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Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012

Nooooooo! Why u wanna torture us?! waaah they r happy for like 2 seconds and BAM things go down the drain. Can you pretty please make em happy for a little longer, for more chapters before you make them and us suffer again :P? I will give u cookies!! ps- i cant wait for the next chapter and hope to see them happy again soon. 

EtherealCrescent (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012

Firstly, the last chapters lemon was sensual and decadent and I highly enjoyed it.

Secondly, Wow. I doubt there has ever been a better place to throw in a twist like that ever and I love the drama you have now incorporated. It was written beautifully and you've got me on pins ands needles. Update soon :)


TruGemini (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012

Damn...right when things started coming together, we now have this. Will Kagome give up and move on or will Sess let go of his pride and fight to keep her? I see drama coming soon!!!

see03 (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012

Now for a second review after my utter shock has somewhat dissapated...

Very surprising and well written! I can kinda see why she found so hard to Sesshoumaru, but I agree with Kayelyn, there must be another reason why Sakura waited so long to tell him about Masaru.

see03 (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012

Well shit.

Kayelyn (Chapter 36) - Fri 27 Apr 2012


I was so not expecting that! What an awesome, AWESOME twist! I cannot wait to see how this unfolds, and the real reason that Masaru was hidden from Sesshomaru bc I seriously doubt it was because Sakura was worried about him. *glares at Sakura*

I also really enjoyed the flash back. The whole chapter was perfectly set up to drop that drama bomb. Loved it!


As always, nicely written and well done!

Bunny-chan (Chapter 35) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

*blushes* Awesome lemon and chapter!

Kayelyn (Chapter 35) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

O...M....G! Back to back super-hot lemons! *squuuuueee* *fans herself off*

Hmmm Kagome's youkai nature has me really intrigued. Since her markings are still on her face, I wonder if it has become a permenant thing or if it will develop into more. Can't wait to find out!

Nicely done, Katt love!

Crystal Sheldon (Chapter 35) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Hehe, great chapter, love the girl talk, and the lemon! Kagome's wild side coming out is fun, and her marking him, that was great. wonderful job and looking forward to more

JeniNeji (Chapter 35) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Oh! So sweet! This was an awesome way to procrastinate in my writing! :giggles: Thanks for writting!

Crystal Sheldon (Chapter 34) - Mon 09 Apr 2012

An amazing story, and so true to thier characters. Great job and wanting more. =)

JeniNeji (Chapter 34) - Fri 06 Apr 2012




:$ Well done!

JeniNeji (Chapter 33) - Fri 06 Apr 2012

Hmn, hes taking this heart matter seriously. Im glad :3

JeniNeji (Chapter 32) - Fri 06 Apr 2012

Phew! At least Inuyasha wasnt killed :) I'm happy because of that AND those two need to get together soon! ARg!

His Lady (Chapter 34) - Mon 02 Apr 2012

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love love LOVE your story, I love how you did the plot, I love how you just did everything please update this soon lolz and dont let it end anytime soon...(well a girl can hope cant she)

henandchicks (Chapter 34) - Sat 31 Mar 2012

That was worth waiting for!  The image of Kagome's and Sesshomaru's hair falling together in a ppol of silver and black was beautifully described - I could just picture it in my mind!

Bunny-chan (Chapter 34) - Sat 31 Mar 2012

Woohoo! Loved this chapter!!! It's just how I imagined it would happen! Nooo another cliffy! Jeez u know how to get us readers on the edge of ouR seats! Thank u Miss Kat for this wonderful read ^_^

ArisaChan (Chapter 34) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

Awww Yay! What a wonderful chapter, I love your writing style! Perfectly descriptive and the story is woven so nicely and not too rushed or too slow. For my tastes it's just right! I can't wait to read the next chapter and see what you have in store for our favorite characters!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 34) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

*claps for the lemon* That was a fun chapter. And Inuyasha knew what he was getting himself into when it was decided that he would serve under Taku and Tekkan; a serious butt-whooping. I wonder whatever happened to that Kikyou impersonator Shumrai. Was she killed or did she go into hiding? I'm not sure if we've seen the last of her. Want more.

lady of the west (Chapter 34) - Fri 30 Mar 2012


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