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butterflywings (Chapter 23) - Thu 04 Sep 2014


HaRa (Chapter 22) - Thu 04 Sep 2014

please go on.


princess of the western lands (Chapter 23) - Thu 04 Sep 2014

Oh my goodness. I don't know what to think. I hope kagome realises in time that inuyasha knows and he doesn't mind that they love each other. Will someone tel kagome what that mark means to demons perhaps she'll reconsider her actions. Could there be a female in the ranks that feels for inuyasha but fears being ridiculed or making more enemies?  What is going to happen when the ceremony for the hime begins? 


Update soon onegai 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Nice chapter, keep it coming.

WildcatYST (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Such a sweet fic! But a very sad chapter. I hope you update again soon. I really enjoy your characterizations, especially Kagome. You capture the traits I enjoy the most about her! 

Emily (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

I loved this last chapter! It was so full of emotion and I hated the last few sentences. The way Sesshomaru  was written great. You coved his emotions, love, and stowic manner So well! I cant wait to see how Kagome gets out of this moment.

Anonymous (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014


Heart wrenching.... Both are so stubborn! Both don't confess or explain WHY they act the way they do...(He has to appear stoic because he's a Lord. She loves InuYasha as a friend and is tryin to protect him)

But then that would make for a dull story.... Lovin' the drama....Even with my eyes filled with tears.....FANTASTIC STORYTELLING!!!

Looking so forward to more!


NorthPeach (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014


I- that- wasn't it- it just....


 That's so sad!!!

Ankita (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

Stupid stupid stupid kagome T_T why didn't you explain your only thinking about yourself you don't care how your words effect sessho T_T

jadeddrama (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

So much angst! I agree with some of the other reviews, Kags' motives seemed to have shifted from acceptance to protection. Not saying that it's a bad thing but I don't think Inu has ever been the type to just accept protection from others. He's always kind of forged his own way in things. Not sure if I can keep reading right now, makes me so sad! :( Maybe when I'm in a happier mood I can pick it up again :)

dancingfingers (Chapter 23) - Wed 03 Sep 2014

CAN I JUST SMACK 'EM WITH SANGO'S BOOMERANG? Seriously, Inuyasha has said much that he didn't wish Kagome to be trapped within her own promise while it makes her unhappy. Inuyasha is for once smart...


sesshouscat (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

( has done a re read of every thing hoping for earily chapters and sighs cause there are none)

(refreshes the page and email with hope to see Nothing) T.T

have I told you how much I love you

( I confess hoping to spark the  creative juices)

(sighs after doing yet another refresh on email and dokuga and nada)

i shall  Patiently await your next cliff hanger master piece 

elizabeth (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

kagome must first clarify their feelings and misunderstandings that there 

landofthekwt (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Kagome is a moron. IY gave Kagome permission to mate Sesshoumaru. Instead of doing so

Kagome decided to mate IY.

IY does not need anyone to protect him. He can kill any daiyoukai with the Backlash Wave and send anyone else to hell with the Meidou.


Night Wraith (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Ok. I went from totally loving Kagome in this story to being extremely annoyed with her now. Kagome has become arrogant in in her noble quest to protect Inuyasha and in doing so, is now treating him as a weak being that needs to be protected. Before it was about acceptance. Inuyasha is slowly gaining that. Now it's for protection. She has already admitted her love for Sesshomaru so she is now willing to allow Inuyasha second place in her heart? She's only fooling herself and is now hiding behind noble actions.  

Ok. Maybe I'm more than extremely annoyed and mad at her being obtuse.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

angst angst angst! all the angst! Waaaaaaaaaah!

*sniffle sniffle* and here I thought Sesshomaru was FINALLY going to go get her! ugh all this miscommunication.....Surely if he THOUGHT about her answer for just five seconds, he would be able to smell that she didn't confess her love our of a love for a lover (which means she would smell like lust). She claims to love him and her scent would remain normal. ay ay ay ay ay ay! Come on Sesshomaru you rule a whole land! You avoid political assinations and stuff surely you can figure this out!


And I am pretty sure now that Inu knows that Sesshomaru wants Kagome, he will be watching Kags and may even inquire her feelings on Sessh and Inu isn't stupid. Once he realizes she has feelings for Sess, Inu may conspire with Inukimi to get those two stubborn fools together. Although, we haven't seen Kagome's maid recently, I am still wondering if the maid has a....ahem....attachment to the hanyo prince ;)


Now for the mysterious assasination attmepts....I think multiple "leaders" are involved. With Inu out of the way, they may think Kagome would also back out of the Hime tradition or be easier to kill. morons/......

Cannot wait for more!

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Two steps forward, a million steps back.

I have to say I'm quite upset.

It seems that some people don't know how to communicate properly. Everyone is a victim of misunderstandings. Inu-yasha was under the impression that Kagome had feelings for Sesshoumaru, but apparently confused when Kagome still wants to mate him. Inuyasha is not a man of words so in his own way he was basically saying that she didn't have to mate him if her happiness was elsewhere. But she took that to mean something else entirely. Then Sesshoumaru misunderstood Kagome when he asked her if she love Inuyasha and she said yes (though as a friend in her mind), he took that to mean something else entirely.

I'm really pissed with Kagome right now.

Kagome is once again on her path of self destruction, sacrificing her happiness for Inuyasha. Kagome needs to realize that even if she decides to mate Inuyasha, while she maybe comfortable in the relationship, she will never truely be happy because she doesn't love him the way he SHOULD be loved.  That would be totally unfair to Inuyasha. She, also needs to understand that Inuyasha will NOT truely be accepted even if she becomes Hime because he would be taking an easy way out. He wouldn't really be earning his place and that wouldn't be doing him any favors. Especially, if there are those who still feel that he is undeserving of his rank.

Sesshoumaru has pretty much resigned to let her go and all this could have been avoided if some people would just swallow their pride and say what they need to say. Inuyasha is more than willing to let her go, he even didn't seem adverse to Sesshoumaru's desire to court her.

This entire thing is an emotional rollercoaster and quite frustrating. Someone needs to run interference with these people. Otherwise, they are going to be miserable.

Now that is out of the way, I will say that once again you've done a wonderful job transmitting the emotions from the characters to the reader. I love it.

You are probably one of my favorite author's right now and don't take that lightly. You are up their with some of the greats of the Kag/Sess Universe.

Can't wait for your next chapter. Please update soon!


Nicole (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

ahhh poor sesshoumaru......inuyasha better tell her so that she knows how sesshoumaru really feels for her

Marissa (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

I like this sstory, but it also makes me mad how Kagome and Sesshomaru act.

Haven (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Here's the only part that needs clarification, why would Sess just let the former Gon leader go without finding out who is the master plotter behind all this? He was nearly assassinated which I think is fair grounds to throttle the dude until he talks. Demon society is certainly savage enough that it would have been justified. Me thinks it was a missed opportunity that goes against what a good leader would do...not only protecting himself but a high ranking subject, Inu.

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