Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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stars (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

please updata sooner

sekushii (Chapter 1) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

i notice that in every fic i read kagome tries to forgive and be nice. next time kagome sees inuyasha she shouldn't forgive him or sesshoumaru for the stuff she's going threw. and damn lighten up the story a little. i hope it lightens up sometime in the future.

Baishun (Chapter 1) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

this story is too gruesome i'll read it fully when i see that he gets nicer and break away from all the cruelness. if it ever happens. too dark. sesshoumaru needs to be killed for the shit he's putting kagome threw. no woman should have to go threw that.

utsukushii (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

MY GOD! i feel so sorry for kagome. how in the heck can she ever get to love this creep. He's down right cruel. I feel like the kami should do everything to him that he did to her. I wish sesshoumaru could be nice. he thinks to darkly in this fic. good gracious this fic is turning to dark. lol hope it lightens up in this fic.

autumngold (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Kagome is truly a good person.  If I was given the jewel, I would probably wish that Sesshoumaru would become impotent.  Yes, he would punish me, but it would be better than being raped everynight.  Thank you for the update!  I just wonder why Sesshoumaru doesn't just put Kagome in the cage to begin with.  He knows that she is going to run away, why let her?  Please post more soon.  I can't wait for Inuyasha to see Kagome and realize what he has done!  He had better not blame her, this is all his fault!

BlessedEpiphany (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Usually when you read a Sessy story the entire premise is the destruction of his so callled "icy heart". Far too often they miss the fact that he is a cold blooded son of a bitch, hell bent on obtaining what it is that he wants most. I love that you are focusing on that side of him. As much as we would wish for a loving caring Sesshy of our own, I think this falls much more in line with his personality. I am looking forward to seeing Kagome's escape attemps and as Ive seen in you're other stories, I'm sure there are many twists and turns to come. Keep up the wonderful writing and I hope to see more soon.

~Juggalette4Lyfe420~ (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

wow...... This fic is such a dark fic and yet........... i cant make myself NOT want to read it......... I however do not know why i can not stop reading this other than it is  a well writen piece of work tho dark it may be i have hope that in later chapters sesshomaru might just hopefully ease up on kagome :) (even though im pretty sure this wont happen for a while lol) update again real soon i love this fic (i usually dont like these kind of stories the dark kinds that involve rape however ur fic is ....... different.... unique i havent read a fic such as this before the plot is different and i enjoy that....... so many cliche's r written in other stories and it is refreshing to read something a bit.......different) so i hope u update again real soon i shall keep an eye out so as to not miss ur update i am eager to read more of ur deliciously sinfully dark fic............. i love it


Love your fan/loyal reader,

Never Let Them See You Cry A.K.A. Shannah Terry

Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Wow with all the vindictive little comments Sessoumaru is making, I can't help sharing the picture that popped into my mind:

A little boy Sesshoumaru playing with a Kagome-doll, a pouty expression on his face as he finds the toy completely broken, trying to make it move in the way he wants it to, but it just keeps flopping back limp.

I can't help but feel that's exactly what this *ahem* 'relationship' is train-wrecking towards.... well those are my personal thoughts. Kudos on the story, it's very well written!



Tara-Yomitorika (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Wow with all the vindictive little comments Sessoumaru is making, I can't help sharing the picture that popped into my mind:

A little boy Sesshoumaru playing with a Kagome-doll, a pouty expression on his face as he finds the toy completely broken, trying to make it move in the way he wants it to, but it just keeps flopping back limp.

I can't help but feel that's exactly what this *ahem* 'relationship' is train-wrecking towards.... well those are my personal thoughts. Kudos on the story, it's very well written!



Lady Lillian (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

AHHHH I love the story but god when is he gonna get a clue!

MLMonty (Chapter 10) - Thu 05 Nov 2009

Nice, we have Sesshoumaru's thoughts in this chapter and lots of them! Yay! Okay, just thought I'd share something. I know what you said you plan to do with Kagome about her being broken but I have this 'funny' image in my head anyway. It's where Sesshoumaru walks into their room and she's in a corner sitting there banging the side of her head against the wall repeatedly while mummbling to herself. So NOT what you have planned but I keep seeing it anyway. That and her trying to convince him that she can't have sex while pregnant 'it's bad for the baby'. ROFL


Yeah some odd thoughts but oh well.


Keep up the good work, m'dear!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 10) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

I just really want to bitch-slap Sesshoumaru. What a jackass! You're doing a really good job writing this if any of your readers get this pissed off with Lord Fluffy. I can't wait to see how he gets his...but I suppose you're going to make me.

Hannah (Chapter 10) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

Okay, WOW.

Suffice to say that I'll be wanting a cold shower as soon as I've reviewed this after reading Sesshomaru's plans for Kagome, and how he intends to present her to Inuyasha after the battle..

Your skill of writing is impeccable as always, and this is currently and by far my favourite fic on this site! I'd love to review more often, but RL is a pain in the bum and my internet is incredibly slow (it takes about 8 times longer for the review page to load than the chapter page for some reason...). At any rate, I cannot wait for the next chapter! What everyone (minus Kagome of course, ha ha) has been eagerly awaiting!

Please be kind and update very soon???


Eien-no-Melody (Chapter 10) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

Wai thank you! I don't know what else to say, but thank you! It's stories like this that push me to draw.


The meeting with Inuyasha is sure to be interesting! Keeps me on the edge of my seat.

And I wonder, is Sesshomaru going to find out that his pups won't be getting Kagome's power while she's pregnate or after it's born. And if it's after, will he treat the pup differently? Surely he won't try to get her pregnate again until after he's done the hard work to win her. And what if, because the pup won't get her powers, the pup is a daughter instead of a son. I assume from the first chapter when Sesshomaru was explaining what Kagome really is, she will give him only sons when they have her power. And will there be more than one pup? Twins? Triplets?

And when he does find out that he actually needs Kagome to love him, and has to do a 180 on his personality and views, I see him telling his servents to be nice to her. But then I think that Kagome would say something like "I rather they openingly hate me, then pertend liking me" kind of speech.


There's just alot of things I'm looking forward to from this story. And most likely will be making art go with it.

Thank you again!

takenobsession (Chapter 10) - Wed 04 Nov 2009

If I said I liked this story would I sound weird? I do like where the plot might go!:) I can't wait to see what happens next (what Sessho does when Kags tries to escape). Update soon!

lynnd (Chapter 1) - Sun 01 Nov 2009

Really enjoy your work, this one and C & C.  Please update soon

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 9) - Thu 29 Oct 2009

Bah, Inuyasha, everything's never alright when Kikyo's involved. You would think he would have learned that by now.

Ano, this chapter was far too long waited for @,@ I enjoyed the first paragraph very much. So cute how Sesshoumaru cuddled to her in his sleep not knowing he's doing so. Although, c; that's his beast showing affection rather than himself. Hm ¬¬ his beast loves 'Gome more than he does >,O how wron gis that?! lol ano, I loved the chapter and plz plz plz plz update soon. From the looks of it, seems like at least one of the Lords is going to take TOO much of an intrest in Kagome for Sesshoumaru's liking. I can't wait to see that unravel! Woot woot! ^-^

stars (Chapter 9) - Wed 28 Oct 2009

please updata soon 

AmIOtaku (Chapter 9) - Wed 28 Oct 2009

GAH!!! Why is Inu just!?!?  Kikyo wanted him to be human before she died; then when she was "resurrected" (the first time), she still wanted him human (well, dead);  now all of a sudden, she doesn't care!  She loves him (I think this with much disdain-I'm actually queesy), no matter his partial demonage.  Does he not see!!! ARGH, I just want to strangle him and maybe yank off his little doggy ears.  Maybe make him a eunich too, I'm not sure there.  I'd have to think on it. Little too evil?wewll, I'd definitely do something to the little, (is she still considered walking-dead?) hussy.  She want's to live so long, maybe I'd thorw her to some nasty, evil, creepy Youki (not Naraku, cause he was evil, but still attractive. That's too nice for even her). 


Loving Sess's portrayal.  I know some are not understanding how Kagome can, at some point in the future, acclimate herself to the situation (is acclimate the word I'm looking for?), but this is a story, that's all.  It's for entertainment.  You'll get there when you get there... and have agreat explanation of the changing "relationship" dynamics as you get there.  I'm in no rush.  Im looking forward to something over 90 chapters, at best.  I'm in it for the long haul and can't wait for the next installment.

Haiden (Chapter 9) - Wed 28 Oct 2009

i love this story! i'm so glad you updated! keep up the amazing work! can't wait until the next chapter! :)

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