Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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XxInuyashaAnimeXx (Chapter 25) - Thu 06 Jan 2011

Hey add more chapters

brownie!!!!! (Chapter 25) - Mon 27 Dec 2010


Sala - nli (Chapter 25) - Sun 26 Dec 2010

Any hope of a New Year's update?  That would be an awesome gift for your readers...

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 25) - Wed 15 Dec 2010

Ah, Texanlady. It's been quite a while since I last read this wonderful fic that I had to re-read many chapters to get caught up. I had begun to lose hope that you would update so I hadn't been back, but I still had hope that you wouldn't abandon it. It would be a shame and I thank you for continuing. You do such wonderful work with everything. Sometimes it's hard to spot errors because I'm not really looking for any. d= Your fic is so wonderful please continue it! This chapter was a wonderful break through that you promised last time we talked about hanging onto the wonderful plot! Please, please update soon! I'm really excited now that Kagome's getting closer to her ending date and now that Sesshoumaru is finally beginning to realize his mistake in all that he has done to her. Although, I do feel pity on Inuyasha even though he has made Kagome suffer you can't help but throw a bit of your heart out there for the poor guy. Anywho, please update soon, Lady Tex.

Happy Holidays,


Nakamura Chiaki (Chapter 25) - Tue 14 Dec 2010

Dear Texanlady,


It is an honour for me to read a story as amazing as this.It's rare to see someone who could portray emotions really good and also to describe them perfectly.Discovering writers with one of these capabilities are rare,and discovering someone with both capabilities are dangerous.


Of course,they are some mistakes here and there.But it doesn't affect the story.It still goes smooth.And you've improved as chapters flew by.I am not much of a writer myself,but I've read loads of stories and yours are one of the best I've read.I discovered this tonight and took one whole night to finish this from the start till chapter 24.Believe it or not,it's4.30a.m here already.


Enough said,I only wish to thank you for giving readers like me such pleasure in reading this.I wish you luck in the next chapter and also your other stories and will look forward to the next chapter.But I'd say,the relationship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru here,are interesting to read.You take a long time in 'taming' their relationship.


I'd say this is enough..for now.I am currently sleepy here (you could guess that..lolz).Please take my comment as a compliment because I truly like this story.Till next time,in the next chapter.


Good luck and sincerely,

Nakamura Chiaki.



pclark (Chapter 25) - Fri 10 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas. I was wondering if you would please update the breeder and choices and consequences for christmas?

randomfan17 (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 Dec 2010

Enjoy it Inuyasha because it's not going to get better, dang i wish a house would land on Kikiyo, it would be justice. At least Sesshomaru and Kagome are talking, seeing how much Sesshomaru wants her is interesting because he's changed more in the time she's pregnant then when she wasn't for sure, i hope she's pregnant for at least another three months so he goes a little insane having to go to someone else to satisfy him, hehe. Well, i think it'll take at least ten pregnancies to get them at a level where she even likes him, if he even knocks her up again knowing how long she stays pregnant for.

randomfan17 (Chapter 24) - Wed 08 Dec 2010

Ah, i could almost drool when he said over his dead body, i never thought something so modern would come out of his mouth. I love this story so far and i can't wait to read the rest of it and how their relationship gets to where it needs to be because this is so good and i really really really want to see what happens.

Nalahime (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 Dec 2010

Dear TexanLady

You are a writing genius nd I hope tat you continue writing this awesome story,,,,Ihave folloowed it since day 1 and I keep re-reading it in hopes that it has been updated......... Keep up the good work...........


Sincerely, Nalahime

snowbird (Chapter 1) - Sat 04 Dec 2010

I hated doing it since this is one of my most favorite stories, but I removed it from my fav list due to the length of time since the last update and no A/N to explain why.  I hope nothing bad has happened to interfere with your writing.  Hopefully one day you will return to this epic story.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 25) - Thu 02 Dec 2010

Please, please, please! Finish that "True Blood" fic and come back to this one! The plot is just so amazing, I love it! You have amazing skillz d=

omfg (Chapter 25) - Tue 30 Nov 2010

HI! i lost you for a second there on fanfiction but thank god i found you, as always it was great! keep it up :)

Rosa (Chapter 2) - Wed 24 Nov 2010

This chapter gave me the chills......

It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sierra (Chapter 25) - Sat 13 Nov 2010

update soon please

SessKag (Chapter 25) - Thu 11 Nov 2010

Great story. Really loved it. Excellent chapter. Please update more. Don't stop. The story is way too interesting. I hope Sesshomaru gets what he deserves though. Poor Inuyasha though.

Crystal (Chapter 25) - Wed 10 Nov 2010

Can't wait till you update. Love, love, love your story...

AKTF (Chapter 25) - Thu 04 Nov 2010


This story is really good, despite all the rape and stuff.

I like the fact that it isn't so fast-paced and taking it slowly.

Liking the fact that Kagome is not heads over heels for Sesshoumaru...yet.

Anyways, please update soon and can't wait until Kagome gives birth to their pup.

P.S. Inuyasha and Kikyou gets what they deserved...maybe a little bit more harsh. |D


DeathtoBella (Chapter 25) - Thu 28 Oct 2010

I LOVE this story.

Damn, Kagome I'd be clawing at my stomach if I had to be pregnant that long!

You really got Sesshoumaru's character down!


PS Can Kagome ONLY have male inu-youkai. As in she'll never have a daughter of her own?

lara (Chapter 25) - Sat 23 Oct 2010

I'm confused this story seems to be going on & on with no lessons being learned. Kagome is still suffering through a difficult  pregnancy for the last year while being stuck with a mate who says her ony worth is her womb & knowing he sees her this way she is suffering with the prospect that she will never be loved & that once she gives birth his only plan for her is to be raped by him till she's pregnant again,while suffering with these terrifying feelings & as proof to her that this is how he will always see her he has her powers bound so she cannot defend herself or the child she carries ,along with this mental/emotional/physical torture she has to live with no each night when he comes to her bed he first goes & fucks other women making her feel even more worthless & he is oblivious to her pain. This story is stagnating till he starts to suffer as she feeling her emotional/mental /physical fears . That's seems to be the only way he will ever start to realize his feelings & her needs & If he ever  wants her to let her touch her, not fear him & give birth to his kami blessed sons by now I would think he would start suffering from not being aroused by any other women & fearing that he will lose all along with his ability to even get an erection. It seems that unless he starts to experience her pains & hi self doubts he won't look for answers by going back to either the tree of wisdom or by meeting agiain with Midoriko & finding out what he's doing wrong. without a reality check of this type I don't see him changing his thoughts on getting what he wants thru brute force,fear & intimidation & realizing he has to come to terms with his love for her & if he doesn't find out that & start treating her as something precious, & see that he has to win her heart or he will  suffer forever like his brother for hurting her (a being blessed & chosen by the Kamis)

             If he doesn't start to suffer terribly for his crimes against her & soon or start losing some serios things like his honor,manhood (erection ability with other women &  I think he can only really prove that he's not using Kagome & still going to continue to fuck his whores he needs to get rid of everyone of them in a very permanent way &  I mean either  sending them out of his lands or off to distance allies or sending them to brothels in far away lands. The only way he can win Kagomes heart after the torture & pain he's put her through for the last year is to make some serious permanent changes & earning her trust , love & etc. ..............including removing that necklace that is physically causing her pain if she even tries to use her abilities,becuase without her abilites he is not only taking away her freedom & only way to protect her child & herself......Can she even tell if he's being sincere about his feelings & his desire to change without her abilites????

      I'm sorry I don't mean to go on & on it's just she seems to be suffering endlessly & nothing is changing it's frustrating to read a story where the heroine only suffers & nothing is being done. I really love this story & it's hard to keep reading when nothing seems to be changing. Early in the stlry when she wished on the jewel she was told she would find happiness & those that hurt her would suffer.Right now Sessh is not being punished in anyway for his crimes against her only Kagome is being punished.

I would love to see Sessh find out he is not in the right & he is far from immune for his crimes against Kagome & the Kamis will first force Sessh to endure some type of a real & terrifying dream or reality of some sort where he has to suffer through & really feel everything he's done to Kagome & he has to suffer thru all her feelings & they make him feel as if it's being going on for just as long including making him feel  the rape & the whipping & emotional & mental pain & then make him see that while he is pregnant & suffering with puking & all these indignities along with having his freedom & powers taken he also has to feel like what it is to be told he's worthless except for his womb & all the while locked in this room sick,alone & suffering with only his thoughts of helplessness & knowing while he's suffering this way being treated like shit by everyone & threatened with the safety of his child she's fucking a different whore everynite & then slipping into bed to hold him with the stink of sex with others filling his nose & I would love to see them end it by not just telling him that if he doesn't change these things & for real then without warning they will slowly but surely  make him relive it all for months at a time without any warning until he really will change places with Kagome permanently as his punishment for his crimes against the kamis chosen. & he will be used & abused while the one he loves is free to come & go & fuck anyone while he's locked in a room  with no power & noone will ever acknowledge him as any but the breeder.                            Letting him know that while he's being given an opportinunity to right his wrongs, he does not have forever & his punishment will be to keep reliving Kagome's torment by him in her body with all the thoughts,feelings & etc & he will  always be feeling everything as if it's happening to him, while he is given time to change eventually he will run out of time & his punishment will be to forever become the abused permanently intead of the abuser.

lara (Chapter 25) - Wed 13 Oct 2010

I read this story thinking it was completed & now I realize it isn't done & I feel awful for not reviewing it sooner. There was many times I wanted to review but didn't & now I regret it

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