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Moonlit Rose (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014


I think this may be my favorite chapter. There wasn't a lot of dialogue that would drown the underlining tone of the chapter. Once again, I love that Sesshoumaru is in character. You can still see the subtle development in their relationship. Kagome confusion to her reaction to Sesshoumaru and Sesshoumaru actually feeling regret and his actions are very telling. He is not a very vocal character. So I feel that you will see him expressing himself through actions more than words and I liked who you incorporated nature as sort of a silent witness. It gave the scene a sort of a whimsical feeling.

You never disappoint.

JeniNeji (Chapter 15) - Sat 05 Jul 2014

So heartwarming. I like that is Sesshomaru who is 'in love' with her. Usually Kagome is trying to get him to notice her at court and stuff... here well, she's oblivious while he is trying to calm his growing feelings for her. [Long review 'cause I am not in the phone ;P] Love your writing!

Anonymous (Chapter 15) - Sat 05 Jul 2014

I absolutely love your story and hope that you will continue to update it regularly. It helps significantly that there are few to no noticable grammar or spelling errors. Thank you for that and being willing enough to listen to both criticism and compliments

Eve (Chapter 14) - Thu 03 Jul 2014

Love your story!

update soon!


Marie (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Very nice do a sequel

elizabeth (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

kagome is slowly melting the ice heart of sesshomaru 

Himura Asami (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

This was beautiful.  I just...

This was breathtakingly beautiful.

However... II'm wondering about that Shin and the talk about Sesshomaru. Seriously,  I'm almost hoping something comes of it, just to see!

Beautiful!  I can't wait for more!

NorthPeach (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014


That's cuter than puppies and kittens and fluffy little thingss and OMG!!!


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Liking it, keep it coming.

EmmaLynnx (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Wow this is a beautiful story, an amazing chapter, and I'm glad to be a part of it! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Haven (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

First off, happy happy late birthday! Second 'off', loving the updates. It's so much fun to read How S & K are slowly understanding each other. I wonder how long before the show down with the snooty lady. That's going to be great. Keep up the great work.

sesshouscat (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014


(hugs chapter tightly) I a truly cried a it I'm so happy
























love thus chapter I shall cuddle it, and keep it and name it fluffy for my very own

(sighs in bliss) now to get ready for the 4th if July weekend thank you so much for the up date

as always your loyal reader seashoscat 

JeniNeji (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014


Melissa (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Absolutely beautiful.!!!!

Sleeping_lullabies (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Happy Birthday! Thank you for the update. :) it was fairly sweet that gave them a moment and deeper comprehension between Sesshomaru and kagome.  I wonder what will happen in the next chapter. Although i am left wondering what the two demons didn't say ...wondering.

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Aaaaw....this was a sweet little chapter, I personally enjoyed it a lot, and I have to say, you posting this chapter right at about 12am made it even more special because today is my birthday!!! So if you dont mind, I will call this my birthday present from you lol. Thank you forthe amazing chapter and keep the great job!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

*smiles* Another sweet moment between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Kagome also gets a little glimpse into Sesshoumaru's life and an explanation for why he dislikes 'demon society'. This no doubt will motivate Kagome to want to 'heal' him, so to speak. Once again, nicely done.

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

*smiles* Another sweet moment between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Kagome also gets a little glimpse into Sesshoumaru's life and an explanation for why he dislikes 'demon society'. This no doubt will motivate Kagome to want to 'heal' him, so to speak. Once again, nicely done.

KagomeTashio (Chapter 14) - Wed 02 Jul 2014

Belated birthday wishes


Can not wait for more of the story.

Brittney Thomas (Chapter 10) - Tue 01 Jul 2014


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