Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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BrokenSoulDarkPriestess (Chapter 42) - Fri 24 May 2013

Awsome story I eagerly await the next chapters and the continuing of this story. I have added this story to my favorites list as well as you the author to my favorties 

joyouki (Chapter 42) - Thu 23 May 2013

OMG I JUST ABOUT CRAPPED WHEN THIS CHAPTER WAS POSTED!! I had to read the whole story again before I read new chapter!!! It's as juicy as you left it! Thank you for updating, hope all is well!!! Kagome & Sango make a disturbing pair, I loved how Sango could be demon like....maybe she's got demon blood in her too!!! Lol love it love it!!!!

Phyllis (Chapter 6) - Sun 12 May 2013

What a chapter.  It will be interesting to see what the motives are for Sesshomaru...and Kinawai and his mate.  

Kae (Chapter 12) - Fri 10 May 2013
Oh! I thought you killed Shippo! Thank God he's not dead! I sure hope he recovers soon. Damn you Inuyasha! You must die now!

Phyllis (Chapter 5) - Fri 10 May 2013

Oddly enough, I liked the scene with Miroku and Sango the best in this chapter.  Well done!

Phyllis (Chapter 4) - Thu 09 May 2013

These two are so tortured.  It's brilliant!  On to the next chapter!

Phyllis (Chapter 3) - Thu 09 May 2013

Tense little moment between them!  Good chapter!  Glad Kags is awake now!

Phyllis (Chapter 2) - Thu 09 May 2013

Dramatic chapter.  I wonder what Kagome's secret is?  Can't wait to find out!

Phyllis (Chapter 1) - Thu 09 May 2013

I am very intrigued by this story.  You write very well!  Can't wait to read more!

KEdakumi (Chapter 42) - Thu 09 May 2013

Such a good story!  Love the interaction.  Can't wait to see what the Council says and does.

Voracious (Chapter 42) - Wed 08 May 2013

Ah! and so an update after such a long time. Long though the wait was, the sweetness of these delicious chapters has swept aside any complaints I may have had. ^_^  You must excuse my dialogue here! Its just that every time I read BL, I become a part of the story and the character. I have no words for how perfect I find your descriptions, they're so vivid that I actually feel as if I'm smack dab in the middle of all the intense bloodlust, passion, the darkness and for lack of a better word, the drama. I love and live it so much!! 

Now onto other pressing matters, do you think I can somehow wheedle you (open for a deal/ negotiation too! ;)) into posting chapters more frequently, say alt least once a month? :D :D 

*feed the appetite*


DescendingFrost (Chapter 42) - Wed 08 May 2013

oh my gosh, i cannot begin to tell you how unbelievably and ridiculously excited i got when i received the email notification that you had posted a chapter... i had to check to make sure i wasnt dreaming again. And i wasnt!:D 


as usual, spectacular job and beatiful writing. i am not lying when i say i CANNOT wait for more!!

xDori (Chapter 42) - Wed 08 May 2013

Thank you sooooooooooooo much for updating! I think I have to reread it remember what it was about lol. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 42) - Tue 07 May 2013

It's been a year and two days since you last update, I'm glad your back. Great chapter, please update the next chapter soon and not in months or a year. Keep it coming.

shadowchsr (Chapter 41) - Fri 07 Dec 2012



I just want to say I have truly been enjoying your story. In fact I remember reading the first version of Bloodlust on the old "single spark" archives and it was one of my favorite stories, especially in how you explained Kagome being both a miko and youkai.  I saw that you were re-writing this and well,  I wanted to wait till it was finished before reading it because I hate waiting for new chapter. But I finally broke down and read what you have so far.  As much as I loved the first draft of this on "single spark", this is definately the superior story. Seshoumaru is more in character as is Kagome as well as her reactions to slowly realsizing her feelings after the emotional blows she's dealt with as well as her struggle adjust to the change in regarding her new youkai nature. I also loved the way you created a youkai culture that is as much about instinct as it can also reflect tradition.

Part of me almost wishes that Kagome would try to make that journey to her future to confront her mother but I know that won't happen. it wouldn't change any knowledge that would affect the plot. Might be nice for an eppilouge add on when the right amount of time passes. Though I also wonder, if youkai were really destroyed due to their own warring natures as well as the growth of humanity. If Kagome had never traveled to the past, Sesshoumaru would have died in Kasuka's schemes.  I guess the big question is does Kagome's pressance create an alternate timeline now different from the future she knew or was her being there a given all the time so she's there to maintain the balance of the current timeline. The lack of evidence of any Youkai makes me think her mating Sesshoumaru and preventing Kasuka's plans coming to fruition could shift how the future turns out, especially if she continues her actions to help heal and work with humanity like she did with the illness in Edo.

Another question I was wondering about, which isn't really pertinent to the story but make me wonder is that if Kagome's mother was pregnate with her  thousands of years before the creation of the Shikon no Tama. does that mean Kikyo was Kagome's reincarnation?  and possibly Midoriko as well, and that the creation of the Tama was due to the surpressed power of Kagome's miko energy  used in the binding and youkai that was always inherently a part of her soul. After it it was inside Kagome, returned to her after the events of Kikyo's death.  but because Kagome is the "original" soul she is comeplete without it.  Though since Kagmome never died, maybe her soul was in stasis a kind of stasis. but because she is needed to keep the balance between human and youkai, her soul (or maybe a part of it) was used in Kikyo and possibly Midoriko to keep that balance. And now I'm rambling on a tiny useless bit of info. Sorry, i tend to be overanalytical and I overcomplicate things. 

Anyway, I am truly loving this story and I hope you can find the inspiration to continue with your story. I am looking foward to seeing how it will both echo your original work and possibly shift in a new direction.  I know inspiration can't be forced but I still hope you find both the ideas and the time to do so. take care and please keep on wiritng

Kayelyn (Chapter 7) - Sat 04 Aug 2012

Poor Inu...He will never be the same will he? Even if should come back to sanity, his mind has been overtaken by his darkness for too long that there is really no coming back. He will not be able to live with the things he has done, even  if they were at the hands of Kikyo. It's just so unbelievably sad. You captured a fragmented mind so perfectly, I have goosebumps. Sesshomaru has all the confirmation that could ever be gained, and yet he still hesitates. Kagome is his, by his blood and his want, but he cannot get over who she travelled with first. In reality, or at least mine, Kagome never belonged to Inuyasha. He never claimed her as a man or a youkai claims a woman. He claimed her as his companion, his pack, but never his. His mind too clouded by Kikyo and her return to the "living". Silly man. And a sneaky Kinawai letting Kagome overhear that conversation.

Kayelyn (Chapter 6) - Fri 03 Aug 2012

It seems Sesshomaru has all the conformation he needs. XD I really like this Frazzled!Sesshomaru. Normally, he is always so unaffected, even when there are things going on around him, within him, threatening to tear everything he knows apart. It definitely appeals to me as a reader to see this deeper/real-er side of Sesshomaru.I am wondering though if Sesshomaru may have made a mistake in spilling her blood in front of Kinawai. It's obvious that her blood is a powerful inticement, if Sesshomaru's reaction is anything to go by (maybe that is because he thinks Kagome his blood match), and it seemed that Kinawai is just as intrigues as Sesshomaru is. And as Kinawai is a demon lord too, he is just as capapble of helping Kagome unleash the beast within. 

On another note, it seems that Kasuka is extremely disliked by everyone, even the invisible servants. I'm wondering what she did to make her so hated, or if it's just her demeanor that puts everyone off. It's funny, but she reminds me of Sesshomaru in a way, with all of her harsh beauty, so beautiful but so cold and untouched/uneffected by everything around them. At least on the surface.

Kayelyn (Chapter 5) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

That was one hell of a kiss, and then he just...fled, ran out of there like a bat out of hell, or some freaked teenage girl. :snickers: I get why, I really do, but I couldn't help but LOL'ing at it. Back to the story. I am enjoying this panicked, stressed out Sesshomaru, all of the second guessing and the doubt. He wants her badly, and he knows that she is youkai, he knows this, but I find it strangely endearing that he needs all of this backed up by hard evidence, followed by a second opinion. But there is no way in hell his guests are not going to comment on that little display of freak out he had leaving the library, and I can't wait to see what they have to say, or what Sesshomaru will say in defense of it.

YAY for Sango and Miroku, and fluffy sweet romance of non doom! So Inuyasha the Necrophiliac didn't outright lie to them, Kagome really is gone, but he is doing some sneaky evading. Which makes me wonder, if the betrayel is one of his own making. Inu is not the brightest crayola in the pack, there is no way he could have kept up this facade of Kagome simply being gone, or hide his machanations. Somebody else is pulling the strings here, and me thinks it may be the clay pot. She just looked too vicious in Kagome's flashback scene. 

Kayelyn (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

O.O If Rin wasn't so cute, I bet he would kill her. 

So Kagome is a youkai. She is taking this all in great stride, maybe it because of the shock or maybe she just doesn't want to freak out in front of Sesshomaru, hell maybe she just wants answers. Whatever the reason, I am thankful. I, like Sesshomaru, expected a huge meltdown of epic porportions filled with shrieking and tears, and I am a huge fan of the Kagome that can keep it together. I am also presently surprised that she wishes for the seal to be broken. Normally, Kagome is all "I'm just fine the way I am thank you very much", and is not fighting/not wanting to get rid of the seal. I do feel bad for her though, because what she is now is merely a mask of who she really is, will the core of who she is change, will she be unleashing a monster are thoughts that are probably running through her mind. I wonder , however, why her demonic aspects are choosing now to appear. SHe has been around Sesshomaru before now, as well as other very powerful youkai like Menomaru, bleeding and everything, so why now? What is the significance of this specific time?

Kayelyn (Chapter 3) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

It seems that more and more, Sesshomaru is running off his instincts, the wants of his "baser" self. It is amusing though that logic and reason absolutely refuse to acknowledge the baser half, but when it steps too far out of their comfort zone higher reason gets frantic (i.e. bringing Kagome to the fortress and the giving of blood). Speaking of the giving of the blood! Sesshomaru gave off hints that the blood is sacred, not to be given out, but he has had Kagome's blood ( though she appears human, she is obviously not just human) as well as partaking in the blood of other females. I wonder what kind of effect this has had on Sesshomaru, because he did talk about potential violence and unstabilty.  I know, I know, he is the almighty demon lord and that is beneath being affected, but Kagome's blood is obviously different. I can't help but wonder if it is more than instincts at play here, and if her blood is bonding him to her and now that he has given her his Kagome will start to be bound to him as well.

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