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Nilee1 (Chapter 13) - Sun 29 Jun 2014

Happy Birthday!!!!


Moonlit Rose (Chapter 13) - Sun 29 Jun 2014

Bravo, Kagome. Her wisdom and understanding gets her out of trouble again. I believe your fight was well executed for what type of fight it was. I also like the little string of tolerance that is between Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Nicely done!

Dawn of Roses Kiss (Chapter 12) - Sat 28 Jun 2014

I'm absouletly in love with your fanfic! Jeez, I'm on edge all day waiting for you to upload more!!! The character build up is great, and not at all rushed. I enjoy that you retained Kagome's caring side, however she's still fiesty sometimes so I was wondering if that would be included? Either way, Kagome is protrayed beautifully, and Sesshoumaru as well. He's not OC like some (a lot) of stories tend to make him, and he has a valid reason for warming up to Kagome. As for Inuyasha himself, I admire that you include him in your story. Most people dispose of him so he's not a problem, or make him to be the main problem. But your story makes me feel like it won't absolutely destroy him to lose Kagome, because I feel like she is 'home' for him at the moment. Like a bestfriend home. 

Keep up the good work! I enjoy every moment of your story. 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 12) - Fri 27 Jun 2014

Great chapter, keep it coming.


NorthPeach (Chapter 12) - Fri 27 Jun 2014

Bahahahaha!!!!! Love, love, love!!

*swings upside down from random tree branch*

Ankita (Chapter 12) - Fri 27 Jun 2014

Oh and forgot to I liked your sessho's portrayal also how u  explained his coldness his tenderness <3 they way you wrote this story I could see how much you love kagome and sesshomaru and really happy that ypur passion is the driving force for producing such awesome chappies <3 

Ankita (Chapter 12) - Fri 27 Jun 2014

Such a beautiful storyy ... this is the only storyy that I have found portrayes kagome's character the  best and the only one that touched my heart beautiful *hats off to the author" wonderfully written  ... every body says kagome's heart is beautiful and all your the only one who showed how beautiful it is very cleverly written ....keep up the awesome word all the chapters were awesome I never got bored .... Thank you  for writing this 

EmmaLynnx (Chapter 12) - Fri 27 Jun 2014

Wow this is a great chapter! Kagomes just so spirited, and that's why we love her. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

It all makes sense now...yep. Kagome overstepped some boundaries when she replaced Kura. Kura seems legitimate though. Now Kagome has to prove herself which could be a good thing. She doesn't necessarily have to win just prove her strength. I hope she doesn't get beat to bad though. I'm very happy for the sweet moment between Sesshoumaru and Kagome and I am so so so glad that you are not rushing anything between them. I believe that these subtle but sweet moments make the relationship development between them much more genuine and believeable.  Very nice! Haven't been disappointed yet! Yay! :)

Nicole (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

cant wait to see the fight...i hope that sesshoumaru will b there to help root kagome on :) look forward to the next chapter :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

I hope for the best, Kagome :)

elizabeth (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

i liked the chapter of today a new bride to inuyasha would be nice 

satuross (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

thanks for the update!

Sakura (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

Squee! Poor Sesshoumaru has no defense against Kagome's honest heart. <3 Thank you for updating so quickly with chapters. I got an email once again while I was at work and I was like NOO! I don't wanna wait!! Ah! But its always worth it. Super excited to meet this new male and I'm so happy for more Inuyasha in the story. I like how he is. He's still Inuyasha but he's showing this mature side that I've fallen for. He needs a good mate =3 Keep up the amazing work and if you ever need a beta or someone to bounce things off of..I'm so game! I offer my humble services to you. <3

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

Holy Wakamole!!!!!..............I've been gone for a really long time, and what do I find when I come back???? 12 chapters full of AWESOMNESS!! It's nice to see that you are consistent with your work, and it was a pleasure to come back to such an amazing set of chapters. I love the way the story is pregressing, bc I was never a fan of the "I saw you, and I fell in love with you plot" I apreciate the fact that you are taking the time to develop the story at a good rate with out the story being boring. I will be looking forward to the ass-kicking chapter that is to come I am very interested to so how does that turn out!!

Any ways...... thank you for your updates, and will be impatiently waiting for the next one!!!

jk (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

I dont like u :( just when i get into the chapter what do i get Author's Note.  Plz Plz give long chapters o_o (puppy eye look)

plz ;p

Sleeping_lullabies (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

This chapter was as usual intresting and exciting. I really love how everything is procedding. I am anxious to know about the battle between Kagome and the sho rank.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

Aw! Stubborn Kagome won't let the big bad Daiyoukai protect her lol.

I somehow missed chapter 11 -_-''

Anyway, I wonder, if the Sho leader will truly fight Kagome? The Gon leader may have issued the challenge, but if the Sho leader truly wanted to test Kagome, wouldn't he/she have challenged Kagome already? Or did the Sho leader conspire with the Gon leader to test Kagome's power?

Also, I found the wording interesting, the Gon leader just assumes Kagome won't defeat the Sho leader (as does Sesshomaru) but the Gon leader just said she had to fight the Sho leader to prove how powerful she is. Makes one wonder.....If Kagome defeats the Sho leader she could be the new leader but can she also claim the title of a Daiyoukai (the chapter said the Sho leader refused the position due to all of the responsibilities, so if Kagome is more powerful than the Sho leader, she has the right to a Daiyoukai level too).Which also really surprises me that Sesshomaru thinks she would lose to the Sho leader and lose her rank. He's not only experienced but witnessed how powerful Kagome is and yet he'd doubting her. That could shake her confidence and harm her ability to fight in the upcoming battle.

I remember some of the really powerful youkai Kagome fought (i.e. Naraku, taking back her soul after it left her-twice-, destroying miasma without harming the individual, etc) and she always won due to the fact her loved onces were endangered. In a similar sense, if Kagome does not win or prove how powerful she is to the Sho leader, she could lose her rank and everything she's done so far will be undone.

In the last chapter, I am surprised Inuyasha did not support Kagome. He should know by now she cannot sit idely by and watch someone innocent be harmed or corruption go unpunished. So for him to side with Sesshomaru makes me a bit annoyed at Inu. Afterall, that's why she was going to mate him was to correct wrongs done to him and yet he wants to tell her not to right the wrongs in the court? Seems a bit hypocritical of Inu.

Am glad that Sesshomaru's feelings are starting to show and grow. With him demanding a favor from Inu to protect Kagome makes him not only uncomfortable but guilty shows the feelings he has for Kagome are slipping past his defenses. Would be hilarious if the favor the Daiyoukia demands from Inu is the right to mate Kagome - IRONY!!!!!!!!!
Cannot wait for more!

Himura Asami (Chapter 12) - Thu 26 Jun 2014

I was wriggling desperately during this chapter because I honestly have no idea what will happen. 

I so badly want Kagome to win and prove her strength, and even if she doesn't win, I want her to wound this guy so hard! Ooh!

I just feel really stressed right now. This whole chapter was beautiful though. I especially enjoyed how he protected her and then she just ignored it.

That part made me feel bad for Inuyasha, because, come on. He asked for Sesshomaru to protect her, and she goes off and... acts like Kagome.

 Honestly I love all of this. 


(Even just a little).

Davita (Chapter 11) - Wed 25 Jun 2014

oh boy oh boy oh boy!! Loving this story and the feels that it gives me. I wish you all the best with this story. 

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