Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..... I was beggining to think that the story is getting a little too tense and serious, this chapter was exactly what the doctor ordered; a little down time and funnyness(if this word exists) .... he he he
the story REMAINS awesome, and I STILL can't wait to read more ..... and as such, I'm off again ;)
Azurena (Chapter 20) - Wed 27 Apr 2011
Here I was off to bed, and you just had to update another chapter didn't you? XD Gosh, how dare you be an overachiever?! Lol
Well . . . Monday . . . So long! But it's so worth the wait!
Lillian (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 Apr 2011
Pah! The two humans finally realize their mistake. Good for them. *decisive nod*
... (Chapter 10) - Wed 27 Apr 2011
I really like this story. I want to state that straight out, but there is a bit that bothers me. The fact that Sesshoumaru only really loves her for her power and the fact that she's magically turned into a youkai. He doesn't really love her for who she is or, more importantly, who she was. The fact that Kagome, as a character, doesn't really notice this is a bit odd, because I think any woman worth her salt would wonder, especially after the things she heard him say and the things she knows about him already. Anyway, it was a point that bothered me a bit. Please don't take offence.
Azurena (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 Apr 2011
You updated AGAIN in the time it took me to read and review Chapter 17? Holy crap! You weren't kidding when you said Chapters At The Speed of Light! Well, it was fantastic like always, and I'm eager for more!
Azurena (Chapter 17) - Wed 27 Apr 2011
How in the world do you update such long chapters so frequently? How . . . how . . . It's amazing haha no other words for it. I am thoroughly impressed! :))) Again, I'm anxiously awaiting another chapter!
Lillian (Chapter 16) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
Oh. My. Gosh. So Miroku...I want him to kick himself! It's selfish, but I do. He does not understand, and what he does not understand, he fears. But he knows Kagome. He knows her, but fears he doesn't. I can understand that.
But still.
Oh...and that new plot. What Rin said...So interesting!
Azurena (Chapter 16) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
Oh my gosh! No one has ever dedicated a chapter to me before! XD Thank you! *feels all warm and fuzzy*
I don't know what it is, but every time I finish one of your chapters I'm so unbelievably anxious for more! ^__^ I really hope you update again soon. I'm excitedddddd!
Love the story! I think my only complaint would be - when did Kagome eat last? She couldn't kill that rabbit and then the whole thing with Inuyasha and Kikyo happened.. Maybe I'm getting too indepth here, but it just seems weird to me since Kagome wanted Sesshoumaru to help her. But I love the story and I can't wait to read more! :D
Luna (Chapter 15) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
This is such an awe inspiring piece of work that I am truly amazed. You are a great author, and I look forward to reading the rest of your story!
Azurena (Chapter 15) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
Have I mentioned already that I love how often you update? Lol makes me soooooo happy . . . . I definitely understand Kagome's pain. I mean, they were good friends for a really long time and she loved him, but I also feel bad for Sesshoumaru, because now it seems like he feels inadequate. But hopefully things get better! I'll keep reading so I can find out XD
Lily (Chapter 12) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
go kagome, go- go kagome .... yeah, io always knew she had it in her
your portrayal of both Kagome and Sesshomaru is amazing, I love it
Lily (Chapter 9) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
oooooooh ............. now THAT was HOT
I'm speechless
Luna (Chapter 14) - Tue 26 Apr 2011
OMG I started reading this and I could not stop! This story is sooo amazing and I cant wait to read your next update!!
Sorry...sorry...I started reading this from the beginning earlier this evening, and faved it after chapter two, thinking to review when I broke for supper. But...OMG...this just...sucked me in. And now that I've finished chapter 14, I can finally take a breather and review.
Ummm...WOW. The power and strength of your story is, well, awesome. So much emotion and color that just reaches out to the reader. Add to that your quick chapter additions, and I'm hooked. You have a rare and wonderful skill with the language. Kudos and thanks for sharing it with us. (And apologies to my long-suffering husband who made supper on his own because I wouldn't stop reading.)
Azurena (Chapter 14) - Mon 25 Apr 2011
It's so . . . amazing . . . *loves*
So psyched for your next update!!!!!
lauren (Chapter 13) - Mon 25 Apr 2011
Poor fuzzy ears :( Still excellent though.
Lillian (Chapter 12) - Mon 25 Apr 2011
Cheering squad! *raises pom-poms* Go Lira, go!!
You know you luff me. So excited! You stopped doing hw to post it; I stopped doing hw to read it!
Inuyasha is going DOWN! *mean face*
Lillian (Chapter 11) - Mon 25 Apr 2011
Okay. This is not fair. To be more dramatic, let me capitalize it. This is Not Fair.
I am usually a very understanding reader. I know it takes time to write things of beauty, not that I can claim to have done so, but I find myself lacking in patience.
I would like an update.
*goes and hides in corner, ashamed of her greediness*
Lillian (Chapter 6) - Mon 25 Apr 2011
Ah. The intrigue deepens. Sesshomaru's wildness and his behavior is so well written.
For some reason, it reminds me of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, yet he is different than Beast. More...more.
I like it.
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