Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Darrakk (Chapter 90) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

He daed.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

I suppose the real question is: does Inuyasha want her on a romantic level? The way I see it, if he doesn't...  if he only sees her as a friend or sister then there is no true rivalry for Sesshomaru and she can be with Sesshomaru as his mate then Inuyasha can be offered acceptance into Sesshomaru's pack then Kagome will still be keeping her promise to Inuyasha to stay by his side. I don't think it's ever been clearly displayed what exactly Inuyasha feels for Kagome in your story. At least... I am having a hard time recollecting what it is if it is there. It is clear he feels something and that the something is very strong... but is it something that needs to be a rival for Sesshomaru wanting to keep her as his mate beyond the brothers' -cough- unpleasant relationship?

Just things I'm thinking, especially after this chapter.

On another note: I really hope Kagome will return to the 'mid-range past' to be with Sesshomaru rather than having to meet up with him in her original time. Although in ways it makes sense I have a hard time when Sesshomaru is tortured like that. Particularly when there are ways in which Kagome's life can be elongated to match his. It just feels like so much lost and wasted time and potential happiness. Not only in a pairing and romantic sense but for everyone else too. Especially Shippou. *sheepish grin* I like the earlier happy endings.

Of course I completely understand her wanting to speak to her time's Hisoka-sensei and especially her mother. Though part of me feels talking to 'future' Hisoka is cheating. ^_^

Thanks so much for writing!

Nilee1 (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Wow, when did I start rooting for Hisoka. Nooo, Kagome belongs with Sesshoumaru...I think :-/

katlady (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011



:goes and re reads  the whole thing:

Rowdys girl (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Now, don't let that bad doggie hurt my second favorite kitty! I love the way you construct your stories, we were ALL caught up in her 2 choices... leave it to you to come up with a third way.

I found one leetle tiny thing:

“You really are suited to diplomacy, Higurashi,” he earnestly declared, an approving purr underlying his tone. “May I [off] offer? you some advice?” (Please tell me that Hisoka is NOT going to off Kagome!)

Paige (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Thank you for the update! :D

Though, I have a terribly nagging feeling that this is the reason Sesshomaru is so pissed in the future. I think the well might not work again and he is going to be forced to wait for her for 500 years. We do not even know how long he was forced to wait (though he did not know it) the first time - and now this? Poor Sesshomaru.

Then there is Hisoka. I agree with everyone else: It sucks to be him right now. Sesshomaru is not going to be very kind to him (I imagine). Poor Hisoka.

Crap. The next chapter will not be until next Friday. Now I have to wait... Poor me. :(

Ceysna (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

O_O Oh crap..... I _PRAY_ the well works right this time!! Run Hisoka!!!

Jo (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

I'm beginning to wonder if Hisoka is holding a small candle for Kagome as well (but knows better than to attempt a courting). Particularily as he sighed when ask for advice. But, I may be reading too far into a caring feline.

*sigh* Oh poor Hisoka.

I'm a little alarmed that Kagme may not get back to the feudal era. I suppose it is because the well was tampered with and then corrected. So perhaps that will break its spell.

Their dialogue just feels s FINAL. And it's scary.  So is Sesshourmaru for that matter.

Thank you for the update!

snowy_winter (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

love!!! awesome!!!

cakeiton (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

this has to be my favorite chapter between Kagome and Hisoka with how they hint at the gray area of her choices. Its so good!! I love fridays!

Loveyaa (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

I wonder if Hisoka will be waiting for her on the other side of the well. I wonder how many questions she wil have for him or if she even knows that he is the reason that she went all the way to the past where Sesshoumaru was a child. I wonder if he will explain this to her. I have a feeling that he wouldn't just tell her what she did (as opposed to giving advice that has her figuring it out on her own) and then u gotta wonder which came first. Her doing the action so that Hisoka knows what to tell her to do in the past or him telling her what to do so that she does it in the past? many questions and so much excitment. I feel kinda bad for Hisoka feeling like he is being thrown to the dogs regardless but I just can't wait to see what happens next :)

Manatee (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Your doing it again....Making me live for Fridays.  I'm excite for the next chapter Forthy!  I'm worried for poor Sesshomaru-sama, he's suffered so, dont' make him suffer mom >.<




soulNchantress (Chapter 90) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

Poor Hisoka.  It must be hard to be put into a position of having so many people to appease.  He seems to be doing a wonderful job of it though.  Usually, the saying is that you can't please everyone all of the time, but he makes juggling them an art form.  Still, I hope there is someone special waiting for Hisoka in the future.

Eden (Chapter 89) - Fri 25 Feb 2011

I have to say, though I may have mentioned beforehand, you portray Kagome and Sesshoumaru in a way I've only seen in a select few and continue to breach deeper into my own musings within the confines of my mind. For one, the conversations and interactions between them when they were alone in Kagome's return, even though subtle in ways, I see you understand them in a way I see them. It never ceases to amaze me. I don't know where to start.....I'm more introverted about my interests except to my love. My beloved reminds me a lot of Sesshoumaru. It would be hard to explain because of my indecisiveness and used to contemplating things on my own and for such a long time. I have been intertwined for a long time and the reasons are abstruse to others, he's helped me like none other.....two halves of a whole, my first and last love. I could never thank him enough for what he's done for me.

Loveyaa (Chapter 89) - Thu 24 Feb 2011

oh snap!!  Def on the edge of my seat waiting to see what will happen next. I wonder if Kagome will go along with it or try and correct him even though she may not have the feelings behind it to be doing so with anymore. I wonder if they will tell anyone else bout this and how everyone else will react (for I have a feeling that they will find out one way or another). Squeel...Im just so excited now that I don't know what to do with myself. I just absolutely positively can't wait til next time :)

monque (Chapter 89) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

this stoy wonderful i love it keep going i wants to know what happen next :)

pclark (Chapter 89) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

Oooh, I love this fic.  It is very well written, hardly any gramarical errors. 

The plot is wonderful and very enjoyable.  I do hope that it is updated soon. :)

winggoddess (Chapter 89) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

That last part was too perfect

Seijaku (Chapter 89) - Tue 22 Feb 2011

Aww, how sweet! And, their first kiss!! Too bad Kagome didn't mean for it to happen. ;.;

Paige (Chapter 89) - Sun 20 Feb 2011

Yes! Kissing finally! I'm so happy! This is great. I loved this chapter. I just hope that Kagome will wake up and realize she needs to get on board with the rest of us and make up her mind to be with Sesshomaru and make us all happy. :D

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