Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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laenfante (Chapter 33) - Wed 04 May 2011


And the hardest part...I have to be patient now and wait for your next update.




(drums fingers)


Sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought.

AMUTOLOVER09 (Chapter 33) - Tue 03 May 2011

Yay!! your on dokuga now!!! Sorry I haven't been faithful with my reviews (I feel like I cheated on you!!), but I strangly enough couldn't find it, and I'd been exclusivly stuck on the dokuga fics so...yeah. When I saw a story called bloodlust here, I didn't think it was yours because the user name was different, but something told me to check it out, so I clicked on a random chapther and the first word/name I saw was Kinawai!!!! I was too happy to have my favorite author back, so I will review on all other chapters from now on. Oh and quick question: Rin went threw the inking process, and got the fancy tatoos, but what is her life span and what exactly does 'she is a door' mean?? Plaese answer as much of that question as possible if you wish not to reveal spoilers.

Read you soon~


p.s Kasuka really needs to get that tick off her clit so she'll lose some of that bitchy atmospere she exerts...(the poor tick can only take so much abuse)

Azurena (Chapter 33) - Tue 03 May 2011

Ooooo this just keeps getting better and better!!!!

REDWOLF (Chapter 33) - Tue 03 May 2011

Kouga is a true idiot! Now, he will cause a bunch of problems for "his" Kagome as he so ignorantly thinks. Sesshoumaru and Kagome need Kouga gone already. That other Lord should take his mate and make her a servant and get a new mate...she is still pineing a way after Sesshoumaru. Great chapter, I hope Kagome pulls this off while taking out those two idiots. I can not wait for your next fantastic chapter.

Fallen0x (Chapter 33) - Mon 02 May 2011

oooh lots of interesting things have been happening!! woo, Kouga didn't freak out on anyone yet! that could have ended badly! love this story! ah i should be writing a paper.. T_T;

Luna (Chapter 26) - Mon 02 May 2011

goodness these chapters are getting away with me! Miss a couple of days and BAM! three or four chapters i missed. lol but at the same time its good because then i dont have to stop reading after only one chapter...

Lillian (Chapter 30) - Mon 02 May 2011

Kasuka's all OMGGGG She cut off Kimi's arm? Geezzzzzuzz :O

So. Excited.

I have a feeling something big is going to happen! Am I right? Am I right?

Eklipse (Chapter 13) - Sun 01 May 2011

Im really sad that inuyasha had to die but if thats what has to happen then so be it. *sigh* Oh well. But i hopr things go for the best in the end.

Azurena (Chapter 29) - Sun 01 May 2011

Oh my goodness . . . this is getting crazy! Oooooo I wonder what's going to happen during the Presentation. Ah the curiosity is killing me!

Eagerly awaiting your next update!

Lily Noir (Chapter 27) - Sun 01 May 2011

Ignatius.. ha, I'd have named her that with 100% certainty....  I really like the part where she says she's seen many terrible things from him, and Miroku's eye-opener as well.

cant wait to see how it plays out.


Azurena (Chapter 23) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

Aw! It's so funny how happy having a chapter dedication makes me XD Loved Shippou and Rin playing Hunt! Too cute! And I can't wait for them to call Kagome okaa-san! I know it's just gonna make her day :)

Thank you again for the review dedication!

Lillian (Chapter 28) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

YAY!!!!! The semester is over in two weeks!!!

This chapter was chock full of so much awesomeness that I can't even begin to comprehend it. First, there was Kagome pwning Kimi-sama (I'm nicknaming her bc her name is like the entire aphabet) with words, and then with strength. After that, there were the heart-wrenching scrolls. They made my breath catch in my throat. I felt so sad when you told of Rin's tale with such poignancy. Kimi then decides to join forces with the Kags, and they're going to go yell at Sesshomaru!

This was amazing, Lira. Keep it up.

I mean, I know you will, cuz that's who you are and how your writing is, but I'm stepping back into the role of Lira's cheerleader.

*waves pom-poms* Go Lira, go! Gimme an L! I! R! A! Goooooooooo Lira!




Eklipse (Chapter 1) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

LOVE this story so far. Continue to write, your great at it.

Fallen0x (Chapter 29) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

I enjoyed the chapters very much! :) But I gotta say - if Sesshoumaru is so worried about Kagome getting challenged, he should have made sure she had training and knew what was going to happen! AHH He made me soo frustrated!! >:( I know you're not going to kill off Kagome - er well, I'm pretty sure you aren't going to do that.. but still - lol Can't wait to read more! Ugh I seriously need to get some work done lol

REDWOLF (Chapter 29) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

Mymy....this is interesting. Sesshoumaru not knowing everything. I like surprises.

Kamiki (Chapter 25) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for all this anticipation to break!! I can't wait to read what's next :)

Lily Noir (Chapter 25) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

Well, I can say that this is one of the best stories I have ever read. And to REALLY impress me is hard. Sure, I may say that the ones I review are good, great and such, but that is the spur of the moment thing, I usually forget them within a week. This is one of the rare ones I will actually remember for a long time to come. Not to mention that you have a way of writing that just captivetes people. You've really outdone yourself.

Now, on to the part my wee little brain can't fully comprehend:
Eldest! She will not even cross their minds! The last Dragon-miko to mate a lord of High House was the mate of the last Dragonlord - When I first read it I thought that Eldest was the Mate of the last Dragonlord. Then, when I got a better look, the feeling was more that she wasn't the mate. But Kasuka once said that her mother was still alive, and Eldest is the last dragon-miko .... and I'm confused. What I get from how its written is that she isn't the mate, but logical deduction from already stated facts says that she is.

Can't wait for the next update :)


Lily Noir (Chapter 24) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

Whoa, Kouga's got some backbone :) ... Kasuka had it coming, not everything goes the was she wants it.  And I'm sooooo gonna enjoy reading the part whaere se finds out Yasha's already dead, and that Sessh's mate is Inu, and that she is miko and powerful... Happy time's a comin' .... heh heh

Everyone usually thinks that Kouga is easily influenced, but they forget that he has quite a brain in that thick head of his. You've captured him exactly like I see him in the canon; as a matter of fact, most of your characters are In Character, a feat not many manage to acomplish. I'd take off my hat (and applaud you) right about now, if I had one on my head. ;)

OH, and I can already see the disaster that'll come when Kouga figures out it's really Kagome. Ugh, strom's a brewin'...


Lily Noir (Chapter 23) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

he he he he, gotta say that I was also expecting something a bit more ...naughty .... heh ;P

I get the feeling that Kasuka was/is still scared of the Inu no Taisho. And Kagome, able to feel what's going on; she could be the key to beating Kasuka (most likely is, if that Elder person is any indication)

Oh dear, you dedicated an entire chapter to me because I pointed out a tiny little thing. I'm honoured, and you're awesome. I checked it out, and it's so much clearer now, really appropriate. You did a great job. I really like authors that take somonelse's imput into consideration, a brownie point to you XD.

I'm off to read more, and I say, this is a fentastic thing to wake up to.


Fallen0x (Chapter 25) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

I can't wait to read more! I was hoping I'd get to read about the whole ceremony thing and Kouga coming over. But I'll be patient! lol These were good chapters though! :) And this is better than studying for o chem! :) Ja ne!

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