will not let me for some reason.  I am hooked on this story and hopefully will be able to leave more feedback using a computer.  Thank you!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 38) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

I am SOOOOOOO loving your re-write of this epic tale!!!!  I love "Alpha" too, but longer chapters are DELICIOUS, especially since I tend to devour them with the eagerness of a child on Christmas morning.  I adored your original, with its epic-length chapters, and do hope that you could see your way clear to continuing that trend.  I understand that it means longer waits between updates, and makes for more work for you, but I can't deny my greed.  *sigh*


Again, I can't tell you how much I am LOVING this story all over again!!



REDWOLF (Chapter 38) - Wed 30 Nov 2011

What a FANTASTIC LONG chapter. Yes,I LOVE LONG chapters. Makes the story for me more set in my memory.  I love all long stories, but thats just me :)

morgansgirl (Chapter 38) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Venita (Chapter 38) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Great chapter, it's been awhile since you update, I can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon.

Lillian (Chapter 38) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

The long chapters! I love them. I love you! Nice job with the photo scene :*

Forfirith (Chapter 38) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

Long! -RAWR-

*stalks happilly after being fed fatty plotbunnies*

Drama is comming & fluff~ kukuku

Lyssa (Chapter 38) - Tue 29 Nov 2011

It was a wonderful chapter. I love your work and can't wait to read more. As far as chapters, I prefer them long instead of the drabbles.

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