Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Ava 365 (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009
Damn! I hope things change soon, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Will he let her heal after hurting her so badly? Or will he take her regardless of her body condition? We already know he doesn't care if she hates what he is doing to her. Great chapter as usual!

snowbird (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009
Good. I like the idea that he gets no satisfaction in being with his whores. I was glad you added that to the story. I hope he gradually gets to the point he's not able to rut with them at all. Poetic Justice. I just hope he takes a bath before coming to bed with Kagome. Yuck! Also, an even bigger yuck, I hope he's not fresh from a whore before he makes Kagome give him a blow job. But I don't know, if he can be so sick as to piss down her throat. I just get sick everytime that image forms in my mind. I just think of all the germs that piss carries from the body. I'm in the medical field so I should know. As you can tell, I am definitely not into 'water works'. Call me old fashioned if you want, but piss belongs in the toilet along with all its germs.

Hannah (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009


Thanks for the update!

I cannot wait for the next one!

Also, I was wondering, when will Sesshomaru set about impregnating Kagome? Is her fertile time approaching, will he rut with her in a particular manner or location or for a period of time (during or after the completion of the war with Naraku?) to ensure its success etc.

I really loved the end of this chapter, Sesshomaru's smearing of their mixed fluids, and Kagome's groan as he tied with her, does she realise why he does that, and does he keep ejaculating the entire time, or is it merely to contain his seed?

Hahah, at the rate I'm going with these question I'm going to have to put a rating warning on this review I think!

Anyways, I can't wait for the next update!!! ASAP PLEASEEE XD 

Yamiyo (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009

*jumping up and down in sit* Next chapter please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really really REALLY RRRREEEEAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY wanna see how all fluffy's crap bites him back!!!!!!!!!!


Keep going or I'll hunt you down *mwahaha*


no but really I like the story so far and the more i read the more i like it, thou i kinda hate fluffy in your story so far and most likely will till his payback comes but thats normal lol ^_^

Kitty (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE update really soon. I can't wait to read more. I am so hooked on this story.

cocoke5 (Chapter 8) - Tue 29 Sep 2009

poor kagome  but i love the story and can not wait for the next chapter and see what next for her and see if she can get an way for him and she will have pup soon.. good luck on the storyand can not wait for more of the story.


Lady ky (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009

I lkie the fic I really do, I'm just curious do you have it all planned out right now? I know you said it might be longer then C&C but I'm just curious as to how long before Kagome gets pregnant? and what happens after I mean does Sesshomaru just take the pups from her and give them to some youkai nurse or something?

I know curiosity killed the cat but  hey sadisfaction brought it back.

FangedBeasty (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009

I would really like it if, Kagome would willingly do it after awhile, then feel like crap about doing it.  Because, at the moment she has the knowledge that she fought back, but take that away, well you would have a real tortured person on your hands.  I still really like were you are taking this story.



Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009
Oooo c; the ominous feeling in the ending of that chapter was delicious!! It's like playing tug-o-war w/it all @,@ I love how my emotions on this whole story are just going all over the place! It's like, "Uh-oh! I thought he wasn't going to really connect w/her till later on. Oh wait! No, I'm wrong! Gasp! It's another twist of emotions!". Truly feels as though I'm on the edge of my seat at the end of every chapter. =] It's been a long while since this had happened if ever, but I'm enjoying every minute of it nonetheless. ^_^ again, plz update as soon as you can >,<

1CarinoInu (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009

Ah, yes, the pain....the misery.  Poor Kagome.  All I can say is that this harsh treatment of her may come to bite a certain Demon Lord in the a**! 

Beautiful writing, so dark and haunting.  Keep up the good work!

autumngold (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009

My heart just bleeds for Kagome.  I find it hard to think that Sesshoumaru will ever care for Kagome.  He has been raised to think of humans as less than dirt.  Sure, he's nice to Rin, but she's the only one.   Why does he pretend that things will get better when she accepts her situation.  Is he suddenly going to start to care about her needs?  Listen when she wants or needs something?  No, because she is beneath him.  Even the servants rank about her, his mate, because she is human.  How will he ever get beyond what she cannot change, her humanity?   I certainly hope that she doesn't get pregnant.  Of course, he will blame her for this, but it will really be his fault.  The only thing I hope for if she does get pregnant is that his sons will turn against him.  Hopefully they won't stand to have their mother treated that way.  Or will they hate her for being a human too?  Thank you for the update! 

AmaViarra (Chapter 8) - Mon 28 Sep 2009

The chapters of this story never cease to amaze me. I had forgotten about Rin completly, until she was mentioned in this chapter. Wonderful job with writing it, the chapter had a nice flow to it. I don't know why, but hearing the whole  concubine thing really irks me. But I understand it is normal for this period, still I can't help but feel for Kagome. She was forced into this, yet she only has a little girl who sees her in anything but a negative light. N' the male who is abusing her physically and emotionally is sleeping with women and then coming back to fall asleep with her. That defitnly must not feel good. I'm sure if anything numbness in the only thing she is feeling. I'm curious to see the development of this story, and how Sesshoumaru and Kagome's relationship devlope through the story.

Again this chapter was wonderfully dark. I have a lot of questions going on in my mind in what may come. But I guess I will have to wait for the upcoming chapters for them to be answered XD Also I would like to thank you for not having everyone in the Castle(er home) of Sesshoumaru not instantly like Kagome.(For Demon's existing) You are making this story very realistic, and are keeping the characters in character. Thanks again for writing such a good story. Please update when you get the chance :)

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 7) - Mon 28 Sep 2009
I know =-=;; It's me again ^-^. It's hard not to get entangled into a good title @,@. Although after reading warnings and author's notes, I must say that this is not what I'm used to reading at all. I like the fairy tales myself, but it is nice to get away from "the norm" once in a while. Which is why I read your fics =D Whoo! lol. Anywho, this story has proven to take a whole 'nother prospective of Sesshoumaru, and I must say it is quite different than most. Seems like C&C is like the yin to this yang. I like it =D!! *bows like an unworthy begger* Update soon plz!

Katrina (Chapter 7) - Sat 26 Sep 2009

Damn this is some really dark shit! there some dark lemon characters that I just could not read. To me it was way to exteme I mean poor Kagome I hope when she does have a Son or Daugther I hope that the child will learn the truth and hate it's father for of what he did towards to the mother. But come to think of it there was a crazy idea that I was thinking of what if Kagme just couldn't take it anymore and decide to do something crazy like she decides to burn half of her face so Sesshomaru couldn't find her beautyful anymore and won't be able to touch her or worst go completely Mad getting revenge on Inuyasha, Kikyou, and Sesshomaru.

liko (Chapter 7) - Sat 26 Sep 2009
good gracious girl how the hell is kagome ever gonna fall in love with this creep! its still a good story dont get me wrong now. but i'm just wondering how kagome is gonna love sesshoumaru.

Megan (Chapter 1) - Sat 26 Sep 2009
I followed you LOL hehehe, so you are going to update your stories hear form now on am I right? this site is really amazing, I am mostly not a big Sesshomaru and Kagome fan, but I am a Sesshomaru and Rin fan, but your story is amazing and i just love the dark effect to it, amazing!!!. by the way do you know if there is a site like this but a Sesshomaru and Rin site? Hugs Keep up the good work, can't wait to read more. Hugs Megan007

Sess Koibito (Chapter 7) - Fri 25 Sep 2009
I feel so bad for Kagome, her situation certainly does look hopeless. I am curious: If things were different and Rin was The Mother from the prophesy, would Sesshomaru treat her the same as he's treating Kagome? I hope Inuyasha finds out exactly how badly he betrayed Kagome soon. Great Chapter!

Kambri_Jade (Chapter 1) - Fri 25 Sep 2009
Awesome story! I absolutely love the darkness of it all. I can't wait till Sesshomaru finds out he has to capture Kagome's heart in order to get what he desires. Looks like he's in for quite a challenge xD Great job and keep up the good work! Later, Kambri_Jade

Wynter89 (Chapter 7) - Fri 25 Sep 2009
Sesshomaru surely knows how to degrade a person. I was utterly shocked when Sesshomaru urinated in her mouth and expected her to swallow it. Sure, you warned there would be a little water works, but I only thought he'd just Urinate ON her not IN her...
Kagome has such a lovely soul, I hope she never breaks. I want her to overpower that kami-offal collar and purify the whole Shiro! That's my wishful thinking for you!
I should be expecting more punishments and torture for Kagome, I hope she doesn't really try to escape -knowing her she will- I can only imagine her punishment. *shudder*
I can only hope that later on Sesshomaru will realize how precious Kagome is, and what he has done to her.. *Pay back is a BITCH Fluffer-nutters!*
I am routing for Kaogme!!!
Good luck

Eien-no-Melody (Chapter 7) - Fri 25 Sep 2009
god i love your stories! i love your mind! but it scares me sometimes, like this story (which doesn't happen often). it's so good and i keep thinking that there will be awesome well written emotional trauma which i love to bits and pieces. like in C&C, there's build up to it and you know it's coming. but this makes me feel empty. can't wait for the next chapter, but i feel hopeless. you do a fabulous job of pulling the reader in and evoking the same feelings as kagome does. and i'm ok with the sexual acts. so long as you give me a happy ending, i can handle anything you give me, and i think a lot of your readers feel that way too. but as i said, this story scares me, so now i need to go read something happy, sweet as hell, and fluffier than cotton candy. keep up the good work though! i'm thinking about doing fanart too. since heartless-ipod-ninja kind of owns the fanart rights to C&C, i may make Breeder my little pet project.

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