Reviews for Red Lotus by Madison

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cakeiton (Chapter 15) - Fri 18 Apr 2014

When Sesshoumaru caught her, I literally said, "Oh sh--," out loud and started giggling.


Oh, getting crankier, Sess? I know a GREAT remedy...


I love that they stared at each other when they were both bare, vunerable, and shakened. Its such a human koment for Sess, and she did not make a big deal out of it.

Didie (Chapter 15) - Thu 17 Apr 2014

I suspiciously thought that next time Sesshoumaru came undone is because of Kagome's.......


Hand... XD

Didie (Chapter 15) - Thu 17 Apr 2014

*I am fainted. And Sesshoumaru is on top on me. :-q

Sheila (Chapter 15) - Thu 17 Apr 2014

Oh my...

starwindess (Chapter 15) - Thu 17 Apr 2014

love, Love LOVE!!! That you updated so soon!!! I am in love with this story and I can't wait to see what happens next!!! You are doing a wonderful job in maintaining their true characters and how they are dealing with this change, but not making them "flip" one day! Love your stories, and can't wait to read more!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 15) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

Cool, keep it coming. Happy Easter!

iD (Chapter 15) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

I love how things are going so far. Especially the recent chapter! Of course Kagome was obviously going to be the first one to come to terms with the fact that it might not actually be the bond that's causing her to want to be with Sesshhh. I do have one thing I'd like to mention though, Isn't Kagome kinda cooped up in the apartment all day? I understand she might not want to go out where people are, but Sesshomaru could always take her to a park or something. It might be a nice change of pace for the couple, to get outdoors together. Anyways, love the story so far~ Hope to see more updates soon!

Moonlight Silk (Chapter 15) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

So much sexual tension and stubborness. I wish they would just give in to the pull of the bond and their own desires, let pride and their inhibitions go. I know when they do its going to be explosive. Great chapter as always.

Ana (Chapter 15) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

Hot ... Too hot >.< 

thank you. For the update <3

Queen of Dorks (Chapter 1) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

Madison, I love you and your writing! The way their relationship has developed and still developing warms my heart and tickles my naughty bits! Keep up the great work and I'll keep on reading said great work as well.

cakeiton (Chapter 14) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

I was originally going to go into spastic giggles about Sesshoumaru's hate for cell phones and Totosai's comment,b"You ain't a guest, you invited yourself, " but then he hugged her! And now I'm fangirling.

Though, I thought he was going to talk to Inuyasha about negating the urges, not have a sex talk lol. Love it

MissKatt (Chapter 15) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

Oh my goodness, their sexual tension is making even me feel frustrated!! Haha, but I love this story so much. Thanks for the update, Maddie-San!

cakeiton (Chapter 13) - Wed 16 Apr 2014

Ah! The bed scene! It was heated and you could sense how they were both being patrtially satiated, even if it was only from Kags POV. Neck nuzzles <3


And yes, I did double take. "I thought Inuyasha was dead! What is goin- Ah, okay, nevermind." Lol

cakeiton (Chapter 12) - Tue 15 Apr 2014

Oh, erm, yeah... so, good chapter *clears throat and blushes* Haha, yeah right, im not embarrassed. I have been WAITING for something like that to happen lol. Hawt.


And punching the shower tiles? Very in character.

cakeiton (Chapter 11) - Tue 15 Apr 2014

"There was nothing to fix about Sesshomaru.

Nothing except the problem in his pants."

I volunteer as tribute!

cakeiton (Chapter 10) - Tue 15 Apr 2014

Kagome reminds me of Ester from "The Bell Jar". The situations are different but the conflict is the same. Futures are scary, and decisions are final. Kagome never faced the future, even before she was sick, so I get her struggle. Here is a quote that your story reminded me of:

“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.”

-Sylvia Plath

cakeiton (Chapter 9) - Tue 15 Apr 2014

Sick Sesshoumaru always makes me laugh, because the guy not only is high and mighty,  but deliberately puts the weight of the world on his shoulders because he doesnt trust others to help him support it. So when he falls, like in this story, I just imagine his ego crashing down on him as well. "Ha! No sympathy. That's what you get."

cakeiton (Chapter 8) - Mon 14 Apr 2014

Yeah, Sesshoumaru, how can you know you're missing out on something if you dont even know what it's like? Seriously

cakeiton (Chapter 7) - Mon 14 Apr 2014

Their conversations are very well done. I'm ignoring everything I have to do tonight to read this, just so you know lol

cakeiton (Chapter 6) - Mon 14 Apr 2014

"Pity was a way to hide the lack of caring."

I really dug this line. Insightful. 

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