Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 89) - Sun 20 Feb 2011

And for all planning and intents it is often the ACCIDENTAL little slips which instigate so much. ^_^ I love it. I can't tell you how many times I've reread this chapter (particularly the end) since it's been posted. It's just so beautiful and sweet -and anytime Sesshomaru is that blissfully happy I am thrilled.

Thank you so much for writing!

Margie (Chapter 89) - Sun 20 Feb 2011

*cheers! How sweet.... :)

Ceysna (Chapter 89) - Sun 20 Feb 2011

O.O ........ *waves hand in the air frantically* you can interpret MY responses as affection!!!!

Omg, Kags... Just agree!! the Tention is KILLING me!!!! wait.. then again... where would the story be without it?! Lol!!! Great update!! please keep em coming!

Sala (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011


JessB (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

That last chapter just had me tingling with excitement!

Ashes (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Sweetness, absolute and total sweetness. I loved every word!

The way you write Sesshoumaru reminds me of my husband, only less enthusiastic/hyper. This chapter I think I shot him a few "i love you" looks and "i'm so happy with you" smiles too many because he raised an eye brow and asked me what I was reading and if he could thank the author. So though my husband has never layed eyes on your story he likes it too. lol

Terry Lynn (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Wowee zowee! I can't believe they finally kissed. :D Hope to read more from you soon. I can't wait for the next chapter!

treavellergirl (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

I love the ending on that one ^^ Nice job!

Katlyn (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

I'm not sure how to feel lol I love the chapter, I love that Seshomaru and Kagome got some alone time without interuption or pressure to be back, and I really love that they are finally talking about moving towards being together, even if its in a general way. A good step of starting a relationship is letting your partner know what you want.

However I'm conflicted on Kagome's behavior towards him. I know she really doesn't understand her own feelings right now, but i'm not sure if its because she doesn't have any romantic feelings towards him (yet) or that she doesn't but doesn't want to consider him.

I guess on a personal level I want to see Kagome at least acknowledge to her self that she IS intersted in Sesshomaru, and actually consider being his mate. Right now i just feel like she's dismissing the serious reality of his feelings and even though she doesn't mean too, it is kinda of leading him on. And what about her deal with Inuyasha? she says she's not playing favortism, and maybe she's not, but she hasn't denied Inuyasha's claim or her promise to him on any level.

there are just so many questions to be answered lol I want to know so badly! :D

:D Kisses that transend species and culture, awwwwwesoooome XD

Does that mean they'll be kissing more from now on I wonder? lol I like that you keep going back the the same type of affection and how straight forward it is on Sesshomaru's part. He may be a private dog, but he's a consistant one that is trying very hard, major points for him! lol

Kay (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

squee~!!** that was so sweet....especially at the end with such a kiss~ it was well played.

please let next sequence/continuation be as sweet.... I hope Kagome does not something stupid and ruin the "moment"


I can't even be coherent right now that I am on sugar rush fro this






AmoraLynn (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Oh poor Kagome, trying so hard to be fair and goofing up royally. Thats ok, its best that she goofed up though since she would have just kept going back and forth back and forth trying to be fair. You have  to make a decision!

Autumn (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Loved it! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Hesunohana (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

sweety ! I really love it ! bravo !


poor Kagome : things are goint too quickly for her, I think. (laugh) may it be !

Alisa (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

This chapter was awesome. I love seeinga completely differen aspect of Sesshoumaru's character and you incorperated his personailty as a child into his personality as an adult seamlessly. I am waiting in anticipation of the next chapter and the progression of their relationship :D

WildcatYST (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Beautiful chapter! I love how Kagome's sign of affection has been interpreted as attraction. Love this story! Thanks for the update!

Sammi-Chan (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

i forgot to add how much i love that your not making inuyasha out to be the bad guy. and arent trying to ruin him either, thanks for that cuz as much as i love sess i love inuyasha 2. just not as a pairing. 

Sammi-Chan (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

OMG OMG OMG OMG im hyperventalating over here!!!! i need a fireman!!!! forth seriously ur amazing! um i dont want to get my hopes up or anything cause i dnt think ive seen any ma fics.....but are you going to cross that border with unspoiled? or if u do r u gonna post the chp seperatley??? i doubt it but i thought id ask anyway.....oh and of course AWESOME CHP!!! thanks again!

katlady (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011







I  love it

I love it

I Love it



 I hug  and adore you right now  please please please do another chapter soon

Firehauke (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

AW, how sweet!!!!


Bridging the gap between her very recent memories of 'young Sess' vs her older memories of 'scary Sess' is strange, but the gap is making the 'scary' go away!

Kara (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

Ahhh that's so cute! <3

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