Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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jojo (Chapter 25) - Sun 24 Apr 2011


just drop a few lines to say that i really like ur story and hope u ll update soon.

 i read this story 3 times aldr, :) love the plot.

abt the story, there is just something i feel can be improved.

it's kagome "lectures" abt morals. Not that i said she is wrong in what she said. But the way you wrote made it sound like she was lecturing everyone and going around saying that" i'm pure and caring" or "i'm full of love unlike you".

a truly humble and pure soul like what you are portraying kagome to be and our perception of her will not act like that. that makes her character not real, and not convincing. or at the very least, you could make her wording when she morally educate others to be more personal, more touching and less like just freshly-taken from a speech - for the god saake, they are supposed to be conservations, and kagome is not  some parson who is delivering his speech in front of hunderd subjects.

its also the overall problems of your style. you spend too much space to explain what the characters' thoughts. but do you think it will be better if you let the readers understand through their actions? actions speak louder than words and too much explaination spoil the fun of reading

i meant no offense and hope to see more of your work,



Sierra (Chapter 25) - Fri 22 Apr 2011



Carmen (Chapter 1) - Thu 31 Mar 2011

please you have got to update this. please i beg you. please. please. please. think i've read your story like 5 times so far. lol.

REI-Angel (Chapter 1) - Thu 31 Mar 2011

Dear Texanlady,

Okay! I finally understand why you haven't updated! There can be many reasons. But I'll name the few that I think are close to the mark. ;-P

1.) You love the way we get crazy just waiting for the next chapter. @-@

2.) You have something soooo big up your sleeve, something that's so awesome that we cannot even begin to comprehend. So you have to wait a while so the AWESOMENESSITY (yes. awesomenessity) of it doesn't shock us to death with it's AWESOMENESSITINESS! >-< (whoa)

3.) You are currently in a battle with your inner writer beast...[well that one speaks for itself. =)]

And lastly..

4.) You died... (me: "OH GOD! WHY! WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYAA!...NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW! *whispers* "we'll. never. know. *choke..sobs* T~T)


lolz. Basically what i'm trying to say is...PLEASE OH PLEASE UPDATE SOON! pwease? O~o

<3 always,


P.S. I created an account just to say this...that has to count as something right. RIGHT?!

Mlmonty (Chapter 25) - Fri 25 Mar 2011

This really is shaping up wonderfully.

JenJenLU (Chapter 1) - Wed 23 Mar 2011

I absolutely love this story! Please update soon!


D (Chapter 1) - Wed 16 Mar 2011

Lolita, I hope that you come back and reread your review because I have major problem with your review. If you want to complain(that's how your review sounded) about what Texanlady wrote and her style, you should have written the author a personal message and not leave a review. Your review was not help in any way to the author in making their story better, or stating concern you had. All you seemed to do was politely insult Texanlady. 

Lolita (Chapter 25) - Wed 16 Mar 2011

*Sigh* Im finally leaving a review i read the entire thing so far in one sitting...and sadly not bc it caught my interest. I wanted to read bc I simply loved the 1st version. I dont want to call it the original bc they are both original but moving on.... :) I may be biased on the fact that I just dont like Kagome lol but I love the paring (weird I know) but this story just annoyed the crap out of me. Shes to...well her? Shes just being to Kagome. The idea of him trading her was wonderful! Kudous for thinking up that one. Kikyo deserves everything thats comming to her, but you made Inuyasha to be a "good" person in the begining by foucusing all that attention on him saying hes just fufilling a duty. it just makes me pity him, i dont know if thats what you were going for or not. And maybe its just me. Being a sesshy lover as I am I feel your making him out to be much to coniving, I know he will do whatever to get what he wants but still..And im not talking about how he deals with kagome, but with his verbal deals so far. All in all he just isnt a likable character. Im not used to all his half lies, it will take some getting used to for sure. And back to Kagome...just ugh...Lol I dont really know what to say shes much TOO difant i get shes hurt in all aspects of the word but shes so difficult to the point where I'm rooting for him to put her in her place and thats terrible!!! Its just too much I understand she has a firy spirt and all but my goodness her thoughts are so one track and simple its annoying. Its very plain that life would be much better if she wouldnt be so hard headed, I know she isnt and shouldnt just roll over and let it flow, but just simple stuff like those little snide comments she makes can be kept to herself. Bleh well thats the end of my short rant


And another part of the review is a few questions: She has had alot of difant thougts i think he should address, did he lose his ability to read her mind? You havent mentioned it in a while?

- The part with Kagura was just mean! You knew that he already had mated Kagome and still had her want him! Shame! Lol I hope she has some other part in the web that is there fates, maybe one of his generals ot an oc? She shouldnt be left hanging like that and certainly I hope you dont plan to have her attack Kagome later on that would be mean aswell.

I knew what to expect when you said she wouldnt have shockholm but Lol were all those warnings nessisary? It said RAPE in the 1st chapter i cant imagine any faint of hearts would continue after that

- And lastly :) you said she came from 2010, lol that slang is sooo...old well maybe thats just here, and she has had time for her hair to grow, mature, thin down, all that which means i assume its been a few years, that would make it like 2013 or something, I always figured her to have fallen down the well around 2007 or 08 but im guessing im just nitpicking now


contact me at paris-kitty at hotmail to reply would love to hear back.

Kat (Chapter 25) - Fri 11 Mar 2011

Is there going to be more soon???? I really like this story.

Kei (Chapter 25) - Thu 03 Mar 2011

OhmygoodNESS!! I love this story, you're incredibly talented!!! *faints* I can't wait for the rest!! You're amazing!!

ninetailedkirara (Chapter 1) - Wed 02 Mar 2011

Great story though while reading it I couldnt help but feel like hitting Seshoumaru over his head again and again preferably with something hard.

Really appreciate the skipping of months in between. It does gets tiresome to read Sesshoumaru refer to Kagome as his breeder and his thoughts about her and the pup. No woman with even an ounce of self respect will be able to read it for too long without getting aggraveted and committing suicide or better yet homicide. I am surpirsed you didnt character assasinate Sesshoumaru yet. I definitely applaud your patience and of course your genius and Ingenuity [which goes without saying].

Say by any chance will kagome be escaping to future or will she be staying with Sesshoumaru in feudal era?

Please update soon. Cant wait to read the next chapter.

Tana (Chapter 25) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

You are quite talented as this is definitely one of the better stories I've come across. I feel so bad for Kagome, what she has been put through is downright despicable. I like the fact that you've skipped months at a time to get the story progressing at a decent pace and take out some of the redundancy (there were times I simply skimmed through sections as reading Sesshy's thoughts about her being heavy with his pup and so on was getting to be a bit much). I love that Kagome gave Inu a piece of her mind and he totally deserves to feel like crap. You also kept true to Kikyo since she would never feel guilty with what she's done; she's just that selfish and full of herself. 

To some, Kagome may seem like she's given up, but I don't see that as the case. She realizes that she has to wait it out for the time being, but that in no way implies that she's content with her situation as she's anything but that. Personally, I would barely be able to tolerate his presence let alone speak or touch him, but when you're faced with the choice of dealing with it or enduring insufferable pain and humiliation, I'd choose to deal. That said, I really can't see her falling in love with him whatsoever. Could she forgive him? Eventually, after he's gone to the ends of the earth to atone for his sins. And only after he's gone through extensive suffering and realized that what he has done is wrong. Regardless of youkai society and what they believe, he must realize that those beliefs do not continue to hold sway throughout time as obviously humans become the dominant species. He believes he's changed the future, but he can't have since that would mean that Kagome being able to come to the past in the first place would have been extremely unlikely (time travel discussion = major headache for all involved). Anyways, even if she does somehow begin to comprehend youkai ways and be able to see from his point of view, I still don't see her agreeing with all that he's done, it is still wrong. 

Last thing, I can't wait for his suffering to begin! I really want to see him go to to the deepest pit of hell and continue (I swear I'm generally a very nice person, too much so sometimes, but I definitely have a violent streak when it comes to the various forms of abuse and retribution). Also, if he does fall in love with her, it should definitely go unrequited for some time; it's only fair. Oh, and if Sesshy is eventually deserving of forgiveness, Inu should be as well. They've both committed horrible crimes against her, and while each has done it in their own way, I can't see her forgiving one without forgiving the other. 

This turned out way longer than I expected. I hope you continue this story when you have the time, I'd love to see where you go with it. Also, I hope you and your family are doing well :)

DementedLies (Chapter 25) - Wed 23 Feb 2011

Hello, I must say this is one of the best stories I have read and I want to hit Sesshomaru over the head a few times, but its amazing. I hope you update soon.... you know what would be funny and would get back at Sesshy for being mean is having a daughter instead of a son. Karmas a bitch =D. but yeah whatever you write will be amazing and I shall be waiitng in fan girl anticpation type of way

CeliB (Chapter 25) - Mon 21 Feb 2011

I hope you and your family are well.

Will you be continuing this and "Choice and Consequences"? I miss your updates... hopefully you'll come back to these stories.

Thank you

Sierra (Chapter 25) - Wed 09 Feb 2011

could u pleeze update soon :)

kazenokoi (Chapter 25) - Sun 30 Jan 2011

Hey, love this story and I miss reading the new updates. I hope to see you come back soon! ^^

Epickk Moofy (Chapter 25) - Wed 26 Jan 2011

Hi Lady Texan!

I actually read this story when it was still at When I got around to reading it again I was surprised that it was no longer at the site, so I decided to go to your profile to see if you had written anything about it, and thank goodness I did. After finding out that the story was also uploaded here I hurried over as fast I as could and started reading the story all over again.

I simply love your story and am glad that you took a different approach to it rather then just having them fall in love right away like most stories tend to do.

There are so slight problems, but none that are too big to be a problem.

I hope that you can update as soon as possible; not that I'm trying to rush you or anything because I can understand the difficulty of trying to write a chapter that both satisfies you and the readers, which can take time.

Can't wait to read the next chapter,

Epickk Moofy

Plz update soon!!!!! (Chapter 25) - Thu 20 Jan 2011

Anxiety (Chapter 1) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

I love this story. Please have more chapters! You've been late.

Nicole Benjamin (Chapter 25) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

Why *SNIFF* won't *SNIFF* you *SNIFF* UPDATE!!! (Finally cracks) [FULL BLOWN TEARS]I have checked your story like three times a week since...FOREVE! Like i checked regularly even when you used to update all the time. I really really hope you have not abandoned this story because it is one of the best fics i have ever read and i read ALOT of fanfiction. SIGH *SNIFFLE* please update soon.

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