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Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 19) - Tue 12 Jun 2012

•0• I can't believe Inuyasha would tell bits of her secret to the enemy. Not matter how small. And come in his nose should tell him or brain for that matter should know that's not kikyou. 


Any who awesome chapter

nikisan (Chapter 40) - Mon 11 Jun 2012

ohmygod! *throws shoe* what was up with that cliffhanger!!! great story though, keep it up!


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 40) - Sat 09 Jun 2012
This is bad I hope Kagome is okay and the baby live, Sakura better die for her crimes. Please update soon.

xoMIA ;) (Chapter 1) - Fri 08 Jun 2012

okay so i saw your story on fanfiction and decided to read it on here because i wanted to see the unedited version, and i'm not done reading it yet i just got to chapter 37 but i've been reading it non stop and it's so wonderful! i've laughed and giggled, got turned on, got so mad i wanted to throw my phone across the room. it's just great :) i can't wait to catch up completely!!!

Katelynn (Chapter 40) - Fri 08 Jun 2012

Omg!!!!!! Please please please update soon!!!!!! Best story ever!!! Here I was just reading then she has her baby and bam end of chapter!!! Please for my sanity update!!!!!!!

Meg (Chapter 40) - Thu 07 Jun 2012

You are extremely evil! Please update!

kristal (Chapter 40) - Thu 07 Jun 2012

AH!!! that it...oh how a hate clif hangers so much!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 40) - Thu 07 Jun 2012

Fewmets... and I was hoping female Elder-sama would have found out about EvilElder before the pregnancy was over. Or at least about his chosen "punishment" for Sesshomaru. Shouldn't that have been a decision to include ALL the elders anyway? Such a chance of damaging a child of the Western bloodline, even if they believe there is already an heir.

I hope Taku tattles to Sesshomaru AND female Elder-sama. I can't wait for Sakura to be stringed up by her guts until she dies for her now compacted treachery. Bringing false heir and attempting to kill the true heir? oh yes... this will be very bad for her once evilElder is taken down. Or before, when she's caught first.

Thanks for writing.

InuAtashi (Chapter 40) - Thu 07 Jun 2012


randomfan17 (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

Crazy bitch, didn't even do it for a good reason, then again crazy people never have a good reason. Glad her baby lived, hope they take care of her and get her back to the past soon.

Anonymous (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

Love the story, but not the angst, there is way too much of it. Romeo and Juliet had less angst and they both commited suicide. Yes I compared this story to a great piece of literature, because this is truly a very good story and I want you to know that above all. My breaking point was... Even though Kagome is Sess's mate, by bringing Sakura in the way you have (even though it is a lie), you have turned Kagome's child into a bastard...just like Inuyasha.  The next thing we know, you'll be putting Kagoma and Inuyasha back together. Please no more angst.  Get Sess/Kag back together and resolve this...PLEASE!!! I am on my knees begging. The Cliff Hangers I can deal with...Keep that up.  Anticipation is a great thing.

His Lady (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012


kagsesskyo (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012
OMG!!! That is a huge cliffy! Please update soon, I want to know what happens to the pup!!!!

Kiyoshi_Snow_Leopard_Demon_Assassin (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

You can't end it there I must know what happens next! I can't stand the suspense!

Kayelyn (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

Poor confused Kagome. Although, it amused me when she started acting like Sesshomaru near the end.

I'm so glad that Taku found her quickly, and that Inuyasha was able to think and act fast.

So the pup's out, hopefully it is ok and not hurt permenantly or otherwise.

And OMFG Sesshomaru is going to lose his ever loving mind.

Sakura is gonna GET IT. *rubs hands and chuckles evilly*

see03 (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

I do not recall reading anything about a warning, so...nyeh nyeh!

But warning aside, I actually found this chapter not worrying me at all. Maybe its all the bad stuff that has already happened, but...I find myself strangely optimistic right now that everything will be okay.

That aside, I sincerely hope Taka tells everybody what Sakura did to Kagome, trying to kill the pup. You better punish the bitch well - we're all eagerly awaiting it!

Sorrows Amaranth (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

That was a really mean cliffy! :(


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 40) - Wed 06 Jun 2012

SOmebody needs to stab Sakura's ass, prefeably one of the twins. Hell, BOTH of the twins. Add Inu to the mix. THere should be a line of people waiting to stab her. Hope the puppy's ok. More please! 

see03 (Chapter 39) - Mon 04 Jun 2012


*breathes slowly and deeply* I have to remind myself this is a Dark Fic. Dark things will happen. Dark things will happen.

...Okay, I think I'm good. All that being said, I'm glad this isn't the type of Dark Fic where Sesshoumaru is unsure of whether he wants to keep Kagome. His dedication and love for her is the only thing sustaining me through their hardships - likely it is the only thing sustaining Kagome too, aside from the pup!!

A thought hit me as I was reading, though. What if Sesshoumaru explained things to Inuyasha? Inuyasha could then watch over Kagome and the pup, feeding it his own youkai - as you said, siblings share minor similarities in aura and scent. Perhaps it would be enough to help the child grow? It would also have the double benefit of bringing new favour to Inuyasha and showing him that family sticks together - Inuyasha went away because he lost track of that. He needs to be reminded of the family he has that loves and supports him - Kagome's pup would be a brilliant reminder.

Also, congratulations on your award!!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 39) - Sat 02 Jun 2012
This is so cruel to have Sesshomaru be away from his pup for four months, and to have him agree it's just crazy. Please update soon.

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