Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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FoxxMurmer (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

SO CUTE! I freaking love this story. It keeps getting better and better. Inuyasha and Rin! I never saw that one comming. Loves it

Lady Kirara (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

OMG! That was just...OMG! Totally and completely worth the extra wait. This chapter was amazing Forthy! I love how you drew everyone's paths together in the future somehow. It just makes it all the more sweet to me. And that last line just about killed me. I guess even a hanyou needs to grow up someday. Perfect!! 

Fox (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Omg.. beautiful chapter. I teared up at the end. :')

Hedda (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

'Sesshoumaru brought Rin orphans like she used to bring him flowers.' <--- For that sentence alone, I love this chapter!!! Of course, I love all about it. How Inuyasha has grown up and how sweet he is at the end, but that one sentence really made my day. :)

KT (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

O - O;  ...... it means that he accepts... INUYASHA accepts kagome and sesshy being together! Wow what a cliffy.

Thank you for updating!!!!!!!!  And boy, sesshy sure is lenient about kag talking to inuyasha. I would have thought that he would have at least said something. Well I guess his standing there, kind of makes sense now that I think of it. He is keeping a close watch.

Still pretty shocked at rin and inu being together. But that makes it all so cute!!!!  And best part is, this chappie is beginning to tie up all the loose ends. and Ha ha ha ha ha even managed to convince sesshy to give up some teeth. Ah poor them. lol

Great chappie once again. =)  Oh oh oh does that mean you will update again this friday? Please pretty please? With cherries on top? and icecream? mint chocolate chip???


XD I just love your story!

Addy (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011


So cute!

(Apologies if it's a repost)

Alexandra (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

i love the ending part! about having the precious person reminds about early on inuyasha stories!! can't wait for more and also interesting of a sort w/ inu and rin!!

Synyster Star (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

awww so cute!!!! I lovvvee it! :D I love Inuyasha in this! And its a surprise I never seen one where RIN and Inuyasha get together very new and fresh I love it :D

utterchaos247 (Chapter 96) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

awww, Inuyasha did change... he got sappy... XD  jk but still, that was funny

Silent Walker (Chapter 1) - Sat 09 Apr 2011

No update this week? (pouting.) :(

Amanda (Chapter 95) - Sat 09 Apr 2011


Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 95) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

Pillow fight with Hisoka-sensei! ^_^ Booyaka!!

*gleefully spins around the room from all the happy fuzzy feelings and hope*

Thanks so much for writing!

Sesshoumarus Girl (Chapter 1) - Tue 05 Apr 2011

This is a great story!

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 95) - Mon 04 Apr 2011

Absolutely,absolutely AWESOME chapters! Goodness, I fall in love with Sesshoumaru more and more with every chapter updated. Please, pleae continue to write. I cannot wait for the next update.

Loveyaa (Chapter 95) - Sun 03 Apr 2011

I like the interactions that took place this chapter. I liked their moment at the end and how it somehow moved them forward. I can't wait to see their continued moments, which a struggle to create according to Sesshoumaru :), but she can't just stay there can she? I guess with a tutor she could if she wanted. I can't see what happens next in their world of normal :)

YuiitsuSakka (Chapter 95) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

UGH!! It's so cute I want to VOMIT hearts and rainbows!! ♥

Fox (Chapter 95) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

Beautiful chapter.. full of love and joy. <333 Thank you!

Margie (Chapter 95) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

Wonderful! :)))

Hesunohana (Chapter 95) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

they're sweet together. bravo for this chapter !


see you next.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 95) - Sat 02 Apr 2011

Forthy, I am so torn. I want to read the end of this story and see that they DO come together, but I don't want it to end! I love these people you have created. Oh, I know the characters are actually the creation of RT, but you have recreated them more fully, made them very real people for your readers.

Hisoka is absolutely wonderful. I would have loved having a caretaker or teacher like him when I was a child and young adult. His wisdom, cleverness and humor make him a compelling individual, one you would work to spend time with.

I love the adult Shippo. He is so much fun, more like a playmate. It's a crazy situation where he feels this young girl is his mother and yet he's so much older than she is...

Sesshoumaru is perfect, so stoic and reserved - not out of arrogance, not really, but because he was not encouraged to allow people to be close to him due to his station, nor is it a part of his character. It isn't easy for him to open himself to others, but it is impossible for anyone not to open themselves to Kagome. She is a fresh spring breeze blowing the fustiness of winter away. She is sunshine and laughter. She seemed much more mature when Sesshoumaru was a child and now she seems so young and untried, new and unsure of herself. It makes for a brilliant refocus on her character.

The gentle patience Sesshoumaru demonstrates in their cautious courtship is such a testimony to his love for her, as opposed to the demands of instinct. Instinct would have him complete the mating NOW, but his heart leads him to patience and tolerance for her uncertainty. You portray that uncertainty so very well, too. She knows, at some level, that she wants to be with him, but it is a huge and frightening step for one so young to take.

Ah, Forthy, you have enchanted me with this tale and its inhabitants and I will cry when it is over, even with a happy ending, because it means THIS story is done. I will continue to read your other stories and enjoy them probably as much as I enjoy this one, but Unspoiled is a very special piece of work. It is a very charming stand-alone tale that exemplifies your tremendous talent. Thank you for sharing it with us.



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