Reviews for Bent by Moonlight Silk

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Shaneka (Chapter 69) - Mon 06 Jan 2014

Love this chapter and I feel no simpathy for the dragon.

Aviva (Chapter 69) - Sun 05 Jan 2014

Yes, finally Sesshomaru has started to get revenge and gain the upper hand, but does this means that the prophesy will come through. Oh well the tree demon did say that they still could be together if Kagome remained strong. I am relieved that Akiyoshi is fine. Great update waiting anxiously for the next one

Haven (Chapter 69) - Sun 05 Jan 2014

That damn Chou.  I knew she would be bad news.  Poor Akiyoshi, poor family but thank goodness Sesshy, Inu and Kouga got there in time.  I'm glad the two Class-A douchery dragon lordlings got their just due.  Karma came and bitch slapped them

nana (Chapter 68) - Wed 01 Jan 2014

I love your story. Please finish  it

Tashi (Chapter 68) - Tue 31 Dec 2013

The chapter is really interesting, full of fire and action that makes it hard to stop reading. You are definitely creative and passionate about writing. I like your writing styles very much. Great job, can't wait for the next installment!

Aviva (Chapter 68) - Mon 30 Dec 2013

Oh man it seems like nothing can stop the predictions from coming through! Sessh is trying everything so that Kagome won't be hurt but it seems like even that won't be enough. He made other plans to get back his kingdom within two years and was waiting to tell her, but destiny cannot be put on hold. Nice twist with Akiyoshi, if Sesshomaru ever had a reason to fight this would do it. The chapter was great as usual!!

Alii (Chapter 68) - Mon 30 Dec 2013

Oh yeah I will tell her later... Bullshit look at what happened procrastinating for shame man for shame! I am flopping like a fish for the next update. 

elizabeth (Chapter 68) - Sun 29 Dec 2013

si si give them death to all those that facilate their the fall and the cospiracy against  sesshomaru that was

Shaneka (Chapter 67) - Sat 28 Dec 2013

Excellent chapter and the previous chapter was also great, looking forward to the upcoming chapters.

Alii (Chapter 67) - Thu 26 Dec 2013

Those Dragons got some serious issue dear.. So how about you drop some hints about how they will be driven apart. I am dying waiting fo. Some hints! Please update soon!(: 

Aviva (Chapter 67) - Mon 23 Dec 2013

This will be my second review for your story. I've been reading this fic from you posted the very first chapter but I never reviewed it before, sorry about that lol! This chapter is really laying the groundwork of things to come. I only hope that they will survive whatever life throws at them. Excellent work, your writing is so great I cannot get enough of it.

Aviva (Chapter 66) - Mon 23 Dec 2013

I have to tell you that I love your story, It is unique, full of drama and suspence and the characters are nicely developed. I enjoyed the chapter very much. Sessh and Kagome have come a far way and their hard work is paying off. I really hope they succeed.

Annonymous (Chapter 67) - Mon 23 Dec 2013

Things are really heating up. I feel bad for the couple because it seems as though the tree demon's predictions might come true. I really want Sesshomaru to get back his title and kingdom so that his family will have a better future, but I don't want Kagome to be hurt. Take it easy on them please! lol! Love the chapter it was great, the flow of the story is smooth and unhurried. I think you are doing an excellent job with this fanfic. 

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 67) - Sun 22 Dec 2013

I was fascinated by this chapter. I think S is misinterpreting some of the prophesy in regards to K's demise, but then you have a way of surprising us readers with your twists. Again, well written...great job!

Caera (Chapter 67) - Sun 22 Dec 2013

Don't feel bad I think your readers we're just overwhelmed...hahaha! Anyways,great chapter.

Mutnodjmet (Chapter 65) - Tue 17 Dec 2013

Ryoma did not know which son came first so he went according to traditional eye color meaning silver eye color was dominate among his kind and named that son as the fisrt born Daichi and second born Eiji...I think that's the way it goes. The little twist of the plot with the induction of the little girl Izumi is fascinating. Nice chapter and update soon. Great job and well written!

Shaneka (Chapter 64) - Sat 14 Dec 2013

Great chapter even though somebody died looking forward to the next chapters.

Tana_san (Chapter 64) - Sat 14 Dec 2013

Ok....I expected this, but I didn't expect this...exactly. I'm referring to Seira's death. I knew when he expelled eggs inside her she would have to die for them to live but that was...ECK...then to have a beautiful female humanoid child be born and Ryoma seems to really care for it. This was quite...unique. I don't believe anyone has ever written a revenge like this before, at least not one I've read. I have got to give you kudos for this scene. Now, I've got to wonder what will happen to the child. It seems the dragonlings accepted her as their sibling or wouldn't they have eaten her too? Also got to wonder if InuYasha received Seira's letter and if he'll really give it to Sesshoumaru.

Now the visit with the great tree youkai (can never spell his name when I want too), he just left more questions as far as I can tell. He even left both Sesshoumaru and Kagome with the thought that he would or could eventually hurt Kagome. That's not too comforting. And isn't it just like people who are new or different to get shunned and disrespected, only to have most turn around when they find that something good came from these new people? It took Sesshoumaru to put out the fire AND save 2 children's lives to get them to even give them a chance. I'm so much like Kagome and I believe there's good in everyone and I try to show no disrespect and even when they hurt my feelings badly, I still try to understand their ignorance, but what this family is doing is awe inspiring.

I also have to give kudos to Sesshoumaru who has never had to cow down to anyone in his life. He showed great restraint when it was Kagome that got their foot in the door, so to speak. I honestly hope all their efforts are rewarded.

I also have to wonder why Harumi allowed her "so loved" daughter to be killed by her pregnancy when she could have stopped it. I can't wait to see what's instore for both she and Ryoma. I also never could fully understand how 2 totally different species could reproduce effectively. Now Siera gave birth to 2 dragons and a ??? Is it still called a hanyou? She's a halfbreed, right and so are the males...or where they just fostered within her body until they hatched? Curious thing, aren't I????

I adore this whole thing more and more with each time I come back to catch up. Listen to my hands as they clap very loudly for your imagination and talent for writing!!!   JEN

satuross (Chapter 64) - Fri 13 Dec 2013



but they deserve it ^_^


Now can sesshy mama have an end as grotesque as this? please?

Shaneka (Chapter 63) - Thu 12 Dec 2013

Lovely chapter as always, keep them coming.

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