Reviews for Red Lotus by Madison

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Literary Fan (Chapter 23) - Wed 31 Dec 2014

Wow. I just wish they could talk more. :-( I'm hoping they communicate more, so that their relationship can improve. Hopefully together they reach much deserved happiness.:-)  Have a Happy New Year! :-D

Minime (Chapter 23) - Wed 31 Dec 2014

Yey. An update before 2015. Great chapter. Poor kagome. Hope that their relationship gets better in the next chapters. Thanks for posting this story. It like your new years gift to your readers. Looking forward for the next one.

Loveyaa (Chapter 22) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

Your story is amazing! I guess i'm lucky that I started later and could keep going. I don't know what i'll do know that i'll have to wait like everybody else. I do enjoy that Kagome didn't just snap back. She went through a trying time and that isn't necessarily over yet. I wonder how this new twist in their 'relationship' will turn out. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Michela (Chapter 22) - Mon 01 Dec 2014

I'm so happy for the update, thank you very much!!!

On the other hand I want to go thru the screen at Kagome, strangle her and tell her that he feels something for her!! He wouldn't do all this if he didn't in some way >_<

I hope the next chapter comes out soon!

Lonelylulaby (Chapter 22) - Sun 30 Nov 2014

Oh wow was that AMAZING!!! I have no idea what Kagome's is going to do when this misunderstanding is found ou but I guess until then she will just TAKE. Lol anywho I loved this story and can't wait for more.  I guess we wil be seeing a wee one in the coming chapters or just a lot of s-e-x, either one is OK with me.


ja me till next time and keep up the great work

NomDePlume (Chapter 22) - Sun 30 Nov 2014

Damn, I love this fic. Your writing is amazing.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 22) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

Poor Kagome, keep it coming Happy Thanksgiving!

DinosaursR2Cute (Chapter 22) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

I'm not gonna lie I screamed when I saw this was updated. This is a happy Thanksgiving indeed and this is one of the things I'm thankful for!


Poor little babu Kagome! I' hoping the Sesshomaru will start to feel something more for her or whatever! I just want to cuddle both of them.


Ankita (Chapter 22) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

:) lovely chapter. ...  sad for kagO ;( 

Didie (Chapter 22) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

Oooh... Dear Maddie-san! You've successfully made me blush ten shade of red! But yes, I must admit that doing sex without love would feel.....rather lacking... Hmm... How I suppose to describe, not satisfying and completing enough? Of course I enjoyed your lemon much, very much, but my heart ached for Kagome that though she would only took the act of sex from Sesshoumaru to 'mend' her hollowed heart.. Oh.. Tear me up much...

Cant wait to see how this progress goes from Sesshoumaru's point of view! You completely trow me off the balance here! Never in my wildest imagination that your story will go this way! But of course you're the author! Made me surprise more, please! Hehehe..


Wish you all the best!

Moonlight Silk (Chapter 22) - Thu 27 Nov 2014

An amazing chapter as usual. I could feel the angst, the confusion, the lust and then acceptance at the end. Although I think Kagome might be judging Sesshomaru a little too harshly on his emotions or lack thereof. I believe he is just as confused with his feelings and what he really wants as she is. Time and patience will take them to a better place emotionally, and I have to add, Kagome really needs to talk to Sesshomaru. She needs to tell him what concerns her most about the two of them. I anxiously await the next chapter!

DinosaursR2Cute (Chapter 21) - Thu 20 Nov 2014

I believe this is the third time I've read this story and I can't get enough of it! Please continue being as awesome as you are, my dear!

Angiux (Chapter 21) - Wed 15 Oct 2014

Thank you so much for your writing. I think this is the first review I leave and I must apologize for not taking the time to thank you before. Although I have to admit that angry sex for the first time isn't ideal, this fits perfectly well in the story. They are both wallowing. She wallows in self pity and him in denial. The only way they seem to connect and let go of all the mind blocks is when they get physical. Hopefully now that this HUGE step has been taken, they can start to focus on what they are not saying to each other. This will probably also kickstart her recovery? As much as I would like, i know I will not get cherry blossoms and sunshine with you, so I'm not holding my breath for a 180 and sudden understanding and happiness from these two. But this is why unread your work. Bc it comes from a dark yet real place. So. With this you get my thanks and yet another request for an update. :)

desje (Chapter 21) - Tue 14 Oct 2014

Omg omg omfg, I just got burned. That had some high level sexual tension going on, the sparks were flying. Steamy banter & angry sex is hotttt! But that is not all this story has going for it, her struggle, his awakening and that sweet bond that is slowly developing is making my heart squirm. I am seriously in love with this story <3

Meee (Chapter 2) - Mon 13 Oct 2014

I think u did a good job its about time they complete each other. Don't ever don't your writing I love the story please keep up the great work n I don't mind lonnng chapters it makes the wait worth while looking forward on the next chapter

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 21) - Wed 08 Oct 2014

Awesome chapter, keep it coming

Matsui Aiko (Chapter 21) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

Finally.  <3

Hopefully now they figure out they really want each other.

But no, they're about to get akward.  I'm curious about how this will affect Kagome's recovery.


Keep up the good work!

Reader in Disguise (Chapter 21) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

Holly shit woman! You killed me there! Amazing update! One of the best ever! FINALLY! They finally did it, and I couldn't be happier! The tension was just killing me and I couldn't take much more! I wish it didn't end so suddenly, I wish we could have seen the aftermath of their first time together, but I am looking forward to your next update with anticipation! Please update soon again! This is my favorite story and every time you update and I find out, I drop everything to run and read the new chapter, it does not matter who or how important, nothing can keep me away from your updates, it is just too intense to wait until later! So please, update soon again! I can't wait to know what happened!

Minime (Chapter 21) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

Yey! New chapter. Wonderfully made! Looking forward for the next one.

Ankita (Chapter 21) - Tue 07 Oct 2014

Loved this chapter glad you didnt split it into 2 chappies otherwise i would have died due to aagitagitation. ...They needed  to talk even if kagome had to be drunk to do it and they did i m glad everything  is clear now ... but don't  know  how they will react  now anxiously  waiting  for the next chapter please  please  please please  update soonnnn 

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