Oh my, he is going to be a handful. This was a very interesting chapter. Repression is playing a losing hand and his grip is starting to unravel. Thanks for updating. I love this story.
So, I'm afraid I have a bone to pick.
I noticed you chose to drop an "F-Bomb" in your story, and I'm afraid I have to take issue with that.
You see, you elected to rate your story M for mature. So, as a mature individual, I expect a certain considerations in regards to that rating.
Though I am not a minor, I am dating a 17 y/o (I'm in a state where that's legal, so don't worry). And as such, I am constantly surrounded by teenagers. And let me tell you; these kids cuss up a storm. F-bombs...C-words.. and don't get me started on the graphic sexual acts they discuss and take parts in.
My point is, these teenagers expect a certain amount of cursing in their fanfiction, and I am afraid you have fallen short. If you wish to keep your M rating, I only ask that you achieve the minimum quota of 4 "F-Bombs" per chapter. Or, as an exchange, at least 2, and your characters must progress to more sexually explicit behavior. You are the artist, I shall let you decide.
If you fail to meet your quota, I must insist that you lower your rating to a T. Mature individuals demand mature content, and teasing us without delivering is unacceptable.
You are obviously very talented, and I know you will do the right thing. I look forward to reading your filth. Thank You.
Tilayha (Chapter 6) - Wed 15 Jan 2020
Ohhh like this chapter very very much. Sesshoumaru crying, fantasy Kago meeting real Kago, and a lazy sesshoumaru. Wonderful : )
susie (Chapter 1) - Wed 15 Jan 2020
Brilliant! Inspired!
Ok. There is just so much to like about this. I'm getting more and more into this fic, and i cannot wait to see what happens next!
Thanks so much for writing!
Sarah (Chapter 6) - Wed 15 Jan 2020
This is awesome. I love this idea. Yea i remember watch the tern titan show on this. It was one of my favorites with raven. But i have to say i really love what you have done here. So much fun to read. I am really enjoying it. I bet its ao much fun to play with.
Mecca (Chapter 6) - Wed 15 Jan 2020
Love the concept that Sesshomaru has a fantasy version of Kagome locked within his psyche xD I hope Kagome can escape soon so she can ask the real Sess what in tarnation is going on. I'm spellbound! Thank you for the update.
This story still make me amazed. I never thought this kind of story. Does any movie like this in real live? Or anime maybe...its been so long i haven't seen anime again. Im not fond with anime mecca time/something like battle things. I like the old anime. Inuyasha, sailormoon, etc. They have power but still have some love story too. Ah...sorry for the rambling. But i really like this story....make it til the end please.....
I sometime wonder if Sesshoumaru hides laziness by having the whole "I do what I want" attitude. Like, sinetging isn't " worth his time" hut really he's just lazy.
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