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Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Lauren (Chapter 79) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

There are so many things in this chapter that I want to comment on... But for your sake, I'll keep it simple. I understand the worry that a mother would have over a child that's suffered a near-death experience, but I don't see Sesshomaru's mother as one of those females. Yes, the Inu no Taisho was wrong (in a way) for agreeing to honor Sesshomaru's vow, but what else could he do? His mother, on the other hand, is hateful and jealous. Kagome would die in a few decades, and all three were in danger from more attacks, but Sesshomaru knows this - even as a child. There were ways to look after their safety without employing/trusting any more guards. *annoyed* It would have gone and Sesshomaru probably would have turned out much better if his mother left them to their own devices and stopped being so fearful or everything. ><

Well, good luck with National Novel Writing Month! Hope teh writer's block stays far, far away from you!!
Kawaii Girl

Hesunohana (Chapter 79) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

oh oh !! Hisoka is planning something. of course, the lady of the West is quite right, I think. but he may love Kagome more like a sister than anything else.


but Sesshoumaru will be so sad after that...


the, good luck for you other duties. I'll wait patiently your next update.

naqaashi (Chapter 79) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

Wow is sess going to be mad when he finds out who was responsible for kagome's disapparance. can't really blame his mom..but gawd...haven't these goons ever heard of tolerance? or track records? i'm finding it pretty hard to sympathise with her, given her narrow mindedness and refulsal to consider alternatives that don't appease her bigotry. 'course, i'm heavily kagome-biased i could be going extreme in my dislike as well. but i really hope sess rips his mom a good one when he learns the truth. its surprising he hasn't gleaned it already..i mean..i mostly saw this coming - who else would want kagome out but not killed, if possible? but i guess no child can ever think their own parents capable of such a matter how well intentioned.

Mizuko Takayama (Chapter 79) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

Ah... NaNoWritMo... I wish you luck! (It's my first year going for it.) I'm sure you can win! =)

And as always, the chapter was wondrfully created and composed!


Have a great week!


sunset in love (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

this fic is one of the reason why i keep coming back to dokuga! and thanks for sparing the times for this fic, it is awesome, truly love it... so next is the story of how kag goes back huh... waiting for that!

loveyaa (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

ANd the ball is in motion. I can't wait to see what plan comes into motion. We know that they both disappear though so just how it actually plays out will be interesting. Poor little Sesshoumaru to lose both of them at the same time. The meeting between teacher and student was interesting but obviously not the same way that meeting up with kagome will take place. The end is near and yet I don't know if I want her to leave. Either way I have to wait 2 weeks to see everyone waiting and on baited breath for what is to happen next (including me). til next time when the end is only a beginning ;)

Manatee (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

Thanks for the update!  You leave me begging for more, however good luck in National Novel month!  We all have the upmost faith in your abilities :)

Fox (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

.. D: Poor Hisoka- and as much as I understand the worries a mother must have over her child... I still want to call SessMom a meanie face. For the record, I read all of your author's notes, bold or not.


By the way, I almost fainted from happiness at the length of these two chapters!

(Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

This is awesome as always! Good Luck! I hope that you do well!

Margie (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

eeeee you tease! Oh well, this story is always worth the wait! :)

Samantha (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

Oh boy it's getting pretty intense what a wonderful chapter!  I can't wait for the next update.  I look forward to the Friday after next to reading yet another wonderful addition!  Have a great day.  I tell you what though I think the Western Lady as the feel of a tigeress on the prowl!  lethal, intellegent, and beauty all things that discribe the elusive tiger.  Does she have any feline in her LOL.

Sascha-Sama (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

Ah, NaNoWriMo. I completely understand, but darn. I so look forwards to your next update in two weeks time. Good luck!


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

oh i likes this. and i really hafta say, i wonder how many people will see you AN THIS week before they start going nuts NEXT week! puss in boots *is amused* _ _ _ ♥

Kanna37 (Chapter 79) - Fri 05 Nov 2010

While part of me wants to pout over the extra wait, most of me understands quite well that life comes first.  I wish you good luck in your endeavors for this Novel Writing frenzy you spoke of - you are an excellent writer, and I have faith that you will do well at whatever you put your time into.


KyonKyon01 (Chapter 78) - Wed 03 Nov 2010

Oh my gosh, I think I'm going to die from the warm fuzzies.  That chapter was so great.  You always out-do yourself.  Excellent job and keep up the good work!

Seijaku (Chapter 78) - Mon 01 Nov 2010

Aww. Makes me want to cry. >.< Poor lil Sesshomaru.

Vou-sama (Chapter 78) - Mon 01 Nov 2010

I'm in love with your writing.

Saxno (Chapter 78) - Mon 01 Nov 2010

i LOVE LOVE LOVE this story.


You don't even know.


You're stories always bring me such joy, tears, and excitement!



It's amazing the things you are able to make with your talent, it always ignites my girlish fantasies and i love how you are so able to capture each characters personalities so completely!

Princess Azula (Chapter 78) - Mon 01 Nov 2010

This is the best story I've read in a long time, thank you! You've inspired me to continue with my own work!

Lauren (Chapter 78) - Sun 31 Oct 2010

Oh! *o* It's so adorable and yet so saddening! Well... At least Kagome had the forethought to make a promise they could both keep. Another great, emotional chapter. Looking forward to what comes next! Hope you're having a wonderful Halloween weekend!!!

Kawaii Girl

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