Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 80) - Sun 21 Nov 2010

Goodness, do I love Sesshoumaru! He is so cute and adorable, just want to eat him up. Love this chapter, it was amazing! Please hurry with the next update, I cannot wait to read it.


Rin (Chapter 80) - Sun 21 Nov 2010

Feels like the story is starting to work itself together from both sides and times you have in play.

I'm excited to see how you pull it all together.

Fluffy (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

i love your story! i cant wait for when you update next!!!!!

janjan (Chapter 1) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

AWSOME chpter i like the quick short bursts speeds it up a bit so kagome and future sess can meet!! im so excited!

naqaashi (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

Oh many updates! This was completely worth the long wait!!! I especially like Stayed Home for Hisoka cracking the whip on Sess so sharply, for once! And Higglety Pigglety for the simple reason that it made me wonder what Sesshoumaru's reaction'd be like when he finally finds out how babies are REALLY made! Combed Her Hair.... for sheer d'awwwww particular the checking behind the ears. And finally, Diddle, Diddle Dumpling..because that has to be the sweetest angst ever written; what a way to show someone their mortaility....



Addy (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

Considering how MUCH you posted this week, I think I'm more than willing to wait... XD

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

I enjoyed this installment very much! Getting very curious as to the details of Higurashi's imminent departure. Will things go according to Hisoka's plan or will something else happen...? Hmmm, guess I'll have to wait and see.

Love it forthy, as always!

COAIM (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

YAYA! update!

jojo661538 (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

its a great story i seriously love it keep up the great work i hope you update soon ^_^

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

0o0o0o so much your plot thickens _ _ _♥

Samantha (Chapter 80) - Sat 20 Nov 2010

That was amazing!!! Thank You so much for updating like that.  The extra chapters just put the biggest smile on my face and in my heart.  I love this story soo much.  It is by far the best story of Sesshoumaru and Kagome I have ever read and I look forward to the Friday after next to read some more!  Have a great Thanksgiving, take care!

Margie (Chapter 80) - Fri 19 Nov 2010

eeeeee cliffhanger! I can't wait! ; ;

Fox (Chapter 80) - Fri 19 Nov 2010

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK~<3333333333gjkdfhgkldfjhgfhkdgjhklgfs hjdgfklh





Thank you for sharing this beautiful chapter(s) with us! And thank you so much for taking time out of your NaNoWriMo to do it. <3


fkljdhjsgsh<3 I missed mah sensei. SQUEE.

Margie (Chapter 79) - Thu 18 Nov 2010

The longest 2 weeks ever!! I miss your words!!! *cry*

Mags (Chapter 79) - Wed 17 Nov 2010

Wow, what an interesting spin on things! This story is excellently written and makes me proud to follow this coupling. Thank you for taking the time to share it with the world! I am looking forward to the next installment with much anticipation, and good luck with the NaNoWriMo!


walker (Chapter 79) - Tue 16 Nov 2010

you can not just stop there! what happens? how is kagome taken? How does she get back to the gang? what will happen when Kagome and Seshomaru meet in Inuyasha and the gang's time? and how does Sesshomaru's gang react to Kagome's return? There are way too many questions and NO ANSWERS!

Selenay (Chapter 79) - Sun 14 Nov 2010

Wow, this is one of the most delightful stories I have read in a long time. It is a balm for my heart, and it makes me smile.

Caitlin (Chapter 79) - Tue 09 Nov 2010

I was so caught up in the story that I almost cried when I saw that this was the last chapter for a while! Please update soon! I know it will make many people on this site happy! ♥

AmoraLynn (Chapter 79) - Sun 07 Nov 2010

A lovely chapter. Good luck in all your doings!

Lauren (Chapter 79) - Sat 06 Nov 2010

-- The most depressing part of all this: It doesn't really matter what Hisoka-sensei decides to do because things didn't go in accordance to his plan. The plus side: We've discovered who began the "lovers" rumor (maid in the corner, no?) and we're that much closer to the answers we're looking for - the "issue/kink in the plan" and Hisoka-snsei's modern day student's identity. -- *waits for more clues*

Oh! And of course~ this chapter was supurb, as usual.

Done now,
Kawaii Girl

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