Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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DemonQueen17 (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a feeling that Kikyo was in league with Sesshomaru concerning Kagome. OOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!!!!! I can't stand either of them at the moment. Like I said in a previous review, INUYASHA IS AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just for that, I want to see the look on his face when he learns his 'mate' can't have children no matter how hard they try. He will be totally devastated. But if I were Kikyo and Sesshomaru, I wouldn't get too comfortable. All secrets have a way of coming out in the end. I'm loving this with every chapter I read. ^_^

Edina (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

woow!! look at you go! 2 chappies in one day plus C&C!!! *happy dance* keep up the awesome stories! they make my and many peoples day!!u r loved!

Ash (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Thanks for that bit of clarifying 'cause I was wondering some of those same things. Inuyasha is really dumb! Hopefully the rest of the gang figures out what's happening to Kagome soon. I'm amazed at how in-character everyone is. Kagome reacted just how I pictured her!!


P.S. You update really fast!! :)

Naomi (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Wow I'm finaly gathering courage to write a review.

It's an awesome story, and all of the idea is incredible! I think it was my dark desire to read something like this...somehow I'm not so proud of that, but that doesnt mean it's badly written or plotted at all.

Character interpretation is just so firey! I can feel the tense, soul-ripping atmosphere of the story and the clashing of personalities more and more with every chapter.

I love the switch of focus from paragraph to paragraph, or more likely, how well do you use it; it's an excellent way to show their different points of view. 

Adding that the servants didn't pay them any mind was a master's job; as well some other details here and there are perfect when telling how your youkai society accepted and agreed with that treatment. Sesshoumaru seems so fit for the era. Since most of the time he's portrayed in the bed chambers I think the transition from manga Sesshoumaru to fanfiction Sesshoumaru can be found logical and in character. After all thay say men are very different in the bedroom than in the outside world.

The polemic here really makes my head spin all the time -my only peace comes reading the chapters.

As your name says I'm guessing you're american, and I love the different point of view from mine. In my growth I've been living by buddhist ideals, or trying to, and then I find this huge clash here with Kagome's fierce and undying decition to fight, but I cant say she's wrong by doing so since the situation she's been put through is so hard! I get the feel I'm on fire myself when I read!

I'd like to say more but this review is already too long, and you surely have other things to do -that if you've stuck around until this part. Thanks for your time and your story! I hope you keep writing!

Dani (Chapter 12) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

I'm sorry I have been a silent reader, please forgive me.  As usual I cannot wait for the next installment of this story.  I love your portrayal of the characters and the plot. Stay awesome!

Ava 365 (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

So, is Sesshomaru going to realise that he enjoys fucking Kagome more when she also has her pleasure? Or is he going to start pleasing her because she hates it even more than when he causes just pain? How is their relationship going to change, based on selfish thoughts or sadistic ones? It would be fun if Kagome vomited after one of their sex sessions (to call it something). I still think it's disgusting what Sesshomaru is doing to her, but I'm sticking to this story because it is wonderfully written and because I'd like to see some change in the future (even if it's just acceptance Sesshomaru feels for Kagome).

I was glad to read to chapters so close one to the other in time!!!! YAY!!!

stars (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

please updata

AmIOtaku (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

SO, he finally got to it.  I hate what's happening to poor Kagome,  but I can't deny my interest in this story or the excellent writing. 

I don't remember you saying anything last chapter about her hiding away a weapon, so I guess it was a surprise to Sess and the readers.  Good one!! 

I'm sending a PM, your way, cause i got a couple of questions that would be too long to post in a review, so yeah, look out for that. 


Please post again soon.

tomiko (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

good gracious when will sesshoumaru ever lighten up. he actually thinks a girl is gonna get to enjoy that shit he'sputting her threw. lol in his dreams. i wish the story would lighten up a little.

~Juggalette4Lyfe420~ (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

wow.......... i love that u updated so soon when i saw that it was updated i got excited i eagerly read the new chapter and WOW i couldnt believe that sesshomaru actually went down on kags........ i loved it update again soon i of course will keep an eye out for the next update :)  u r such a wonderful writer and u have great talent :) i am kinda jealous lmao i wish that my work was as good as urs tho i guess seeing as i am still practicing i am going to get better after all practice makes perfect (or as perfect as perfect can get lmao) i loved it update again soon :) keep up ur great and talented work!


Until Next Time,

Your Loyal Fan/Reader,

Never Let Them See You Cry A.K.A. Shannah Terry

Healing Caduceus (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Here is what I am hoping, Kagome dose not get pregnant form Sesshomaru. Why because.... Lord fluffy needs to learn that love is a key factor when it comes to making a pup and having a good reationship. I normaly do not read storys like this but I really can't look away from it....I tried so now I must know what happens. i will enjoy Seeing Sesshomaru "own his own garbage" and try to fix what he has done...if he can. I think at this point I dislike Sesshomaru more then Inu Yasha because at least Inu Yasha is going to get what he deserves soon :). Normally by now at I would have liked to have seen a random hot OC kick Sesshomarus butt and run into the sunset with Kagome or at least thats what goes through my mind while reading some of the chapters. But this why this story is great it makes the reader think and yell at the cumputer srceen when you know in your heart and mind somthings not right. And thats when you find out... you have have to wait for the next chapter. I do and don't like that Sesshomaru has concubines but at least he knows he wont get anyone better then Kagome. I also do not like that Rin gets more respect or is of a higher rank then Kagome, I may not a fan of Rin but still I don't think she needs the rank of some kind of princess. Anyways good story I look forward to reading more! Please update :)

autumngold (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Very interesting chapter.  I feel so sorry that Kagome feels ashamed that she had an orgasm because of Sesshoumaru's actions.  I wish that she could realize that just because she came, doesn't mean it still wasn't rape.  Just her bodies natural reaction.  I do like, however, that Sesshoumaru pleasured her.  I'm sure he must just see it as the fact that he wanted to taste her, but he kept it up until she came.  Does that mean something, or was he just trying to prove that he has controll over her body?  Thank you for updating your story again.  You really are an incredible author!  Hope you can post again soon.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 11) - Fri 06 Nov 2009

Poor, poor Kagome. Sesshoumaru is a gold-plated bastard. If she's lucky, Naraku will kill him. But I don't suppose you intend that to happen. It wouldn't hurt for her to tell him she hopes he's killed in the battle and intends to pray for his death. I know I would. He's already going to punish her for defying him, so what's a little more? And you're a really good storyteller to get this kind of reaction out of your readers.

Ash (Chapter 11) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Wow. That's intense. It does seem like Sess is softening up (A TINY TEEENY BIT) because he didn't just dry-rape her this time. I look forward to seeing the next chapter!

mafiaprincess2012 (Chapter 11) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

ooooohhhh! updated twice! in one night! now i feel spoiled :D

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

I wonder... will it really be that easy for Seshou to sire a full blooded child? I hope that his first son will be a hanyou. What will he do if that happens? I wonder what would happen if Kagome was broken by the time she gave birth... Will Sesshou ever learn to regret all his decisions regarding how he treats Kagome? I hope you don't make it easy for him to right all the wrongs he's committed against her. And what will be the inutachi's reaction when they learn of Kagome's fate. Keep up the good work and update soon :P

Sess Koibito (Chapter 11) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Wow!  Sesshomaru seems so evil and now Kagome is pregnant. I feel so bad for her.  I'd rather throw myself off a balcony than endure that too.  I wonder if she'll be able to truly love any pups that she has, or will she feel resentment and bitterness for them.  At this point I'm not sure how they could ever come together as soulmates.  A happy ending for Kagome would just be to escape or be set free ... I can see her eventually forgiving Sesshomaru for everything he's done to her, but I'm not sure I can see her ever willingly being with Sesshomaru as his mate.

I voted for this story in the Dokuga Awards for the Best Darkfic/Horror ... I hope it wins!  I can't wait to read what happens next!

Lady Lillian (Chapter 11) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

I hope she can't get pregnant until she willingly gives her self to him would serve him right ugh I hate Sesshomaru!

SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Wow this is a great story! I really enjoyed it and Sesshomaru I just hate him so much in this fanfic XD;

I mean I kinda want Inuyasha to suffer too <_< XD; I would like it if she's all "I hate you Inuyasha I could never forgive you for what you have done.." *evil* Seriously D: He didn't care and just gave her to Sesshomaru e_E;


But I like this a lot I hope you'll update soon!

Sakura-Chan (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

I really cant wait until he gets whats coming to him... But this story is awesome. I'm not usually into these kinds, but its kind like a train wreck, I cant look away. lol. But not in a bad way. Keep up the good work. I cant wait for the next chapter!!!!!

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