Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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Lily Noir (Chapter 32) - Sat 21 May 2011

Well, the chapter was awesome, as always. ;) I really enjoyed the Eldest twist, and I have a sneeking suspicion that the daughter that killed the other daughter was Kasuka.

Though there was one part that threw me for a loop:
  The mate of my sister was the elder brother; the mate of my sister was the Dragonlord, the one that is now named the Rebel Emperor. And when his rebellion was too much, and not enough, and he was slain ................................................
 I went there, and my son with me, and my daughters – my sister too, and her mate, my brothers and their sons – our people, all our people,

That was kind of contradictory. Did you mean to write that on purpouse? I spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure it out, before finally giving up. And sooo sorry for bothering you with this, especially since I haven't reviewed for a while (but I have a suspicion that you're not lonely) and haven't read this since the last I reviewed (I wanted the chapters to pile up and then read them all in one fell swoop)... heh heh ...*looks all sheepish*


Lillian (Chapter 35) - Sat 21 May 2011

Ha! Sesshomaru freaked out? Since he started dancing in this chapter (the scene was described beautifully, my dear), I suppose anything is possible.

Yay for another chapter! Kagome is Sesshomaru's now. Kouga is still steadfst in his (undead?) loyalty, Kasuka is plotting, and the story is moving along! I am so excited to see Sesshomaru and Kagome grow closer together. He needs to learn what love means, or I'll have to go hit him over the head with a frying pan.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 35) - Sat 21 May 2011

Thank you for not keeping Kouga dead! :hugs: He is a fool, Often a blind fool, but ever a loyal fool. Though that often is a matter of much pain to me when reading a non-Kouga-centered fanfiction it is also part of why his character is so dear and beloved to me. Again, thank you. You managed a wonderful way of him dying for the challenge and yet survivingin a fashion and I am grateful.

The imagery of the shadow and light inu was simply amazing! I loved the pairing of purple and gold. My mind's eye drew added note in the way you used complimentary colors in your verbal painting.

So.... when do we get to thwap Kasuka? oor a suppose more appropriately, when do we get to see Someone (hopefully Kagome?) thwap kasuka? I look forward to that beat down almost every time she enters the stage.

Thanks for writing!

Azurena (Chapter 35) - Fri 20 May 2011

Omgsh! You updated! *is sooo happy* Yessss! I have been MISSING reading this! Like, you have no idea. Your story is one of the best I've ever read, and that's saying a lot because I have read a lottttttt of fanfiction.

Eagerly awaiting your next update!

kamisama (Chapter 8) - Thu 12 May 2011

its like I'm reading a vampire story. Too much blood everywhere. Kagome is weird too. She's driven by the animalistic desire to get layed O.O I'm guessing its because she a miko-youkai lol

Sometimes its hard to depicher what the conversation is about. All characters speak mostly in riddles and I have to guess what they actually mean.It must be a youkai thing.

Otherwise its a nice story, although the flow blood takes away from the romance. I never liked blood play :)

natsumi (Chapter 1) - Mon 09 May 2011

Lillian (Chapter 34) - Sun 08 May 2011

I am so prouuuuud of you doing that whole day worksession! I would have just thrown my computer across the room in frustration- well, perhpas not thrown... Maybe I would have gotten up and paced a bit or something. Eh.

ANYWAYS, this is exciting! Kouga's dumb, there were festivities, Rin stepped into big girl youkai shoes. I am so excited! What's going to happen to Kagome when she's under the influence of the Ink? I wanna know I wanna know! *wriggles excitedly*

AMUTOLOVER09 (Chapter 34) - Sun 08 May 2011

OOOOOOOOOOOhh Kouga. You bout to get cho ass killed... Lol, But nice chapther. Why does it always have to be the cute ones who are the idiots. sigh~ oh well win some lose some. Um this is going to be the conclusion of my usually long comments due to a mother's day party i'm about to go too, so (sorry for sounding superficial but) keep up the good work and hope to read you soon. bye!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 34) - Sun 08 May 2011

Kouga ....the nut. Sesshoumaru will either kill him on the spot or turn him into a slave to the West. Great chapter, I wish Kagome the best this time.

Fallen0x (Chapter 34) - Sun 08 May 2011

ooh noo! i spoke wayy too soon! ugh Kouga would too... anyway another great chapter!!

Silverwing (Chapter 33) - Fri 06 May 2011

This story is AWESOME! And so different! The turn-Kagome-into-a-demon thing had me leary there at first but you definitely made it work-- and work well! This was super fun to read (especially because you posted 33 chapters so quickly!) and I look forward to your next update... even though it won't be a 6 chapter update.

JeniNeji (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 May 2011

Oh my, this Kikyo Inuyasha thing is just so wrong!

JeniNeji (Chapter 9) - Thu 05 May 2011

Lemon indeed! I am quite taken by your descriptions of EVERYTHING. You know how to do this.

JeniNeji (Chapter 8) - Thu 05 May 2011

I bet Rin wants to be a youkai too

JeniNeji (Chapter 7) - Thu 05 May 2011

Oh, poor Kagome. Thats why eavesdropping is so bad...

JeniNeji (Chapter 6) - Thu 05 May 2011

Hmm... I am curious...I should start to prepare for unlucky... .:sighs:.

JeniNeji (Chapter 5) - Thu 05 May 2011

Ah, this was so cute!

JeniNeji (Chapter 4) - Thu 05 May 2011

Yes, evil. .:Sighs:.

JeniNeji (Chapter 3) - Thu 05 May 2011

Oh-uh...talking is good right, yeah, good...right?

JeniNeji (Chapter 2) - Thu 05 May 2011

This is very good! I like the way you are taking this story :)

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