Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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Kayelyn (Chapter 2) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

Oh Kagome, I find myself wondering how you remained alive too. Silly woman, at least pretend to pay attention to your surroundings. BUT, you did get some sexy healing from a hot demon lord so I guess it all evens out in the end. I think Kagome should be extremely grateful at how much control Sesshomaru has. It must not have been to pleasant, pushing back his lusty beast and instincts. However, it seems that Sesshomaru will not be in the dark for long about just what Kagome is, and once again it seems like it is some portent of doom. If it wasn't so morbidly hilarious how she stumbles into the center of these dark, fantastical myths and legends I would pity her, but Hurricane Kagome is just doomed that way I guess.

Kayelyn (Chapter 1) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

Bwahahaha! I flood your inbox again!

What I love the most about your stories, besides the amazing descriptive-ness that makes you feel like you are a part of the story, is how utterly doomed the characters are, right from the start. Kagome doomed by the mystery and lure of her blood, and Sesshomaru is doomed by his curiosity, the pull of his blood beast, his instincts. It's how you take one instance that should be so insignificant, and turn it into an event that changes lives irrevocably. I also have no idea how in the hell you make Sesshomaru licking her palm into this hot moment that leaves the reader wanting more, but you do and I am jealous. XD

I also liked how Sesshomaru found himself asking the question he had when he first met her, "What are you?". It was enough to give my nerdy fangirl an "Awwww Yeah" moment.  So it seems that Inuyasha has betrayed Kagome, unsurprising with his inability to let dead things stay dead. I wonder though, if he has tricked the others into "searching" for her, or if they have settled elsewhere. Time to find out, I guess

On to the next.


REDWOLF (Chapter 41) - Thu 26 Jul 2012


DescendingFrost (Chapter 41) - Thu 05 Jul 2012

Dahh I am dying for more!! >o<

henandchicks (Chapter 41) - Wed 09 May 2012

Okay, now I'm caught up, I had to review.  This story has really amazed me.  If I had known that Kagome would be revealed as youkai - a dragon-miko princess no less! - I would never had begun it.  That sort of story just doesn't appeal to me.  But am I glad that I didn't know that when I started - I certainly would have let my prejudice prevent me from reading this story.  And the bloodthirsty Kagome?  So unlike the Kagome we know in the canon, or even in most of the stories on this site, but totally in character with the storyline you have developed.  You have brought the story about gradually, in such a believable way, that I am loving it!  I have to believe that's the mark of a good writer.  Thank you for the wonderful story so far.  I eagerly await the next installment...

henandchicks (Chapter 37) - Tue 08 May 2012

I just ran across this wonderful story.  I am flying through the chapters, trying to catch up (stayed up later last night than is good for me), so I planned to just review the last available chapter.  But I had to pause and say how sweet you are to redeem Kouga that way.  And he got to steal a kiss.  Even though I ship Kagome and Sesshomaru, I love Kouga and have always thought he would have treated her well.  So, good for you for throwing him a bone!  Now, on to the rest....!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 41) - Mon 07 May 2012

Haha! That was awesome with what you made Miroku able to do! Booyaka!

Thanks for writing.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 41) - Mon 07 May 2012

Haha! That was awesome with what you made Miroku able to do! Booyaka!

Thanks for writing.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 41) - Sat 05 May 2012

Keep it coming.

Kayelyn (Chapter 41) - Thu 03 May 2012


This surpassed every expectation I had for this chapter. It is so full of win, and took me on a roller coaster ride.

First the Rin and Kagome's despair over Sesshomaru being dead, to the elation of his return, then the "you made me love you" (which gave me the warm and fuzzies) and Sess's stumbling through it, and BAMF Miroku.

There are just waaaay to many good things about this chapter. Epic EPIC win, lyra love!

P.S. I am still cracking up over Totosai.

Pricila (Chapter 41) - Thu 03 May 2012

Yeah!  She saved Sessh!! 

Lillian (Chapter 41) - Thu 03 May 2012


This was amazing, Lyra! It was so good, and the WUUUUBBB!!!!! I was so happy to see it!

_neversilenced (Chapter 1) - Thu 03 May 2012

I'm so happy this story is back, it's one of my absolute favorites! The plot you've weaved and the characters you've created are all so exciting; I'm constantly on the edge of my seat! :) I cannot wait to see what happens next - seriously! Oh, and GO MIROKU for being such a B.A. in this chapter! 

Please keep up the absolutely wonderful work!

DescendingFrost (Chapter 41) - Thu 03 May 2012

Wonderful update and chapter! I can't wait to find out what happens next! I now hve this horrible fear that my favorite characters are going to die somewhere along the line though--I pray that they do not. >< Anyway, wonderful chapter and can't wait for the next one! :DD

Alpine (Chapter 40) - Tue 01 May 2012

This is truly an insightful piece of writing. I love the style you chose to write it in. Such wonderful character development and plot. It really makes me root for the couple and for their newly found feelings of love, and in Kagomes' case, youki life.

I look forward to another installment of the story.

Alpine ^_^

Kat (Chapter 40) - Mon 02 Apr 2012

WHYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! This is the most amazing story I have read on this site and then you leave a CLIFF HANGER!!!! That's not right. It's a great story though. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Anonymous (Chapter 40) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

so good i cant wait to read more update soon!

Azuka (Chapter 19) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

I LOVE lovelove the chemisrty between Sesshomaru and Kagome! It shows a deep understanding of the ties between good/life long friends, in the way you worked through the arguments and doubts of Miroku and Sango. The feelings were raw and base, it so beautiful and stimulating! I was very inspired by the lemon in this chapter! It was seductive and sexy while still holding a certain innocence! At least I thought so, anyway, I am completely addicted so be prepared for a stalker!! ^_^ Hugz and carrotz!

<3 <3 <3

Venita (Chapter 40) - Sat 31 Mar 2012
Keep it coming.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 40) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

FINALLY!!  I've been wondering, a LOT, if you were going to work this into the revised version... THANK YOU!  I felt that this was an intrisic part of the old story and was really hoping you were going to find a way to do this.  And, frankly, this was SO MUCH better this time around.  I think it went a lot farther to explain the complexities of Dragon/NotDragon/Inu and the emotions between Sess and Kag.  I am so enjoying this re-worked vision of your epic story... and look forward to seeing the differing interpretations as each new chapter posts!  Thanks so much for all your time, hard work, and dedication to this story - I can't tell you how much I appreciate it every time your words take me away from my mundane existence into their world!



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