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Chizk (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

TT^TT Poor Sesshomaru~ the angstiness of all of this is killing me. I absolutely love the story though, it's so~ good even though the misunderstandings frustrate me. Please keep up the wonderful work! 

Haven (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

There sure is a lot of angst going on and mostly misunderstandings, too. Hopefully it won't go on and on. I know kagome is just trying to help but she doesn't seem to have much faith in inuyashas abilities. She needs to have more faith in Inu and sacrificing her own happiness is not going to do her or inu any good. Poor sess.

sesshouscat (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Oh my God you were just so evil I love it I love it I love it I love it and I love love love love love love love love love love love love it

I cried I laughed I screamed like a little girl again but this time I am home

you are so evil I love you I think I should torture the show little plush just like you're torturing me love the update love it love it love it love it

beachvilla (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Nooo!  Aw, poor Seshomaru. I may have teared up at the end. Can't wait for the next update, and hope it is soon. 

Marie (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Why does.kago.e have to mess everything up.  Darn that woman!  My heart is broken I dont k ow how much more.i can take

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 23) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

*fails about* No fair! O.o That is one evil cliff. X.X

Ree-san (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

I'm looking forward to someone telling Kagome the obvious.  If she mates InuYasha for that reason all three of them will have miserable lives.  Would that be mission accomplished?  She doesn't have the right to make InuYasha seetle for someone that doesn't love him because of what she thinks is important.  It'll just set up a replay of what happened with Sesshoumaru's parents.  I hope she sees that this is actually very selfish and selfless.  She should be honest with InuYasha and let him make his own decisions in life.  Isn't that what he's trying to achieve?

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 22) - Tue 02 Sep 2014

Kyaaaaa! This one is my favorite so far! XD You're other two were great two, but this one is really sweet. =)

LinguisticFanatic (Chapter 22) - Fri 29 Aug 2014

Holy cow, I just read straight through 22 chapters without realizing it.  I love this story.  You do a good job with the pacing and seem to have avoided what I always fall into when writing which is to have certain high points of the story planned and then my writing getting to those points is very lackluster.  Your use of shortened sentences to create tension and the longer more expressive words to convey emotions is something I have been missing for a long time.

In this chapter I fully felt Sesshoumaru's surrender to what was happening to him and at the end his determination to just not care about what's supposed to happen.  You did a good job building up his tension from his POV sections that when he finally kissed her it was a relief and a joy for me as a reader because he finally got an outlet for what he's been suppressing.

I can't wait to read more.

Andrea (Chapter 17) - Thu 28 Aug 2014

Ohhh   JUST PERFECT. The question "Sesshomaru? Do you love her?"  and the answer "I do." so few words, but a huge meaning >-<

van (Chapter 22) - Tue 26 Aug 2014

yayyyyy! honor be damned indeed :D

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 22) - Mon 25 Aug 2014

Episode 4 of Sailor Moon Crystal aired, if you missed it you can watch it on youtube. Good, keep it coming

Sandreline Moon (Chapter 22) - Mon 25 Aug 2014

Un dia mia - we finally get to the goods, and you end it!!!! *dies* I want more!!!!  I've read this chapter twice already, I am addicted!

Very well done! I demand an update soon. :)


naleah (Chapter 22) - Mon 25 Aug 2014

an intense desire of the heart that's contain to keep once it lost control it will be unstoppable..

Miss C (Chapter 22) - Sun 24 Aug 2014

Yes yes yes!!! This is what I have been waiting for. This is a great story and a well put together one!!i

Shezsnap (Chapter 22) - Sun 24 Aug 2014

Gah, this last chapter is killing me. I want to know what happens next already!! Leave me out of this torture...can't wait for the next update! Loved this chapter and FINALLY they let they're feelings known or Sesshoumaru at least.

Melissa (Chapter 22) - Sun 24 Aug 2014

Poor Kagome, at least she is true to her feelings.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

yey! Inukimi finally found out the true reason Kagome is mating Inu.

I'm fairly confident that now Inukimi will tell Sesshomaru and either will tell Inu point blank or issue hints to him to let Inu know that Kagome is in love with someone else. Knowing Inu, he won't want to stand in the path of Kagome's happiness so either he will come up with an excuse to end the mating or he will just tell Kagome he won't stand in her way.


Cannot wait to see what Sesshomaru decides - to keep going after Kagome or continue to back away from her.

cynthia (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

woot its getting soooo good. I chewed my nail off. 

Himura Asami (Chapter 22) - Sat 23 Aug 2014

Oh snap! That was her? A surprise, since I thought that she was insistent on pushing those pesky feelings away.  This isn't unwelcome, but slightly problematic.  I mean, we've seen how she acts when she's in love. Will she be able to get through this? Will Yasha notice?

This is so depressing. It's...heart-rending. Oh! I feel like rolling around on the floor in pain. Oh! This is sad. Actually, I feel like hiding in the closet actually.  This is more of a sad depressing solemn wallow in your sorrow thing.

Oh no! He can't come now. She won't be able to bear it. Well, she will, but... this is going to be so hard.

Oh. Well this is 12 times as depressing as it was 5 seconds ago. Poor Sesshomaru and Kagome. But, come on, man. You can't just leave her crying on the ground. That's a selfish jerky move. Oh, never mind. His body is okay. His mind is just a jerk.

OH!!!! This is so beautiful and sad. It's tragic, but I'm totally lapping it up. Officially a sadist. Thanks a bunch. 

Awww!!! Don't do it again. That was so ridiculously sweet I just got a toothache. That was awesome. 

This is a really bad time Kimi-chan. You know I am so mad at his right now! The girl can't just jave a nice cry and clean her face. She has to be faced wih the reason she's crying and his mom who's being nosy. Poor Kagome.

SNAP!!! She actually told her, I guess it wasn't a sefret though. So... okay. How will Kimi-chan react...?

Now I'm mad at Kimi-chan for trying to get her to break the promise again. I mean, seriously!  Just shut up and let me enjoy her faithful devotion to her bestie! I'm really wired right now because I have no idea how this chapter will end. I'm just freaking out. Look what you're doing to me!

No! She can't break it off! I love that promise man. 

No!!!!! She said it out loud. I nearly fell to my knees. I can't do this!



I have no idea how to feel. I feel like you just stripped me of everything.   My head is spinning like crazy. 

I feel like I'm in love but also in despair. My head won't stop pounding.

I can't...

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