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Crystal Sheldon (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

yay! Kagome's preggy! i knew it as soon as there was a difference. and since the first hier isn't an hier...can't wait till thats uncovered. please continue!!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

It seems like NO ONE likes Sakura as the 'Western Lady' or the Elders and their tired old ways. If only that conniving bitch knew how the people in the inuyoukai village REALLY felt about Kagome. Hope Sesshomaru gets rid of them soon. And something tells this neko problem in the East has Shamrai's name written all over it. Or it could be Hekai. Maybe? Want more!

Kayelyn (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

SQWEEEEEEE! Pup time! Yay! This has made my morning, seeing your name in my inbox. LOL

This turned out so so so good! And I got a soft lemon, you know how much I like zestiness of any kind! ;) I really like the way that Kagome is handling all of this. In my opinion, she is acting as any ruler/Lady should in this situation which also will keep the people on her side.

I can't wait to see how the rest of it fleshes out!

Love you bunches!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

BANZAI!!!! Kagome is PREGGERS?!! YAY!! *does happy dance* Take that, Sakura-sama! I WANT MORE!!

Kit (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

Can I please, please, please kill Sakura? That bitch deserves nothing less than a brutal, painful slaughter for her traitorous transgressions. First, I'll chop off her fingers, one at a time. Every finger that ever touched Sesshomaru is getting sliced right off. Then, I'll rip out her jugular and boil it, I'll make "Masaru" eat it. I'll rip out her tongue for all those lies and orders she used it for. Then I'll skin her like the no good mangy beast that she is, and hang it from a pike like a trophy. Muhahahahhahahaha...just a suggestion of course :) I love your story! Update soon pleaseness!

His Lady (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012


I don't know why but this chapter doesn't seem as long as the others but irregardless it was good

Now I need themyo realize that heffa Sakura is lying and sesshomaru needs to chop her head off like now. 

wc1334 (Chapter 38) - Wed 23 May 2012

oh yay!! it's finally getting happier!! 

randomfan17 (Chapter 37) - Fri 18 May 2012

Oh thank god! I thought the bitch really was hiding a kid. Now just for someone to find out and kill both of them, that'll make my Christmas this year.

ArisaChan (Chapter 37) - Fri 18 May 2012

O.O AHHHHHHHH They must find out about this decit!!! Oh noooo Kagome and Sesshomaru shouldn't have to deal with that! Update soon! Get rid of that evil Sakura xD I'm getting way to worked up over this chapter haha!


Anyways it was very well written love the twist! Keep up the good work!

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

ah! Now all the fakers have to do is be caught!

... ... hopefully SOON.

Thanks for writing.

see03 (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

I have to admit...this chapter didn't please me at all. Actually, the decision you had the Elders make had me quite ready to stop reading this story entirely until you thankfully revealed that Masaru is actually Shamrai - which can only mean that they will be found out in time.

Now I'd like to explain just why this chapter upset me so.

1) when it boils down to it, I want Sesshoumaru and Kagome to be together - I wouldn't be here otherwise. And I've always hated it when stories have a love triangle - especially one that can actually threaten to tear the couple apart. That was a large reason behind my hang-ups with Kikyou when the series was still updating. Since then I've settled my feelings about her, and thanks to the last section of this chapter, I could settle my feelings over this too, but that gut-wrenching feeling of reading the Elder's name Sakura Western Lady was horrible, and I had a deep, awful moment of absolutely despising this chapter. The only thing that got me through it was the hope that it would get better right away.

2) I don't think the Edlers would have made that decision. During the medieval ages, in Europe and most likely as in Japan, marriages were blessed by God, and it was considered the epitome of sins to break up the marriage. For the Elders to then break up their mating, to me, says they liken themselves to the Gods, believing they hold the right to tear up such a union. It would make more sense - and be far more likely - that they would take Masaru to be raised in the Western Lands, and Sakura would lose all right to her son to prevent disorder in the Lands, within her subjects - because Kagome is well-loved - and within Sesshoumaru, who loves her. People would rebel - for their love of Kagome and hatred of Sakura, who I doubt would make as compassionate a ruler - and Sesshoumaru would likely not create more heirs with Sakura, for his hatred of her, which would be bad - even among youkai, the survival rate of pups is probably not high - the more heirs the better.

Overall, it seems to me to not be the decision the Elders would actually make. It even seems more likely to me that they might order Sakura and Masaru to remain, so Masaru could be trained as heir, while Sakura would be made no better than a high class servant - no mate rights, her only worth being the woman who birthed the Western heir.

Anyway...I didn't really get out all I wanted, and I don't feel any better, thinking about their decision. What was with Kagome's reaction, also? I know you made a point of showing that she's controlling her emotions better, but you think she'd react a little bit more to these pompous assholes deciding FOR HER that her mate mark would be removed and Sakura would take her place. She seemed too happy that she would get to at least be Sesshoumaru's servant. Whoop de doo. She could be his servant all she wanted - if Sakura became the Western Lady, so would have to then contend with still loving Sesshoumaru and being reduced to an adulteress, because there's no doubt Sesshoumaru would give her up, even if she had to give up her position. Not to mention I've no doubt the Elders would order Sesshoumaru to mate with Sakura, to produce more heirs and raise the chances one of them would live to adulthood.

So to conclude, the decision doesn't seem to be one that the Elders would actually come to, in my opinion, and Kagome's acquiecence to that decision doesn't seem characteristic.

I hope I don't upset you with the review DX But I felt I really needed to say this, and that being said, I WILL still read this story, but kind to me.

Ashes (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Well... damn...

Yuriii (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

I do not like this, not at all!!! I know you will find a way to pull it together, but I am not happy with the direction you took. Sakura............ ughhhh why do you have to be so cruel!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!?!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!1

Ero (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

if this story is going tobe so heavy with agust and drama then updates need to be regular.... just saying. this is a lovely story but nothing more annoying having to weeks for an update with nothing much a cliff hanger. 

Ero (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

if this story is going tobe so heavy with agust and drama then updates need to be regular.... just saying. this is a lovely story but nothing more annoying having to weeks for an update with nothing much a cliff hanger. 

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012
Soooo, it seems that Sakura is playing dirty in order to get her way. I wonder how the Elders can just take her word for it that Masaru is the heir!? Can't they tell that Masaru is really Shamrai? I would hate to see what Sesshou would do to her and Shamrai once he finds out that they've all been deceived. I wonder if a shapeshifter has any telling weaknesses? Like if she was to be knocked unconscious, would her "Masaru" disguise still hold or would she return back to her true form? And I don't think that Sakura would make a very good Lady of the West considering that she only thinks about herself and what's happening in the present. I wonder how long it will take the Elders to realize that they've made a grave mistake in choosing Sakura to rule the West since she has no "leadership" skills whatsoever? I can't believe that the Elders can be so easily fooled. Also, I wonder if anyone has contacted Sakura's parents to verify her claim... Because that would be one way to prove if she was telling the truth. Please keep up the good work and update soon because I want to know who gets to ruin Sakura's plans. :P

Kayelyn (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Yeah, I'm reviewing again. Why? Because I'm a bad ass and I can. *nods*

I just want to say that yes, there is a lot of drama and angst in this fic; however, life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it is full of strife and heart ache, but the hard times make finding happiness (and keeping that happiness) that much sweeter and richer.

I, for one, think that this new plot twist not only adds to the story, but will also tie up all those loose ends. It's exciting, heartrending, heartwarming, and maddening all at the same time which is why I keep coming back update after update. And I will continue to do so until the very end. Keep up the amazing, AMAZING work.

Love you bunches! 


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Yeah, EPIC FAIL!!! Masaru is actually Shamrai?! I was wondering whatever happened to that bitch. Now I know. Will someone ever find out about those two bitches? FIX THIS ASAP!!

Pricila (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

Can one feel sick to their stomach after reading the chapter?  Yes.  Yes, they can.  I am sick to my stomach.  Why hasn't anyone noticed that he doesn't carry Sessh mark?   Ugh!  It's not right I hope they figure it out before the bond is remove and in the next Chapter too!!  Poor Sessh and Kags it's not right!  Please don't drag the last feW chapters out.

jk (Chapter 37) - Thu 17 May 2012

r u friggin kiddin me. i stopped reading your fic coz it got boring to read same thing agaimn n again sessh and kag havin prob coz of some dame or the elders and she not gettin any break.

  Today i read it to see how its goin again kag in prob with schemes. Dont mind i like the way u rite but cmon giv her some thin she just seems to suffer. Cant the poor thing have some happiness.

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