I dont like u :( just when i get into the chapter what do i get Author's Note. Plz Plz give long chapters o_o (puppy eye look)
plz ;p
This chapter was as usual intresting and exciting. I really love how everything is procedding. I am anxious to know about the battle between Kagome and the sho rank.
Aw! Stubborn Kagome won't let the big bad Daiyoukai protect her lol.
I somehow missed chapter 11 -_-''
Anyway, I wonder, if the Sho leader will truly fight Kagome? The Gon leader may have issued the challenge, but if the Sho leader truly wanted to test Kagome, wouldn't he/she have challenged Kagome already? Or did the Sho leader conspire with the Gon leader to test Kagome's power?
Also, I found the wording interesting, the Gon leader just assumes Kagome won't defeat the Sho leader (as does Sesshomaru) but the Gon leader just said she had to fight the Sho leader to prove how powerful she is. Makes one wonder.....If Kagome defeats the Sho leader she could be the new leader but can she also claim the title of a Daiyoukai (the chapter said the Sho leader refused the position due to all of the responsibilities, so if Kagome is more powerful than the Sho leader, she has the right to a Daiyoukai level too).Which also really surprises me that Sesshomaru thinks she would lose to the Sho leader and lose her rank. He's not only experienced but witnessed how powerful Kagome is and yet he'd doubting her. That could shake her confidence and harm her ability to fight in the upcoming battle.
I remember some of the really powerful youkai Kagome fought (i.e. Naraku, taking back her soul after it left her-twice-, destroying miasma without harming the individual, etc) and she always won due to the fact her loved onces were endangered. In a similar sense, if Kagome does not win or prove how powerful she is to the Sho leader, she could lose her rank and everything she's done so far will be undone.
In the last chapter, I am surprised Inuyasha did not support Kagome. He should know by now she cannot sit idely by and watch someone innocent be harmed or corruption go unpunished. So for him to side with Sesshomaru makes me a bit annoyed at Inu. Afterall, that's why she was going to mate him was to correct wrongs done to him and yet he wants to tell her not to right the wrongs in the court? Seems a bit hypocritical of Inu.
Am glad that Sesshomaru's feelings are starting to show and grow. With him demanding a favor from Inu to protect Kagome makes him not only uncomfortable but guilty shows the feelings he has for Kagome are slipping past his defenses. Would be hilarious if the favor the Daiyoukia demands from Inu is the right to mate Kagome - IRONY!!!!!!!!!Cannot wait for more!
I was wriggling desperately during this chapter because I honestly have no idea what will happen.
I so badly want Kagome to win and prove her strength, and even if she doesn't win, I want her to wound this guy so hard! Ooh!
I just feel really stressed right now. This whole chapter was beautiful though. I especially enjoyed how he protected her and then she just ignored it.
That part made me feel bad for Inuyasha, because, come on. He asked for Sesshomaru to protect her, and she goes off and... acts like Kagome.
Honestly I love all of this.
(Even just a little).
oh boy oh boy oh boy!! Loving this story and the feels that it gives me. I wish you all the best with this story.
Poor Sesshomaru. He wants Kagome badddddd.
OMG YES! YES AND MORE YES! Gah! I just can't get enough. I got the email while I was at work and had to be tortured till I got home to read. And no disappointment!!!! Squee! Love love love. I love Inuyasha's reaction to things. I do hope you have Inuyasha get a mate also in the end of things. Because I really like this Inuyasha and I want to see him find love as well. Well there is my two cents. =D
I think I've told you this a few times befor
but I sooo live you right now... I was be hind but now all caught up
Great update. I await more
Oh, please continue soon! This story is awesome!
a beautiful chapter ...but i can sense that soon tension will rise. Not from the society itself ( although without a doubt there will be ) . but from inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Inuyasha from having the frusturation of not being able to protect Kagome, because since the beginning he has been able to do that and sesshomaru from not comprehending what he has been feeling. Also you made my day with this chapter.
So good!
i love this story and look forward to each new chapter!
update again soon!
So many things to address in this chapter!
First of all, thank you!
For bringing my Yasha back I mean. You know how I am about dynamical best friendship, and I love seeing the two of them together.
Then there's the fight Kagome and Sesshomaru had in front of Inuyasha. That was beautifully done! Seriously, I totally fell in love.
Then the introductions! That was perfect. My heart ached when he felt he couldn't protect her, but I started to feel better.
Also have to admit, the whole favor scene and Sesshomaru's thoughts after killed me. In a good way. I love seeing the tug and how he didn't like the condition, I just adore it all!
Also, super big fan of the poetic type format you do in the middke of the chapter. It's brilliant work.
All of this is brilliant work!
inuyasha back and appears just when sesshomaru have feelings for kagome
inuyasha está de vuelta y aparece justo cuando Sesshomaru tienen feelings para kagome
inuyasha is back and appears just when sesshomaru have feslings for kagome
*crouching down shaking*
*jumps up high into the air*
That was so awesome!!!!!!!!!
I really am enjoying this story keep it up!
There is goes! Subtle acceptance...I love it. But I am curious to see the backlash that Kagome's decisions cause among the more 'traditional' ranks and how these decisions 'tug' (Lol...I had to do it) Sesshoumaru towards Kagome more. Keep up the good work!
Will it be explained why it's so terrible that she replaced the Tsu leader? Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both responded so violently it can't be something as simple as her overstepping her bounds. I'm interested to see where that goes and which rank she wins over next. Or actually I think it would be nice for inuyasha to win over a rank himself.
i am enjoying this story. This is a new plot i have not seen before. Keep up the good work. this story is mmost interesting.
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