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Selazul (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

 I don't think there is a word in any of the romance languages for what I feel...

Silverfurred (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! Jesus motherfu--, why would you even----...ugh.

I have no words for my frustration. None at all....I shall eagerly await the next piece....and hope to not combust in the proces....-_-


Mikazuki (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Hmm...some adult she turned out to be.  Rule #1:  do not run from unpleasant situations or your problems, even it you think you are handling it straight on like an adult.  Oh never handles things gracefully in the heat of the moment...

snowbird (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

I just had to add more after reading all the other reviews.  I agree with everything that KyonKyon01 said.  Kagome is a coward.  She should have sat down with him and talked everything through so they could come to an understanding and maybe even take things slow.  Instead she's being a coward and running away, making things worse.

You are a good story weaver.  You've managed to get everyone all stirred up and their adrenaline pumping.  I'm really, really eager to see what you plan to do with the situation you've created.  There will probably be more anger and frustration, maybe even some tears.  As long as there is a happy ending, it will all be worth it so keep typing away.

snowbird (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Just as I thought.  She's letting her past bad experience guide her into making a big mistake.  She's not only rejecting his feelings for her but also his friendship.  She could even be rejecting being a part of his pack.  She's hurting the best thing that's ever happened to her.  Right now I don't like Kagome and hope she learns that while a career is rewarding, it makes for a cold friend and even colder bedmate if pursued alone.  It would even be nice if her fellow packmates felt that she was rejecting them, too, since Sesshoumaru is their alpha. Maybe they'll slowly begin to shun her.  You don't associate with someone who rejects and shuns your alpha since that might be construed as you taking their side against your alpha.  As I said before, I'm vindictive and I want her to suffer more than he will be.

Lazurite (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Okay, now I hate you... he didn't stay out all night in just his pants...

Seriously though, I'm totally lost trying to figure out Kagome. I don't know anymore if she really DOES know what she wants or if she's in denial. I totally get the part about not needing though. If I think about it that way then it seems that Kagome just hasn't figured out that just because she doesn't "need," it doesn't mean she can't want (or have). 

So there's a lot of Kagome hate in the comments right now. The level of vilification going on here... like she's Kristen Stewart and she just cheated on Edward... I mean Rob... But the best I can work out is she doesn't want to be defined by a man, and I understand that too. In which case moving out could possibly help them.

I'm wondering if his invitation to Sapporo is still on the table and I'm wondering how the rest of the pack is going to react...

And to balance out some of the negativity here, I just want to reiterate how much I'm loving this story. The stories I love the best are the ones in which there's something in there I can personally relate to. Funnily enough... the one I'm identifying with is Sesshoumaru! 

Lazurite (Chapter 50) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Wait... I just re-read the end there... did he just leave wearing just his pants? Did he? 

Lazurite (Chapter 50) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Oh no! And on his "birthday!" I was all excited when she mentioned his birthday, because I figured this would be the chapter, that and I was all pleased because we finally got to see her do something sweet for him. Then I was torn between reading it fast to find out what happened and slow to make it last. I went with slow. I was really pleased I was right about the tongue thing. 

Okay so, I had Kagome figured for a runner and if she had any other reaction other than the one you wrote I probably wouldn't have bought it... she's too old and he's too Sesshoumaru for her to slap him and call him a pervert. So no I don't hate you. This story hasn't let me down yet, I figure you'll get around to everything in your own time, so I'll just hang in there.

Cuddles for Sesshomaru (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Oh my god. I could kill right now. Haha. It's a good reason to move. But I think that for you have a major twist for us in store. If this actually happens I'm going to throw a flaming alligator sword at you Madame. 


CrazyLoveSK (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012


REALLY?! *sigh* man.........i got faith in you but...........really! lol 

i a wait your update!

stoictimer (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

oh noooo. i'm curious to see how you feel sesshoumaru will react to that statement....

Zybentina (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

She must be absolutely terrified of being hurt and of allowing herself to be happy.  While I believe that career is important, it's not everything.  Kagome seems to be thinking only logically and in the meantime trying to protect her heart from being trampled on again.  Poor thing.  

I'll take Sesshomaru off of her hands if she doesn't want him!

Nilee1 (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Nobody could be that freaking stupid. She's not even going to talk this over with him... REALLY! Did she even think about the poem he recited to her (beautiful touch BTW) or what her moving out would do to him and the pack? I've never been more disappointed with our Kagome. She made him laugh, made him hope, made him dream...

yahyah (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012


FayeMegan (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

*bottom lip quivers* ToT

mangageek (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

I repeat what I have said beofre, Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why, no,nonononononononon, Kagome you idiot!


Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

This is why men say women r complicated and just, walking contradictions. We claim we want a nice guy, a gentleman , that treats us right etc etc and the moment one steps in and acts the part... the women flees. It does not make sense ahh, why r women so complicated? it makes me mad, I don't get it. Men are so much easier to understand.  

Sessygurl (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

She is in love with him and does not realize it or correction she does not want to. I dont think she is giving a damn about what he is feeling at all. However, knowing Sesshoumaru he will give her what she wants, himself be damned. With that said I cant wait to see what happens next. Will she really still be considered pack if she moves out? I know she is Shippo's but... I mean that kiss just said it all.

Karen (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

I am trying very, VERY hard to not hate you right now! UUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK IS HER PROBLEM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? *headdesking and sobbing*

KyonKyon01 (Chapter 51) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

Whhhhyyyyyy?????? Ugh! After all he's done for her and what he's come to mean to her, how could she do that to him? That isn't being an adult. That is childish. To run away and stubbornly abandon someone you care about for your "goals". Never mind the fact that he's done nothing but support her while she goes after her goals. How can she possibly think that is the right thing to do? She should have trusted the voice in her head telling her that it was a mistake, because it's huge one. It fear and selfishness talking, not maturity. How could she hurt him like that?  It is incredibly self-centered and I don't really like her right now <_< Plus she is putting all the blame on him. How could he kiss her? Way to ignore the fact that you have been attracted to him and participated in the kiss too. Argh! I know she is young and inexperienced and intense love is a heavy, heavy emotion to deal with...but I sincerely hope she stops being a coward. She is running away and she is stepping all over him on her way out the door. It definitely feels like she has taken him for granted and I don't know how you're going to bring her back from that. I trust that you have something in mind, because you are an amazing writer. But seriously. I don't like Kagome right now. She is only thinking about herself and that is hard to respect. However, I trust you implicitly. Keep up the good work!

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