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Kiyoshi_Snow_Leopard_Demon_Assassin (Chapter 39) - Fri 01 Jun 2012

You are so mean for cutting it off there right when things were starting to get better you drop a bomthinks this one on us. Hurry and update I'll die if you done do so soon!

Lillian (Chapter 39) - Fri 01 Jun 2012

WOAH WOAH NOO NO NO N NO NO nooooo not okay not okay. Fix ittttt!! *bites fingernails!* Katt, you're killing me here. It's like watching a trainwreck happen!

AB (Chapter 39) - Fri 01 Jun 2012

Comme on! Please spare us of this nigthmare! I think you are exagerating with angst thing!

always with the cruelty!!!!!! couldnt leave review in box fr (Chapter 39) - Fri 01 Jun 2012

Kayelyn (Chapter 39) - Thu 31 May 2012

That was so heartwrenching, but soooo touching at the same time. Sesshomaru's words to his pup just.....T^T. And HA! Take that Shamrai and Sakura! Hehehehe I can not wait til you get your comupence.

As always perfectly done, Katt love. Love Love LOVE seeing you in my inbox!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 39) - Thu 31 May 2012

That no good, conniving, two-bit, Elder.....BASTARD!!! Leave it to the three of them to ruin a good thing. I'm glad the female Elder is suspicious of 'Masaru'. I hope Sesshomaru gets back from the East soon or better yet, find out that this was all planned by those two wenches Sakura, Shamrai and that damn Main Elder. *sharpens edge of poker*. I want more!!

CheeseCake (Chapter 38) - Sun 27 May 2012

please....please im gonna kill sakruda or what ever her name is in my mind if you dont continue!!!!!!! :( yes she's preggo!!!preggo!!!!!!preggo!!thjaat servies the nasty sakurda bitch ass..sorry for the language

ArisaChan (Chapter 38) - Sat 26 May 2012

Awwww yay! I wonder how Sakura and the elders will react!

Sion Alphaios (Chapter 38) - Fri 25 May 2012

I am very intrigued by where you are taking this story. Keep up the good work! ~SA

Tinabug (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012
I love this story. I hope know that she is pregnant she doesn't have to go through to much more considering all she has gone through and someone kick the elders ass and hopefully kags does it or sess!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

Booyaka! A REAL heir! :happy dances:

You know... I was thinking after posting my last review that it could be interesting having Inuyasha discover Sakura and the shape changer's duplicious plan. That would be a pain... getting anyone to believe him though. Could we instead have that nice female elder walk in on them? I'm sure the servants could find out easily enough, but like Inuyasha I worry no one would take them seriously.

On a brighter note, won't Sakura be disappointed that the villagers didn't turn on Kagome!

I do hope they're smart enough not to share with the bitch Kagome and Sesshomaru's good news.

Thanks for writing.

JeniNeji (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

IS OVER?!?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOO! I want to read more ! T_T Miss! :'(

JeniNeji (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

:/ Oh, Kami! How embarassing!

JeniNeji (Chapter 37) - Wed 23 May 2012

:Kills Sakura: :kills Shamrai: :kills Sesshomaru [for not sniffing the brat right]:

JeniNeji (Chapter 36) - Wed 23 May 2012

WHAT?!??!?!?! MISS?! HOW could YOU do this?! T_T This is terrible!!!!! Not that much, but BUT... SHOCKING! SHOCKING! You should have said:


AN: may suffer a HUGE shock, be prepared!!!!!!!!!

randomfan17 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

Haha, the examination was more explicit than the lemon.Sakura's a bitch, inside and out. I hope there's an assissination attempt against her and Sesshomaru laughs in her face when she demands he protect her. If only Sakura could see how much they like Kagome instead of her skanky self. I liked this chapter, can't wait to see the next one as well.

princessofdarkness0789 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

HA beat that stupid elders and sakura!!! The true heir to the west will be born soon!!! As you can tell Im happy with this new development! Great Chapter. can't wait to see what the elders have to say about this. Can't wait till the new chapter.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012
Great chapter, I'm glad Kagome is pregnant. I can't wait to see the reactions of Sakura, Masaru and the Elders, when they found out that Kagome is pregnant with Sesshomaru'su heir. I wait for Sesshomaru to abolish the Elders, they have too much say in the Land of the West. Please update soon.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 37) - Wed 23 May 2012
Poor Kagome, I can't believe Sesshomaru would believe their lies, I can't he smell the lies on Sakura and Masaru, this is crazy. I hope those two are found out, before they break the bond. Please update soon, Happy Mothers Day!

see03 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

Ahh, the joys of pregnancy!

I'm glad you explained the Elder's postions - at least now I understand why Sesshoumaru let them bully him so much. The assholes.

God, I can't wait for the truth about Masaru to come out, though D: I can't take much more of this, especially now that Kagome is pergnant with a true heir.

Also, Sakura's a bitch. I can honestly say I don't like Kagome's acceptance of this situation - and I don't agree that it makes he appear to be the 'bigger person', particularly because I was raised to fight for the things you want - but I can...understand, at least.

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