Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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erai (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

First of all: *tackleglompluffs you* You're alive!!!!!! Yay! I've been waiting with bated breath for this next chapter, and you surely did not disappoint. (I totally spelled that wrong)


I'm glad to know that you haven't abandoned this story. I know life gets in the way of what really matters (fanfics of course :p) and this fact has caused me to abandon many of my own stories over the years, so I always worry when a writer takes a reprieve from a story.


Ok on to the meat of the review:


1. I love how this chapter really addresses the childhoods of both Sesshomaru and Kagome and how their pasts affect the way they want their children to be raised. It's also nice to see the two of them talking about the future of the pup and their expectations of one another.

2. As always, I love your writing style. You really round out the characters so well. You are a wonderful writer.

3. I REALLY liked how Kagome made Sesshomaru promise to play any children they have together. I thought it was cute and right up her alley to ask.

4. That said, here is the only piece of constructive criticism I have for this chapter: I feel that perhaps 9 months is too much of a time jump. I understand that you wanted to both show that a great deal of time has passed without the pup being born and to move the relationship between Kagome and Sesshomaru to a different point without writing of all of the long work that went into advancing their relationship in the 9 months skipped by the story. However, I also felt that I had trouble moving my views of their relationship from point A. to point B. with only one main flashback in between. Of course I'm sure more flashbacks will come to fill in the holes. Also, this is merely my own opinion on the story, and other readers might have an easier time of adjusting their views of the characters than I do. I guess for me you built Sesshomaru's character up so much and now that his character has changed so much I need a bit more help rounding out my new view of his character. I guess what I'm saying is I'd like to see more flashbacks of what happened in those 9 omitted months to help show how Sesshomaru and Kagome's relationship has slowly been changing, as well as to highlight how they have discussed the future of their pup/s.


Way to go! Can't wait for the next chappie!!!

Lauren (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Oh! I'm so glad to see you're back! I hope everything is going more smoothly and that everyone's in good health. The review for this chapter is coming, I just have to reread the fic (forgot a few of the more minor details). *giddy*

OMG Last night's episode of True Blood was crazy and great and so aggravating. I definitely want to check out your one-shots for that series.

Kawaii Girl

Margie (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Thank you Jesus! You're back!!!! This chapter just made my day... I can't wait to read more! xoxo

leckie (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

woohoo you updated thank you , can't wait for more how many more chapters are left lol can't wait till inuyasha and kikyo find out she can't have pups lol

Sala (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Oh My Goodness.  I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the update notice for this fic in my inbox.  It has been far too long!  I'm very excited to hear that the next chapter will be coming out shortly, once you've finished your TB fics.

moonfairy (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

I'm glad that you're updating your stories. I want to know if you will update Choices and Consequence, it's my favourite, please update it soon!!!!!!

Dragoness (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Wow, and I thought the one with Midriko after Kagome made her wish was a powerful chapter.  I loved it.  It was well worth the wait, you truly came back with a vengence.  I cannot wait to see what happens next.  I wonder when Inuyasha and Kikyou with realize something is wrong.  I hope to see more of their suffering.  Not usually my thing but they sooo deserve it. 

pammy (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

Welcome back!  You have been sorely missed.  I have been going through Texan Lady withdrawal for months.



Jekya (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

omg thnk u thnk u thnk u !!!!!!!!!

demonvixen2002 (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

AWWWWW FINALLY!!!!! thanks for posting a new chapter ! With everything that going on I appreciate it thank you thatnk you!!!! You and ur family are in my prayers ! Take care!

roo86 (Chapter 1) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

OMG, Thank you! I have missed you so much. No one writes like you. You are amazing!  You are the reason I now spend so much time at Dokuga abd Live Journal. You impress me so much with your writing skills and your caring for your readers and at the same time having everything that is going on in your life. Don't want to sound sappy but you truly are an inspiration to me. Thank you. Now I am going to read "The Breeder," I want to relish every word!

DemonQueen17 (Chapter 25) - Mon 30 Aug 2010

First off, I want to say welcome back and I hope everything is fine with you and yours. I know you had a hard time in your personal life and hope everything's fine. That's why I say friends and family before fanfiction.

This is a wonderful update to this. At least Kagome and Sesshomaru are trying to get along. I can only imagine the pups resulting in this forced mating. As for Inuyasha and Kikyo, the idiot hanyou finally sees his sorry excuse for a mate for what she truly is. If only he knew that Kikyo can NEVER have pups. Oh well, sucks to be her but that's what she deserves. I guess this is the Kamis way of seeking retribution from him; guilt over trading Kagome for Kikyo, grief over the loss of his true love to his most hated rival, the loss of his friends and the one place he called home, being unable to have pups through Kikyo. But I have a feeling that he has a long road of punishment ahead of him before everything turns out for the better. That's what he gets. Anyway, I look forward to reading the next chapter.

Jekya (Chapter 24) - Mon 16 Aug 2010

 omg tht was great

rin (Chapter 24) - Fri 13 Aug 2010

Update soon pleasssse

Rocks (Chapter 24) - Fri 30 Jul 2010

Wow what a story! The dark stuff was a little hard for me, but the plot and the wish made were ingenious. I've never read a story like this before. I saw the review that your under difficulties to update soon so I wish the best for you and hope that things will get better to be able to get back to your stories. Thanks for the great read!

Anonymous (Chapter 1) - Tue 13 Jul 2010

May God's light shine on their souls and may your niece make a full and speedy recovery.

Anonymous (Chapter 1) - Sun 11 Jul 2010

After reading the lovely, caring reviews left by her fans, I’m sure all of you would be concerned to know that there was recently a tragedy in Texanlady’s family. The information was given on the livejournal website for another of Texanlady’s stories, “The Arrangement”:

·  The link can be found by visiting her author’s page at the “” website.

·  Scroll down and click on the link for “The Arrangement” (BEFORE you get to the “My Stories” section).

·  Scroll down to "Important Update Info".

I hope this sheds light on her sudden lack of updates. Please keep her in your prayers.

Kazanova (Chapter 24) - Sat 10 Jul 2010

I'm excited to see how the story goes, and how Sesshomaru gets REAL feelings.

I hope you update soon.

yumi (Chapter 24) - Thu 08 Jul 2010

dat wuz da best stories i ever in my life before. u r good at makin things up and can't wait to read wat would happen next.

sorry if u r confuse by da way i type. its realy da way i talk so i'm sorry 4 dat.


Cecilian (Chapter 24) - Tue 06 Jul 2010

Honestly, I find Sesshomaru rather ignorant, or foolish, because rape means to take someone with force, which means without their consent, and just because he traded Kikyo for Kagome it doesn't meant that she want him. No offence, but isn't he supposed to smart?
 And it's techincally kidnapping too. For Inuyasha to be able to give her away, he would have to own her first, and for him to own her he would have to kidnapp her (not that merely kidnapping someone means you own them) or buy her, which he never did, and to later give her to Sesshomaru means he's also kidnapping her, or at least a accomplice, and to take her a a birde (human transelation for mate) it makes it all bride kidnapping.

To sum it up, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are human trafficking.

 Okey, total waste of time.
Your story is worth the time reading it, sorry if I annoyed you with my review, Sesshomaru's choice of word just bugged me.
Good luck with the next chapter.

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