Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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anon (Chapter 12) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

This is a well written but the most OOC fic I ever read lol

Will there be scat too? Because thats the only sexual abuse thats missing :D

Seriously. If I were Kagome I would never fall for this guy. He's brutal, unfeeling and not even sexy!

He makes me shudder in revulsion.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

Ahhhh, such a wonderful chapter...and next chapter the SOB should be coming to get Kagome and bring her back to her prison, his home. I can't wait to see how you handle that. He so deserves to be kicked in the butt on a regular basis!

But you know me, I can't help myself. I found some things:

The other lords had taken his suggestion to band together to defeat him and his men.

and claim all the land, but, sadly for them, he was not so easy to kill.

The first few weeks had been a stand still, as his one army faced their three, yet held their ground.

After each battle his men would pull back his dead, [and] their fallen comrades, and every night (I think the sentence will flow more smoothly if you put the commas in and delete the and.)

home to secure their holdings, as they had to know (Parenthetical phrases should be set off by commas at the beginning and the end of the phrase. Point of note: therefore, however and thus are usually viewed as parenthetical and should also be set off by commas. If you read a sentence aloud, you can hear the natural pauses; this technique can help you define parenthetical phrases. However, in a very short sentence, it is not always necessary to use a comma because of the brevity of the sentence.

Commas are also used in a series, but it is equally correct to not put a comma before and in the series as it is correct to use a comma before and. That decision is up to the author because there has been some debate over this usage in the past. Isn't English a fun language?)

The other three lords had banded their forces together (Ban means: to prohibit, outlaw, taboo, etc. Band means: to unite, confederate, etc.)

and get some forts and battlements for his troops up to watch over his new land. (Perhaps: and build forts and strongholds for his troops, to enable them to keep watch over his new lands.)

now that all the fighting is donethis does not speak of a warrior (Ellipses are 3 dots and can be followed by punctuation like commas, ?, !, etc.)

I expect that,if you allow me to give my pledge and return to your house with you, [that] you will test me (the second that is actually a repetition because the part of the sentence between them is parenthetical. The sentence should read: I expect that,if you allow me to give my pledge and return to your house with you, you will test me...)

Should I ever [feel] ?believe? you are betraying me I will torture you to the brink of madness before ending your pathetic life.

It was ?during? moments like this that he truly missed the presence of his miko.

I will have to look into getting her a mid wife (Midwife is usually written as one word.)

shiroand the rest you think you will figure out, whether you like it or not, is forever at his side.

I’ll take care of you, baby. “Here you go, Kagome. (It is customary to set the name of a person being addressed off in commas. This goes the same for endearments.)

I can just hear Kagome stating, "He doesn't respect me - Kagome. And I cannot accept or respect him until he does!" LOL. I've heard that statement from a few friends. *ruefully shakes head*

I try to be so careful when I go through your chapters because your prose achieves a kind of poetry, a ryhthm, and I don't want to disturb that.

stars (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

please updata

Naraku (Chapter 5) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

Nn.. Rape is not a fun thing. I know this for a fact. x3; Still don't know why I'm still reading this story... bringing up some painful memories from the past..

Anywho-- Back to the reading.. >_> Maybe things will get better in the future of this story?

autumngold (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

Sesshoumaru had better do more than just kill Kagura if she tries to hurt Kagome!  I know he doesn't care about her, but if she's hurt mentally for physically that could affect her having more puppies for him.  I wish he would make sure that Kagura is kept away from Kagome.  Maybe Kenji and Ami could make sure that happens?  I love Ami!  Thank you so much for letting Kagome have a friend, someone to help her with her pregnancy!  It makes me so happy to know that Kagome is not alone!  She is going to need someone taking care of her and the baby.  It's also nice to think that she will have someone she trusts with her while she gives birth.   Thank you so much for the update!  Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

leckie (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

oohhh i hope kagome starts to like Sesshoumaru

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

I am glad that Kagome has gained some friends among Sesshou's loyal servants, but can she convince them to see that she is a prisoner and a slave according to her  views? I really look forward to the confrontation between Sesshou and Inuyasha pertaining to Kagome's new status. How many more chappies will it be before Sesshou wakes up and sees that his treatment of his mate is all wrong? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

suki2 (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

good gracious girl! let up on kagome! i feel like gloping sesshoumaru across the head.

anonymous (Chapter 2) - Mon 14 Dec 2009

you know, rereading chapter two just made me realize something. did inuyasha really have the right to trade kagome like that? i don't think so. couldn't kagome have pointed that out when she was asking sesshomaru what he needed her for? i'm just a little confused. i'd really appreciate your answer. thank you.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 17) - Sat 12 Dec 2009

Ah! This is so amazing! I can't tell who's going to help Kagome break free! I can tell Kagura's going to make another appearence and possibly help her go free to try to get Sesshoumaru's affections or whatever it is labeled as. Also, Kikyo made that threat to get back at him and what better way than to take away Kagome and help her get away from him! Then there's the idea from the last chapter about Kaede! So many possibilities! OH! And Miroku and Sango when they see what their friend's had to endure the past however many months she's been away! AHHHHHHH >,< So awesome!!! I can't wait till the next chapter, and btw, I vote that you just skip the fight scene. You left it detailed enough where it's not like, "Hm, seems like I missed out on that." or anything. @,@ I just wanna get back to Kagome and their pup ^-^ please updata!


Aki'a (Chapter 17) - Tue 08 Dec 2009

I hope to read the next chapter soon. Your story has a great plot that keeps me guessing on what will happen next.

It is fantastic.

Megan007 (Chapter 17) - Mon 07 Dec 2009

Wow this is amazing, sorry I have not reviewed!!!, I find Sesshomaru amazing in this story, he is not nice or kind he is some what evil but not evil enough LOL I love how you make him smirk in this chapter really sexy, and don't worry abourt the battle scene this is fine, I must say that Sesshomaru is Wow he really is a sneeky bastard, I love it, I hope you update more like 3 chapters a day I hope please, I can't wait 2 or 3 weeks for a chapter, again great story.






claire (Chapter 17) - Sun 06 Dec 2009

I love your story please update soon!!!!!!!

Michaela (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

very good chapter please update soon

SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

Wow I really love where this is going : ) I like how you just summarized the battle scene...I didn't want to read all of the battle part XD Just the part where it involves the main plot.


I hope you'll update soon! I really want to see what's going to happen! THANKS!

rumi (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

this story makes me want to beat the crap out of sesshoumaru. can't wait tilltheis dark fic turns to light. i hope you write up a deep punishment for him. he deserves everything he gets int his story. can't wait for the punishment. ^__^ no woman should have to go through the stuff sesshou has has put kagome through.

Neo-Crystal (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

So how much time has passed since the bad dog let our little kagome? I'm still hoping he doesn't return until she has the pup, but I don't thnk it'll happen. Since that is probably a no, I kinda hope that when he makes it there, she'll be pretty ill maybe from the pregnacy or maybe the pup will have shessy's poision and be injuring her. Something that will make sesshy stay "off" kagome for a while.

stars (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

please updata

ashleigh (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

Ok so you are an amazing writer, which you probably already knew. I have read several of your stories and am never disappointed. You would probably prefer a critique of some kind but I found nothing wrong with this chapter so all I can say is keep up the amazing work and I can't wait to read the next chapter.


DemonQueen17 (Chapter 17) - Thu 03 Dec 2009

OOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!! This is getting good. I wonder what Kikyo has in store for Sesshomaru. Perhaps, she'll let the cat out of the bag about the deal they made concerning Kagome. I want to see the looks on everyone else's faces when they see Kagome mated to Sesshomaru and pregnant with his pup. I'm sure Miroku, Sango and Shippo will be extremely pissed at Inuyasha. I also know Kagome makes him look like crap; a very hard lesson learned. I also want to see the look on Inuyasha's face when he finds out Kikyo can never get pregnant. As stupid as Inuyasha was in trading Kagome for Kikyo, I hope he drops that conniving bitch like a bad habit when he finds out what really happened. But then again, he'd truly be alone as none of his former pack want anything to do with him for what he did. It's going to take a long time for him to get back on Kagome's good graces if she finds it in her heart to forgive him. Can't wait to see all hell break loose. Screw the battle scene with Naraku, as long as he stays dead.

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