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Maira Saw (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Hey fanfiction is being weird so her I am! Anyway wonderful wonderful have to take care of the little one, and I can definitely see why he wouldn't want to take Rin to court, he would have to purge it and start will all new nobles hehe of course he might enjoy that a little to much

Moonlit Rose (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Very sweet. Another step in the right direction with their relationship developement. I can't wait to see this 'storm'. Looking forward to it. Keep up the good work!

sesshouscat (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

::::hugs::::::: too cute

i love it as alwyas

ok just a fair. Warning the. Naughty pRt of me has be rearing it's head

and  wants a smut from this.. Lol but the fluffy part of me want you to keep it

as it is and let my naughty part of me go wild with imagination  choosies so many chooses 

now to sleep I've been up waitng for your up date  and I'm happy I got a new chapter on my firxay

 and before bed. Oyasumi 

I'm off to have fluffy dreams

EmmaLynnx (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

This was an amazing scene, you can see the relationship starting to bloom it's beautiful! And it was great how you brought run in to the mix! I can't wait for more delightful chapters from you!

Nile (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

I've been enjoying this fan fiction and I was wondering if the rating was intended to T, rather than something perhaps stronger. I'e read a lot through the years and even some get a little more mature... not smut mature, but just tastefully mature. Just  thought in case you end up veering in that direction. I know how sometimes plots and the overall story can finally turn out once it's finally written.

Nicole (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

ok so at least little Rin can see what is happening to Sesshoumaru. i just cant wait till he can finally admit it to himself that he loves Kagome. looking forward to the next chapter :)

beachvilla (Chapter 16) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

Anticipating the storm.  :)  Great job, can't wait for the next chapter. 

Dee (Chapter 15) - Tue 08 Jul 2014

So...I have to go to work in the's already 1:30...I have been enraptured by this story... Please continue don't let my grumpy day at work be in vain

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 15) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Poor Kagome, she's so uncertain why Sesshomaru gets closer then pulls away and acts so cold. Although, he should know that will just draw her closer! The more he pulls away, the more she will attempt to get closer to him so she can be friends. Although, I think he's snuck under her defense and is slowly capturing her heart and she is in so much denial that she does not see it. It will be very interesting to see how all three: Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sesshomaru - react when they each start realizing where their feelings truly lie.

I think it'd be great if Inu found someone too so he isn't so lonely. Think Shirori is still too young (bat hanyou) but maybe he can find someone else so when Kagome finally starts listening to her heart and realizes her feelings for Sesshomaru, Inu won't be so hurt. After all, there's just no telling what goes on while he patrols ;)

I really liked this chapter -it gave the couple a mild bump in their relationship and shows that while Kagome does have very good instincts in reading people/youkai, she is still innocent and does not always catch the romantic and lustful thoughts that someone may have for her.

Cannot wait for more!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 15) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Sailor Moon new anime has already premiered Saturday, If you missed it you can watch it on youtube. Nice chapter, keep it coming.

NorthPeach (Chapter 15) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Squiggles and swirleys! And oh my stars!!


Like, ermergerd!!

Melissa (Chapter 15) - Mon 07 Jul 2014

Wow, This was a very good chapter. looking forward to more.

elizabeth (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

i love it this sesshomaru how come behave  with kagome in a manner so sweet 

sesshouscat (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014








OMG a fluffy I love it XD 

 and now I can have a good nap I got work tonight this was a great treat for me


MopseyFlopsey (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014


This story makes me want to cry and laugh at the same time. It is the epitome of what a good story should be. I love the way you portrayed the characters and it is so close to how their canon selves acted. I won't lie, I check every day to see if you have updated and it is a royal treat when you have. I was wondering how many chapters you had planned, approxamately, for the story? I CANNOT WAIT for what you have planned next

ALL my love and respect,


EmmaLynnx (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

Aawwwww that was so sweet and thoughtful, you go Sesshomaru-sama! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Zyren (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

I enjoyed this chapter, short but sweet. I still stand by my last review, since Inuyasha isn't being spun as a bad character I feel as though he should have the opportunity to gain respect from the other ranks. Kagome obviously has but Inuyasha is still "dating out of his league" in the eyes of others especially given all the respect Kagome has gained. If and when she finally starts seeing Sesshoumaru it will look as though she wasn't satisfied with a hanyou whereas if Inuyasha has gained his own standing and the court can see the love and respect between brothers things might not end so poorly for him. Just a thought. 

4kagome (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

Beautiful  another chapter please 


Ankita (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

A beautiful chapter I just hope kagome realises what she feels about sessho ^_^

Himura Asami (Chapter 15) - Sun 06 Jul 2014

You just killed me. This is so embarrassing.  Oh my goodness. Can I even get past this chapter? Oh my goodness! You are a genius. But seriously,  I can't even THINK about what in the world is going to occur because of this. Ah. 

It was the stab. I see. That was slightly depressing. 

Darn it. Sesshomaru! She's trying to overcome the situation!  Why don't you? Okay. I take that back. The guy is freaking in love with her and in denial. I understand his desire to keep her at arms length after that.

Now I'm smiling at how she's sure she'll reach him. The 'pat's were a nice touch, by the way. 

Oh goodness. You know how much I love the poetic touch, and the meaning conveyed behind it...

Thisnwas so good and so pivotal.  But...

I'm worried now.

When is Yasha going to notice? That's what I'm dreading. And... Kagome would never abandon him, no matter her feelings, but Inuyasha loves her like a sister and he would want her to be happy, but it's Sesshomaru, and....


My emotions and thoughts are in a total whirlwind!  I can't handle this! 


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