Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Sally Po (Chapter 18) - Sun 03 Jan 2010

Hi.  I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I am enjoying this.  You give us a whole different viewpoint of the whole mating thing, and I like how you incorporate actual canine habits into this.  Not only that, but I really feel for Kagome.  I hope she gets away, back to the well.  If she can get to her time, Sesshomaru would have to wait 500 years.  Surely by then he would come to appreciate Kagome and regret his actions, (or at least how he went about them)  The only thing I worry about is that if she DOES escape, she would have to do so before the baby is born, right?  Otherwise it might not make it through the well.  Then too, if she escapes I am fearful of what would happen to Shippou and Kaede.  Would Sesshomaru punish them?  There are so many questions!  I hope you had a great holiday, and I hope you haven't given up on this fic!  I check back every day for updates.  It has me on the edge of my seat.   Great job thus far, and I look forward to any updates you can give!

jichan (Chapter 1) - Sun 03 Jan 2010


 u written in fanfiction that u'd update here???

but there is no thing????

Silver (Chapter 18) - Thu 31 Dec 2009

I love your story! It's very well written and I love the fact that Sesshoumaru is still very much himself. I really don't like stories when his characters changes rapidly, and although I don't like how Kagome is treated it is unfourtunatly very incharacter for Sesshoumaru. Also does the prophecy state that she will only have sons or do the inus just assume so because it states the pups' future battle prowess? I'd like read about  Sesshoumaru's reaction when he learns he has another daughter to spoil, and Kagome's when she realizes what her daughters' fate would be in the past. I can't wait for the next update!

erai (Chapter 1) - Wed 30 Dec 2009

Love the story, left a review before but then i decided to join so i'm just popping in to give kudos for the story. Can't wait for the update! ..... *sits patiently at laptop and begins to stalk your movements on Dokuga*  

Sierra (Chapter 18) - Wed 30 Dec 2009

Hope you write more real soon!

Sierra (Chapter 18) - Mon 28 Dec 2009

Hey started reading a while ago luv the storie even got my freinds into it luving it!


Cant wait till more chaps come out!

Erai (Chapter 18) - Sun 27 Dec 2009

Great fanfic! Started reading and couldn't stop. I'm truly pleased with how you seem to keep true to timing. By that I mean that it's nice to see someone who doesn't rush things. For once a fanfic where Sesshy isn't smitten in two chapters like a lovesick pup. The fact is, he has his ways of looking at the world and they don't change overnight. I really like how you keep to that, but also show that he does care for her in his own way. Overall, truly the best fic i have ever read in terms of cannon, reality, and staying true to characters.


I will now shower you with muffins of glory and baskets of "I rather dislike Kikyo" cookies!!!



Can't wait for the new update!


Anonymous (Chapter 1) - Tue 22 Dec 2009

although i don't that kagome's going through so much pain,i think this story is interesting and i would like to read more

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 18) - Mon 21 Dec 2009

P.S. I, uhhhh, just wanted to leave Santa here ¬¬ this, ummm, wish for a really really really really really good Christmas gift that I could also share w/the rest of the readers of Dokuga and, uhhhh, it's that Miss Texanlady would plz update at least 2 or 3 chapters of "The Breeder". It would just take the cake for the fact that I have Christmas off and the day after too =D you know whenever Santa delivers is alright w/me c; just 2 or 3 chapters would be fine, Santa! =D kthxbai c3

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 18) - Mon 21 Dec 2009

Oh! I love you, Texanlady! You're just so wonderful w/this fiction! Your fictions are just amazing and, in the fewest words I can come up w/, just a breath of fresh air! So original! Although =x the part w/her pregnancy and having to eat meat because the child isn't just a hanyou but a full blooded demon kinda sounded like something from Twilight w/Bella having to drink blood(which is something she just despised) to keep the baby satisfied and healthy, BUT this fic is NOTHING like that saga. =,= which is so disappointing because the movies are NOTHING like the books. @,@ ANYWHO! I can't wait for the next update.

To be honest, coming home after a long day of work and after saying g'night to my boyfriend, it's just so relaxing to be able plop down in my pj's and a drink and just read an updated chapter of "The Breeder" especially now that it's come along quite nicely! I'm not surprised at all that you kept your promise about it getting smoother as the storyline went on! I thank you and hope you updata soon d=


claire (Chapter 18) - Sun 20 Dec 2009

OMG!!! please update as soon as possible!!!!! i get on the internet everyday just to see if you updated lol

Diana (Chapter 18) - Sat 19 Dec 2009

Awesome story! I'm bitting my nails to see what happens!

But there'ssome stuff I'm not quite sure about. I'm not a mom or actualy wanting to be one, but didnt you had to wait about 2 months after giving birth to have sex? And even more to start planing another baby because if you had one too soon your body wouldn't be able to provide enough nutrients? I did haer this at a conference of family planification. Another thing that I dont think that really fits is that Sesshoumaru pictures Kagome breast-feeding while she is advanced in another pregnancy. I'm not sure, but I had heard that you would stop producing milk for the older one about 3 months into your pregnancy, and if she's going to be breast feeding for 3 years, I don't think the 'one after the other' ideal Sesshoumaru has could be very possible. But well,it's your fic so I guess you can write what you want. Also this is a rule for humans and, well Sesshoumaru and the pups would be youkai.

REDWOLF (Chapter 18) - Fri 18 Dec 2009

I  wish the Kamix would break her necklace so ALL of them would have something to fear. Good chapter!

~Juggalette4Lyfe420~ (Chapter 18) - Fri 18 Dec 2009




ShAnNaH AKA nEvEr LeT tHeM sEe YoU cRy

Neo-Crystal (Chapter 18) - Fri 18 Dec 2009

It just seems like the chapter was a foreboding one. I don't know, it might just be me. I wonder if kagome would lose the pup if Sessho makes her to distressed. I have heard that if a mother to be gets stressed, she could miscarry. I think that she should have a close call so sessho backs off, cause he sounds like he's going to pounce on her and not le her leave his bed for a few days when he gets back.

Megan007 (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

I am so happy that you updated again, this chapter was long and I liked it, I must say that Kagome is a very amazing woman but lets face it no woman can be that carring for a child when the child was deliverd in Rape!! I am not saying this and not speaking for all woman but, I am just saying, I just wish Kagome would just leave, it is amazing how she is so loving to her child no doubt but... come on!! she is saying how she wants to escape and yet she still waits there alone, lets face it she should act now before Sesshomaru returns again, other wise it will be to late. If I was her I would find thoses 2 months planing and really thinking or trying to escape!! a girl and a mother has to do what she has to do even if it means puting her child in danger, a mother would do anything for the sake of her off spring.

Again great chapter I just wish you would update more stead of updating ever 2 or 1 week. I hope you update 2 more chapters.





MoonFlower77 (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

I loved the new chapter!!! I felt really warm by the descriptions you gave about Kagome's condition and how worry she is about the pup's health. I really can't wait till Sesshomaru gets back!!! I really want to know what happens!!! PLEASE UPDATE AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!! THANK YOU FOR UPDATING!!! :)

~MoonFlower77 XD

COAIM (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

:D YEYAYAYA! i am now addicted to this story just like your others (:


I hope you update soon! i need to know what's going to happen.

Anonymous (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

yay!! u updated! good chapter full of suspense please update soon!

Sess Koibito (Chapter 18) - Thu 17 Dec 2009

I'm so glad you updated! I was beginning to have withdrawals from your Fanfics! LOL! Another great chapter. I like that you skipped the battle with Naraku and the war with the other lords. I also like how you made it possible for Sesshoumaru to use his sword as many times as he wants on a person. His power to keep resurrecting his fallen soldiers does seem to make him unbeatable. And I can't wait to see Sesshoumaru's reaction when he sees his elite guards and Ami calling her 'Lady Kagome' and being more friendly with her!

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