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NicoRavenPen (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

~~What are you talking about, not too horrible!! That was vicious, woman! Vicious! TT__________________TT     So, so mean....The only reprieve is in the fact that he doesn't really have a son....I hope this is resolved soon....*huddles in a corner and cries*

Kayelyn (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

*GASP* That (&^(*&(&^ (&&^(&^(&*^  lying no good )*&(^(&^(&*&^*&^(&%*&(^(*& beyotch!

However, I am so so so glad that it is all an illusion.

*deep calming breath*

I will not lie, I teared up a little bit when Kagome lost to Sakura. It was so heartwrenching, especially now that they have truly bonded... I would not want to be those two if Sesshomaru finds out.

I love you! This is so full of wangst and drama that is is keeping me on the edge of my seat. Such an awesome read and so well written. Gah! I love this story more and more every chapter.

Knight of Disorder (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

You remember that remark I made last time I reviewed about a thought I would save to see if it came true?

It did. I was right. I thought it strange that she had a kid by him suddenly and then there was that demon that could shapeshift. I was right. YEAH!!!

I hope you don't do what I think you're going to do though. If you do, I might just hate you.

Selazul (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Ooommggg this chapter made me sooo.  .... Ugh . I know we have to go through a plot ark but eesh I hate seeing them go through this horrid mess...  Let Kags stand up for herself and pimp slap that Sakura in the face... Super happy that's not actually sesh kid too.   No me gusta.  wonderful story still ...

Jenn (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Yes I knew that bitch was lying!!!!!!! Awesome story please upload more i'm addicted to your story lol.

ap (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

so happy you're back! i couldn't take the waiting!  and i'm glad that's not really sesshomaru's kid lol.  can't wait to see how (if?) they make it out of this mess.

princessofdarkness0789 (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I knew it. I knew it! that Sakura @#$%^ was up to something. She and that thing just need to be gone!!!!! You left off at a great part but i still want more. I love reading this story.

Sarah (Chapter 36) - Mon 14 May 2012

You are an amazing writer!! I am in love witht this story! Cant wait for more chapters!! :)

Knight of Disorder (Chapter 36) - Wed 09 May 2012

So far... well let's just say that it's hard to put into words. Again, really good story... if not a little to heavy on the kick the puppy. Really, it's not fair to kick the puppy that often. On occasion yes, but really? She is nearly raped twice? That's what I want to say, it might have been more I really zoned out when those moments came on. Had to deal with an emotionally deficient lover, and now you're going to smack her up side the head like this. That's just unfair my dear. Well, it's how it will be. I will still finish it, you broke the tension often enough to keep me entertained so I might as well make sure I am here until the end...

Any idea how long this is going to be...?

Knight of Disorder (Chapter 24) - Wed 09 May 2012

I want to make one thing clear. So far, I both hate and love this story. I hate it because I hate rape, even if it doesn't happen, even if it's just a dream. It's fucking horribly. Excuse my language. I hate this sudden appearance of some demon or monk of the future. I read the titles and it seems like this gets cleared up at some point soon but still, it bothers me to no end. Anyway, I love it because well, it's good. Really, really good. Oh well, I will keep reading this one unlike the others.

ap (Chapter 36) - Tue 08 May 2012

come bacccck! you left it with such a huge cliffie.  that was mean :p 

i can't wait to see how this all plays out- could the kid have some sort of concealment spell on him and not really be sesshomaru's?

Mysticangeldust (Chapter 36) - Fri 04 May 2012

Now that I've gone back and read it two or three times I understand it better!


Again wonderful story! You're really making them fight for happiness, and I'm sure it'll all work out in the end! I eagerly await more!

Mysticangeldust (Chapter 36) - Fri 04 May 2012

I really love this story!


Though I'm a little confused... if Kagome read the history of the Four Points, and seems to already have known that this would happen... wouldn't she have been a little less shocked when it actually did? If she'd already known that she would not be the Lady for long wouldn't she have started to mentally prepare herself at least a little bit? She seems completely shocked and overwhelmed at the news as if she never saw it coming.

DescendingFrost (Chapter 36) - Mon 30 Apr 2012

.__. I could literally cry right now. Oh please oh please update soon! This is killing me!

Faded Names (Chapter 36) - Mon 30 Apr 2012


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 36) - Sat 28 Apr 2012
Poor Kagome, please update soon.

HanyouKagome962 (Chapter 36) - Sat 28 Apr 2012

DAMN IT!! Poor Kagome!

Ana (Chapter 36) - Sat 28 Apr 2012

I know the gender is supose to be angst, but this goes beyond that. It's turning to be boring because the only the characters are always suffering. That doesn't make sense. You should be over with the drama, it is really enervating.

ArisaChan (Chapter 36) - Sat 28 Apr 2012

awww you are indeed a wonderfully cruel author. update soon!!!! <3

Crystal Sheldon (Chapter 36) - Sat 28 Apr 2012

poor couple, but they'll get through it and KAgome will have a son. so much heart ache

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