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Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

SQUEEEEEEE! I am absolutely ADORING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE!!!!! YOUR STORIES! Ugh.......... whoever doesn't think this is a good fic can shove tetsaiga up their butts. I just... ugh... I don't even have words on how to  explain it. Everything is just so perfect. Like I said before, this is like the Yang to C&C's Yin <3. It's so mazing and well thought out. I love how Sesshoumaru's being himself as we know him, that side of him that you never think about, and still he's caring at the same time. He's not always the chauvinistic pig that alot of other people think he is. Idk... it's just so wonderful how you make this seem so real. The details on the other two updated chapters was so amazing. It's  like the reader is the one feeling all of this that's happening to 'Gome. Ugh... Idk. It's just so amazing and baffling. I just love it <3

P.S. I love the fact that you make long stories c; it shows how dedicated you are to your creative skill to be able to write these. <3 Thanks so much for being such a genius!!!!!!!!! lol ♥♥♥


FangedBeasty (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

This was actually a happy chapter, lol.  Considering, I still liked it, :3, keep up the good work. 

Selah (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

If I am a chicken then I'm a darn proud one lol. I only read chapters one and 12. Thanks for the warnings. I think I'll take heed.

However I think you are a great story weaver, its intricate. I don't know how you're going to do it, but you intend to have true and authentic love come for Sesshomaru and Kagome in this story. If that happens in a realistic way to make us believe that actually possible for an earthly being, then wow! You really making a story about unconditional love, all the comfortable conditions are thrown out the windows with this one. Someone who goes through such atrocious acts at the hands of another and ultimately have love for them at end. Wow and just some more wow!(Sorry don't have the words right now to arcitculate myself better than that lol) Yep this story is going to be a rough ride and I'm not going to be on for the lot of it. Thats why I'm giving you this really long review to tell you what I already know this story will be. GREAT


Enjoy writing

Silverkitsune26 (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

OOOHHHH.......... I just want to HURT Sesshoumaru for his treatment of Kagome, but I trust you as the author will make him pay later in the story. And what is his talk about his sons all the time?? what if he had an daughter in stead?? would not they count?? You know, the perfect irony of it all would be that he got a daughter for the first born and not a son.

Can hardly wait for the next update, so PLEACE update soon.

Love Silverkitsune26 ^_^

Nat-a-wee (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I love this story, yet hate it at the same time. Is that possible?

Anywho, I REALLY hope these sons Sesshomaru wants so freakin bad grow up and kick his A$$!!

Love the new chapter!!

Cant wait for the next!XD


Tante Slyvie (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

The story is getting awesome. Please continue.

SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Wow I love how this is going! YAY SHIPPO!

I wonder will Kagome make Inuyasha suffer? Like emotionally for what he's done to her? I mean all that despair and all must turn to anger right? I mean XD; I dunno though...

I wonder if like in the future one ofhte lords tries to capture her and make an all out war...XD;

I love how you updated so fast! And I adore long stories! I can't wait to see how this unfolds!


Please continue <3 Update soon! I'm just ADDICTED to your story D;

stars (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

please updata

anonymous (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! Can't wait to see what it'll take to bring Sesshou down from his "high-and-mighty" attitude" :P


Update soon~~~!!!!

Karen (Chapter 12) - Sat 07 Nov 2009

Wow. Very sad chapter for Kagome. But as much as I like this story I keep on wondering why you make Inuyasha suffer way more than Sesshomaru at every story. Even when you write an Inuyasha/Kagome story. I mean I like the pairing of Sesshomaru and Kagome too. But I like Inuyasha. Will he really suffer that much. At the end of the story is he still mates with Kikyo.

(Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

hey girl!


I don't remember if i've ever reviewed this story or not...........but i'd like to do so and compliment you for it! I loved the The Sentinel Mother, and have read it more than a few times before. This is an excellent twist from it for sure........I just love the angst and depth of emotion you've captured here for kagome, it seems like i'm actually there in the scenes watching her go through this. My heart goes out to her.

Sesshoumaru's character is somewhat on par with the anime, I like the emblishment you have for him here......even though we all love him, he can be a serious ice-cube at a times. It seems like he's already starting to very slighty, develop some care (during some moments) towards kagome. I'm very interested in how you develop his character to come around, this fic is going to be a lot more emotional and visual then C & C in my opinion.Though I love that story as well, I feel even more drawn to this story......what can I say, everyone loves a good angsty story, once and a while, especially from someone who's writing is as cultured and honest as yours. You can tell when a writer is invested in their story's, it comes out on paper!

On to inuyasha and kikyo.........Inuyasha's character in this story, can be so hot-headed and rash in this story. Along those lines though, we as the readers can really tell how much kagome is actually worth to him. He didn't even bother to ask if her morals or standard of living would be compromised by being/living with Sesshoumaru. Nor did he ever ask, how long it would like for kagome to be done her so called task's and return to him and the others. His attitude also tells me that he doesn't care about anyone other than himself......he never bothered to take in shippo's care into consideration when he told sesshoumaru he could take kagome......shippo's only parent figure is gone, and he's alone, sad and hurt. Even though Miroku and Sango are there it's probably not the same for the little guy. In a way it'll be satisfying to see him(inuyasha) get his just rewards for acting like a jackass.......I don't truly believe he is one, but he can act like one at times!

Kikyo's character in this story is showing her true colors. In a way even in the anime, I don't think she's ever reallyhad a good the anime and manga I got bad vibes from her. It's obvious that her character has no honor or morals in this story. But I must say, it seems that she will go to any depths to get what she wants......and that can be a very dangerous trait to have in a person. Over all though she's acting like a true blue and blue bitch and I hope she get's what's coming to her.


Well I think that's enough for now, thanks for updating so quick and so many time's girl, your awesome! I can't wait to read what comes up next, i'm really on the edge of my sit for this story and C & C!


Take Care lady!

Lady Lillian (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

I do understand why your story is this way I guess with my background it would probably be better for me to wait to read the rest (survived rape and severe abuse) you are a wonderful writer and I am in awe of your prowess with a pen I guess somethings are just hard to read when it makes replays happen in you head will eagerly await the conculsion of the story in another 90 or so chapters

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

How long will Kagome's pregnancy be? And will Naraku be easily defeated? How will Inuyasha and the others react to Kagome's real purpose at Sesshou's Fortress? How many pups will Kagome have before you make Sesshou pay for all the wrongs he's committed against her? And will you have Kagome reveal all the abuse she's suffered by Sesshou's hand to her pups and friends? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

autumngold (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Not that I blame Kagome for not liking or trusting anything Sesshoumaru says at this point, but I wonder why she is so surprised that he wants love for his pups.  They are, at least in his mind, going to be the ones who help him take over the world.  Of course he would want the best for them.  I think Sesshoumaru made a mistake though.  I think he should have got Kagome to promise not only to love his pups, but to promise that she wouldn't try to turn them against him.  I guess he doesn't believe that could happen.  Great update!  I think it's so sweet that Kagome is going to have a baby, I mean pup, to take care of.  I know the way it happened was bad, but still she will have someone to nuture and love.  I just wonder how Shippo is going to handle what is happening to his mother?  Will he try to hurt Sesshoumaru, or will he even realize what is going on?  Please update again soon!  This story is addicting!

REDWOLF (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

I can totally see why poor Kagome would be so confused when it comes to Sesshoumaru (he's a nut, lol). I am glad you explained all those unanswered thoughts that I too was wondering about, thank you! Another fantastic chapter!

Sala (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Oh, wow.  So many new chapters, in such short succession.  It's like Christmas has come early, or something!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Oh man! I still want to smack to next Sunday! I read your a/n at the top of chapter 11, but that's not going to keep me from whining about the way he treats her. Boy needs a good tanning, as far as I'm concerned! But at least he's letting Shippo come live with Kagome. I do feel sorry for Inuyasha, stupidity is its own punishment, but not even he deserves somebody as sick and selfish as Kikyo. It must be wonderful to be the center of the universe. I can't wait until she gets what she deserves!

Again, you are a very good storyteller, you have us all chasing after you for more more more! And I have to admit that 3 chapters in as many days is a wonderful treat! There were some errors in this chapter, but the story was so engaging that I can't remember what or where they were! See, that's how good you are.



Nenyanna (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

First off i think you need to ignore all the reviews which complain it is too dark.  It IS DARK for a reason... did anyone really think he would be cute and mushy after knowing her for 5 minutes?  If that were the case it would be a poorly-considered out of character piece and wouldn't be true to the style of Fan fiction.  The entire point of fanfiction is to make the impossible (according to the original authors) possible by overcoming some of the most impossible character attributes and plot holes the original authors put in place.  

Thus, please continue to write 'The Breeder' according to your own specifications and ignore those who dislike your methodology.  I and i believe many others appreciate your efforts.  

However i must comment; it is Mt. Fuji (or Fuji-san) not Fugi.  This wouldn't bother me so badly if it weren't right outside my kitchen window.  (google Gotemba to appreciate my proximity) 

AmaViarra (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Sesshoumaru is a very complicated character, but you are writing his personality beautifully. While their relationship isn't all rainbows and lolliopops there is progress in it. You can see how through the situations they have had thus far, little by little they are changing. It will be a long road, I'm really looking forward to how this relationship and story progress and how it will come to an end.


wonderful job, I'm looking forward to reading future chapters to this story. Update when you get the chance please :)

AmIOtaku (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Oh, so we've all been asking those questions.  Well, we can't help where our inquisitive minds venture.  That being said, I have another now.  Given the content int he first two paragraphs or so, does this infer that her sons will be her avengers?  Well, at least be so in some way.  Now I'm thinking you're going to kill off Sesshoumaru somehow.  Like some rite of passage, son bests the father to gain the high title kind of thing.


Darnit!!!! I didn't to ask more questions! 


Great chapter, as always.  I'll stick with this no matter how long it gets.   Just promise to finish.  Don't leave us hanging at the penultimate chapter.


PS, thanks for putting little Shippo back into the story.  I was missing the little fella and was wondering how you were going to get him back into the tale.



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