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AnimeLady04 (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

bittersweet moment  =^_^=


However, I still think Inukimi should figure it out - Kagome's and Inu's situation.

Now I wonder who is trying to kill Inu. Bet Sess goes to war over this. The coward is not only attacking dishonorably, but attacking a Prince of the West.

sesshouscat (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

:::hugs:::: I love you omg I love you, i love you, I love you my inter net when down so I was able to have two happy 

chapters this week. Now to go to bed and have fluffy dreams XD

up date before I wake up the fluffy lord demands if XD AND I GOT FRESH BAKED COOKIES

Pleasantly surprised (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

This story is so cute it's irresistible. I absolutely love it. At first I ignored it because I thought it would be one of those typical damsel in distress, fight with inuyasha, then suddenly fall in love with his brother story but it's not and I absolutely love that fact. You are shaking things up withSesshomaru being the kind of first to realize that he has feelings for his brother's intended and for Kagome to stay true to her promise despite having feelings for her "finacee's" brother. Brilliant!!! I sincerely hope you continue doing whatever it is you've been doing and hopefully update more often.

EmmaLynnx (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

Omigosh! This is just simply amazing! You are out doing yourself, I can't wait for the next chapter!


Melissa (Chapter 21) - Thu 14 Aug 2014

Very interesting. I hope they find out who is behind all of this soon. But in the mean time it seems to be getting my favorite two closer together!!!

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 21) - Wed 13 Aug 2014

*chuckles* Love Kagome's rant. Completely justified I think. You had me worried for a minute when Sesshoumaru was injured. I love how you continue to keep the integrity of Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Very good. I'm happy with how things are progressing and can't wait for your next installment. Keep up the good work, ma'am!

Christina (Chapter 21) - Wed 13 Aug 2014

I love this story! And now that Inuyasha is known not to think before going into battle... I really think inuyasha should be the one to point out the attraction to Kagome! Just sayin'

Nicole (Chapter 21) - Wed 13 Aug 2014

awwww love the chapter!!!!! i feel so bad for kagome and having to see sesshoumaru in that state but it was a good thing for her to see so that she could show him how she feels for him.......can't wait till next chapter :)

NorthPeach (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Aug 2014

La! It's an update!!

Yay!! And like, when is Inuyasha going to read da signs?!

And Sesshomaru!! Just what do you think you're doing!!??

Gah! Men!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 20) - Mon 11 Aug 2014

Aw! This is heartbreaking.

But I am unsure as why Inukimi has not figured it out. I can understand why Sesshomary has not figured out why Kagome refuses to end it with Inuyasha. Sesshomaru's heart after being touched is being torn apart by seeing her, smelling her, but unable to touch her or hold her as an intended mate should.

However, Inukimi is a third party to the drama so she should be able to figure out why Kagome is so insistent on mating Inuyasha. I think once Inukimi finds out and she starts investigating, she may find someone very close by that also has a love for Inu but like Sesshomaru might be holding back so as not to dishonor herself, Kagome, or Inu.


Cannot wait for more!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 20) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

Good chapter, keep it coming.

Melissa (Chapter 20) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

If Sesshomaru could only get over the human part. His heart is wiser than his mind. 

Ankita (Chapter 20) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

T_T poorr sessho plzz inuyasha notice kagome has feelings for sessho I know u have other problems to think abt but plzzz 

The fairy Shelley (Chapter 20) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

I want to cry, but I reviewed for two chapters in a row so I'm also proud. Please keep up the great work, you have your own shoes to fill. 

elizabeth (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

is decided kagome by sesshomaru and that then send inuyasha to the devil

Marie (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

Aaaaah! Just drag nails across the chalk bored.  Walk on hot coals.  Get dragged by a horse.  Idk but for all that is good.please release 2 chapters. These one chapters every once a month are killing slowly.   Pllleeeeeaaaasssseee and I dont want to her about rin and kohaku either.   Aaaaahhh!   Okay I feel better please take your time releasing your next chapter.....

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

I have to say you had me worried for a minute when you hadn't updated. Happy as always to see another chapter.

Once again you amaze me. The feeling from this chapter makes me so sad. Both of these characters recognized their feelings but are bound by their own morals. I can only hope that things work out for them both. It would be wrong for Kagome to go through with mating Inuyasha only to improve his status, which is what it sounds like to me she is doing. Especially at this point when she is realizing her feelings for Sesshoumaru. But of course she is fighting against them for Inu's sake.

I look forward to your next update. Great job!

Himura Asami (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

Ahh... Now he's avoiding her. She doesn't even get a chance to pull away because he's hiding! Though, I suppose,  to be fair, he did just go through something mildly depressing and heart breaking...

Oh snap. She's waiting in his office? Poor him.

Ooh! What exactly does Kimi-chan have planned? Something to cheer up her son, I hope. Honestly, I doubt it, but hey! I can hope. 

Okay. Here we go with the awesome format that only serves to inflict intense misery upon one such as myself. Really? She wants to lighten his work load and take on his stress and that's as far as it will go? That's the only way to show she cares? I mean, I already know, but still. It dodoesn't make it any less sad. (You're  terrible/awesome person).

Awwww! This is just  beautiful!  The lines  and the affection! This is so beautiful! I love the affection, you know I do.

AHHHHHHH!!! I feel like crying. He's so honorable.  I love him for that, but it's so sad. He's not the only one in turmoil here. Look at what you're doing to me. You're making me question my principles. How

could you?




Random mood change: perplexity. Well well. What could Kura mean? Who is it? That Inari woman? That's what I'm thinking, just got to be honest,  she seems like a jerky waspish entitled brat. Manipulative as well. As much as I hate her, I do look forward to seeing what she'll bring to the table. If the person Kagome needs to be wary of is actually Inari. Who knows...?




And here Miss Inari is. Mediating between the ranks? It seems more a Kagome thing. Unless she's being selfish with ulterior motives or planning to stir up trouble. Which is basically me saying I don't trust her. But you probably got that already.

Oh! I want her dead! Boom. Die. 

Okay, overreaction, but still. Looking at Kagome with a smirk after saying that? It's like asking me to rip her head off in my imagination! 

I was so prepared for Kagome's statement, but Kura jumped in. Darn. Let's go read what she said. Maybe it's a good thing she spoke first. Or not. She sort of sounds... not to smart. Blah! 

I knew Inari was causing trouble! Can't stand her, but I really don't mind her. It's totally contradictory,  but I really do want to see how she furthers the plot. It already seems like she's being set up as, at least,  a mild antagonist.  And I do love my antagonists, even when I hate them.

Ha!  A reasonable,  diplomatic and well informed answer. Goodness, I love that woman. Go Kagome! Because she's not trying to side with anyone. She's voicing her honest opinion and it makes sense, and the fact that both sides' arguments are validated in her answer is just a bonus. Excellently handled. 

Oh! That was so aweaome! I love the way she handled that. She went all fierce and firm when she called him out on his ignorance and idiocy! Love it. 

Hey, random thought: where is Yasha, exactly?

Oh. Kimi-chan excused her. Let's see where she takes this. I worry about whether or not Kagome will be inadvertently hurt the way Sesshomaru was because Kimi-chan is trying to help.

OH SNAP!!! This is what I have been waiting for. I hope she can say her peace in Yasha's defense. It's one of the thigs I love seeing her do.

Darn. I hate that she knows better. Oh well. Go comfort him! Or maybe he needs some time alone. It's always hard to tell with that one.

But it's nice to see Sesshomaru indirectly defending his brother. Really indirectly,  but still.

Oh... you just made me re depressed.  See! I was all passionate and righteously indignant!  And now, I'm all sad and mopey. You're a meanie. Why do I love you?

What? You mean it's over? I need more than that? Darn.

You ended it on such a depressing note...


I think I'm getting addicted.

If I weren't already...

Nessa Rios (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

My heart just wants them to be with each other already ????

Nessa Rios (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

I'm Loving this story, but I'm just so impatient for things to start with sesshomaru and kagome.  Despite me being impatient... This is siuch a great story. ????

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