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Kayelyn (Chapter 34) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

Oh holy mother of all things smut! *fans herself* That was...awesome. It was incredibly well written and very intimate at the end. Beautifully done lemon, tasteful and erotic! And now they are finally bonded...I wonder what she said, and if Sess gets the results he wanted.

I'm really interested to see how this effects (affects?) the relationship and how they progress from here. 

As always this was a joy to read!

til next time, lovely

CuddlesforSesshomaru (Chapter 34) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

As my boyfriend would say: "Emily, you're doing your scrunchy face. What's wrong?" And I would reply: "MissKatt posted a new chapter and then......" Continues into a five minute conversation as to what you did to make me "scrunchy face" and then he would simply shake his head and continue to play xBox. 

Awkwardly enough, this has happened. You awesome writers love to simply leave us readers hanging. I suppose its part of the appeal in a way. It makes us check our emails and come back frequently. Haha. Anyway, YAY!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!....But BOOOOOOOO on the cliff hanger. Dangit! I was so excited, then dead end. :( (Only because I haven't figured out a emotocon for my "scrunchy face") Please update soon. Otherwise I may be back to ramble on your review page and leave many many reviews XD. 

Thanks for writing :))) 

Emily (Cuddles) 

Bunny-chan (Chapter 33) - Wed 28 Mar 2012

I have to say that I was really disappointed when I couldn't click NEXT. ^^ I LOVE ur story!!! Even at the parts where it made me frustrated, like u said it makes a good story! Please update soon! On the edge of my seat ^_^ I also wanted to add that everything you've done with the story so far is great, the only thing I don't really like in fanfics is Rin or Shippo calling Kagome or Sesshomaru "otou-San" or "oka-san". They don't call them that in the anime or manga so it kinda isn't in character. I know they assume the mother father roles but I digress...^^ but other than that, LOVE LOVE LOVE ur story!!! Keep up the good work! ^-^

lady of the west (Chapter 1) - Sun 25 Mar 2012

update please !!!!!!!!!

miffed (Chapter 33) - Sun 25 Mar 2012

The cliffy is killing me ;A; I've always been lurking but I have never reviewed. I'm reviewing because I WANT MY FIX. ;A; Please? Pretty please? Will you write faster if I give you cookies? No? A Sesshy plush doll? Aha! That's exactly what you want! Update and maybe you'll get one. MUHA HA HA HA! *goes crazy*

zandria (Chapter 1) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

love your stories can't wait fot the next updates :)

Kayelyn (Chapter 33) - Mon 19 Mar 2012

Yes, Sesshomaru, they do want each other. Why else would she fight to get back to you, you idiot! Complete the dang bond! Ahhhh Katt, I love you and I can't wait for the next update. 

Ash (Chapter 33) - Mon 19 Mar 2012

OMG i love this story so much! you are such a fantastic writer! i'm so looking forward to the next chapter :)

Venita (Chapter 33) - Sun 18 Mar 2012

Great chapter, please update soon.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 33) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

You know, Sesshomaru... ASKING is a wonderous thing. Just look at what you recently learned doing so.

I like that he's thinking about their HEARTS. An unexpected but cherished addition.

Thanks for writing.

henandchicks (Chapter 33) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Oh, and I love me some jealous Sesshomaru!  I can't wait for Kouga's arrival!

henandchicks (Chapter 33) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

Aw, come on, Sesshomaru!  Let the beast loose!

koneji (Chapter 33) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

The lime was wonderfully and tactfully done! I'm glad that their relationship is starting to show more and more depth and understanding. And I love the poetic end you wrote there~ I can't wait for the next chapter!

Huntress11 (Chapter 33) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

aw so sweet. poor sessh/ please upload soon

Loveyaa (Chapter 32) - Sat 10 Mar 2012

Your story is amazing. I saw one of the pictures and decided to read it and I'm glad I did. Although now I have to wait for the next chapter just like everybody else. I lik that you seem very true to Sesshoumaru. He's starting to get these 'feelings' and yet doesn't know how to deal with hem while Kagome is overly emotional. I enjoy how you have the reasoning behind everything. But poor Kagome who has been through so much. And will we get to learn what was up with Akito. I can't wait to see what happens next though :)

Venita (Chapter 32) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

Keep it coming.

koneji (Chapter 32) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

Your solution for the consequences of Inuyasha's actions is something new. Most would have him outright killed or even left behind and forgotten, so it's nice to see a fresh idea out there! Keep up your awesome writing!

henandchicks (Chapter 32) - Fri 09 Mar 2012

Oh, I love how Sesshomaru is feeling possessiveness and jealousy and doesn't know how to deal with it.  Your character development is wonderful!

Sp@ceMonkey (Chapter 9) - Sun 04 Mar 2012

I'm loving this story so far, though the constant mentions of Sesshoumaru as "the dark lord" TOTALLY makes me think you're talking about Voldemort for like .5 seconds every time I read it.


Keep up the good work! :p

Heart Eater (Chapter 31) - Sat 03 Mar 2012
You are AMAZING!!! I love this chapter completely! Please keep up your awesome work and don't let the haters (if there are any) get you down! ~Heart Eater

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