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Mutnodjmet (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

Another excellent chapter. I like how you manipulate yours words so that the reader can actually feel the emotions of the three main characters meaning the anguish and heartache that is the conumdrum of Sess/Kag and Inu. Well, anyway, this is how I feel about this story. Great writing! I can't wait to read another chapter.

Nicole (Chapter 20) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

Love the chapter cant wait to read the next one. I love how u can tell who inukimi has chosen for her choice of the new hime :)

Marie (Chapter 19) - Sat 02 Aug 2014

I think my heart just broke for sesshomaru.    Dear me stupid kagome gotta be all noble and mess.   Pl3ase dont to long to correct the issue

NorthPeach (Chapter 19) - Sat 02 Aug 2014

Oh, look. I've been impaled. 

candy cane (Chapter 19) - Sat 02 Aug 2014

Please finish this story I enjoyed it greatly would love to find out what happens.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

 Episode 3 of Sailor Moon Crystal airs tomorrow. Poor Sesshomaru, keep it coming

Himura Asami (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

Super big smiles! I love this, you know.

The chuckling made me smile. I can't get over how relieved I am that he's okay with it. Seriously. 

Aww! I love the tender look! I love it! I'm just really in love now with everything.  And, thus, I am waiting to see how you manage to ruin it for me. I know you will. Or maybe you won't,  but the paranoia will manage it for you, so, technically,  you still will, wether you do or not, 



I'm blushing and giggling.  That trembling line was brilliant.  Poor Sesshomaru, she has no idea what she does to him, and I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse.

Oh! Darn! I suppose that does constitute as grooming. In her defense, the moment was way too hard for her to remember that. And I was freaking out, so I forgot too. Again, your fault. 

Ooh! He's going to her room? What is he going to do there? Is that a good idea right now? That's the real question. I mean, come on. After what had happened with Kagome at tye end of the last chapter, iI'm just wondering if she's in a proper state to see him... I'm suee she'll make an effort, but...

Oh my goodness! He's captivated by her beauty!  That's awesome. His heart rate sped up! Awesome! I love this!  You've got me on the edge of raptures...!

Oh, thank goodness. She's okay. The smile at her thoughts on him is good. She's not panicking or depressed or anything. This is good. Keep it up. Yeah. You can do this, Kagome!

AWWW!!!! She just managed to unconsciously fulfill one of his deepest desires! It was on accident! And he'd been waiting to hear that, and she said it. You're beautiful.

Oh! Oh! This is so heartwarming!  I love this! I feel so free right now. And so light.  I really get into this. Again, it's probably not healthy... but who cares? I love how... how do you describe a scene like this. A moment like this.... it's so still and so... perfect. I don't know, I don't have the right adjective, but this is just... everything I've ever wanted to read over and over again. Love! 

I had to drop my tablet with a squeak when this next part came up. Once more (in a surprising fit of coherence), I have to compliment your formatting. It's beautiful,  and the moments that you use it are so... well, you just know when it'll have the most impact. Like, right now, brilliant timing. It just makes everything so much more meaningful.  

But! We also have to address how anxious this is making me. His eyes are soft and she's flushing and he can't take his eyes off of her and that's as far as I got before I dropped my tablet. This is so startlingly intimate that I can't breathe. Because I know it can't amount to anything (hello, Inuyasha, I didn't see you there. No, nothing is going on with your bestie/fiancee and your half brother. Nothing at all!) but I still want it to, you know?

That's the adjective!  Intimate is the word I was looking for. The scene is so intimate.  I was way too worked up before to grasp it, hut there it is. 

Look what you're doing to me. You're taking away my basic knowledge of adjectives!  And adjectives are my favorite parts of speech! See what you do to me?

Oh! She looked away. I ddon't know whether to be relieved or angry that the spell was broken. Because it was totally a spell.

Ahhhhhhhh! It's not broken! Oh my goodness! I am so in love! It's not broken. Oh my goodness. Adoration!  I love that one! I love it! I can't not love this!


As much as I'm fangirling over here, I'm feeling a certain significance in this scene. Please let it be my imagination.  I have a vivid imagination, and you know I imagine random things that aren't actually happening. I would be so okay if I were wrong right now. The way she's trying to distance herself, but he's pulling her back ( He grabbed her hand! Oh my goodness! Ahhhhhhhh! I love it!)... it's totally just a fluke, right?  It's not their relationship is going to be like that, right? 

Who am I kidding?  Of course I'm not imagining it! This is going to be a thing, isn't it? Her pulling away from him while he's trying to pull her back? The very idea makes me wilt. Seriously.  I'm wilting.... 

Ah! That's brilliant.  Books! You go, girl! Read it up! 

Honestly? I almsot feel bad for him...

And now I don't because I'm squealing and blushing!  He's so amused and poor Kagome! She can't help it! Stop teasing her with your eyes, Sesshomaru!

Gosh... he's such a jerk. I love it! I don't know if I want him to quit stalling or keep on. See how ambivalent I am right now? Your fault. All you.

YASHA!!!!!!!! We missed him so much! He's so adorable. 

Now. Going to Sesshomaru's study? The both of them? Together? If they're discussing the fact that she's from the future, I'll freak. Mostly because I have no idea how Yasha will react.


I love her. Oh snap! This is so much worse than what I had imagined. 



Or better, given the fact that Kimi-chan is so excited to see Kagome.  I cannot wait!


Ahhh! His temples and her giggles and his mommy knows! I love this! Raptures! Raptures!



Her plan would benefit her son, but Kagome would never. She already made her promise. My heart is at a standstill.


I knew she wouldn't.  But how painful it must be.... for the both of them.



Sesshomaru doesn't understand her intentions,  and she's too loyal and honorable to turn her back on her best friend.



I both love and hate this. I knew you would ruin it for me. I just can't have a good time, can I? You just have to torture me...



I just feel so depressed. As depressed as Sesshomaru. And Kagome. So depressed. Oh...I'm in pain...

Still love the formatting though. Even though it makes the pain worse. It's like the situation is a stake and I'm a vampire. But with the format, it's like a garlic coated stake. And I'm still a vampire. See how hard this is? I'm sort of blank right now.

Why do I love your formatting again?

Do your best, Kagome! Do it! Inari is no match! Well... she is... darn. She's going to start showing up more, isn't she? This is great.

(Did you feel the sarcasm?)



The patting and the aching and the "go away..." This ended on a fairly depressing note.




elizabeth (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

kagome in this story  would be unfaithful to inuyasha with sesshomaru

Ankita (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

I just wish inuyasha would realise kags likes sessho I know he won't force her to marry him just for his sake T_T

Melissa (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

Poor Kagome. I know that very ache oh so well. I found that it is never good to deny the heart what it sees best. 

KT (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014
No, Sesshoumaru :( I really this can work out. Great story, I am eagerly looking forwards to the next update!

sesshouscat (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

T.T. OMG  I love it

i shall keep it as my let and. Brush and feed it as my very own and call it





great up date i do have some bad news Mirkou is visiting me so be wear of the 

pervert lol

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

I am so glad that I decided to read this story. I kept passing it up looking for a decent story to read and when I started reading this wonderful tale I fell in love. I stayed up all night reading it and by the time I came to this last chapter my heart was aching for Sesshoumaru. I am so looking forward to future chapters. Your writing skills are excellent in my opinion. You really know how to pull the emotional strings. I am so going to read any other stories you have written if I haven't already. :)

InumeT_FlyGirl (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

We possibly the best story I've read on Dokuga in a while! I'm enamored;captivated and utterly impressed with th progression of this story!   Can't wait for the next update(:

Eroviaa (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

Though Kagome is being True to her character she is sticking her head into the sand. She would be foolish to think that her feelings for Sesshomeru will just away. On top of that if she wins and goes through with her stubborn mating with Inuyasha she will still have to interact with Sesshomeru on the regular because he will be her lord as Lord of the West. She needs to be honest with herself. I believe there is nothing worse than being tired to someone when you love someone else. 

Kary (Chapter 19) - Fri 01 Aug 2014

I absolutely love this story.  I can't wait for you to write more. Please, I beg. 

Night Wraith (Chapter 19) - Thu 31 Jul 2014

This chapter was painful to read. I adored the interactions between Kagome and Sesshomaru and would like to kick and scream that Kagome is being stupid but can't. Kagome is being true to her promise and for once, Inuyasha is not being a jerk. Hopefully, he will release her from her promise. Kagome was very pragmatic in her reason for competing in the Hime Tradition and their arrangement had nothing to do with the love of a lover but as friends.

The fairy Shelley (Chapter 19) - Thu 31 Jul 2014

Oh, please update again soon! I know I don't review enough, but its like every time I finish a chapter and there isn't more my heart breaks a little. I just don't know if I can face it, telling you how awesome that chapter was. So I don't and then you make me wait days and days. I want to cry. Then finally I get that email and my spirt is lifted. I read the next chapter and it is SPECTACULAR! only to be broken harted again. God I'm dramatic.

PS your storys are addictive.

EmmaLynnx (Chapter 19) - Thu 31 Jul 2014

Oh wow this chapter was beautifully written such great emotion shown! I can't wait for the next chapter

Shezsnap (Chapter 19) - Thu 31 Jul 2014

My heart is crying with Kagome and Sesshoumaru in this last chapter..Great job! Can't wait to read more!!

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