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NaNo 2013
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TOPIC: NaNo 2013
Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Rin-Rin, Kami of Dogs wrote:
So sorry for double posting but I just wanted to add something that really didn't relate to the previous post but is kind of important to my NaNo.

I'm stuck.

The portion I'm writing, the second incarnations they're living through. This portion is a crossover with the Holy Peal (which I don't own and look at my signature for my opinion on the show(also the show is the Chinese Drama version of Inuyasha with maybe enough changed to not infringe copyright)) but that's not exactly knowledge yet it is.

How I'm stuck is I'm very conflicted. I love the show to death right now and the pairings are sacred to me. Wu Dao is Sesshomaru, for a fact. However, who Kagome is still kind of undecided. Ding Yao, Kagome technically, is not someone I want to see with Wu Dao but the technically be right, however I don't have any clue on how to do that. Or there's Yu Die (which I love this pairing to death but you know). >.> Yu Die is Wu Dao's canon interest and I'm leaning towards her. However, like Ding Yao is technically Kagome, Yu Die is also someone else who's not Kagura.

It may not make much sense but I'm really stuck here. Maybe a couple encouragements in one way or the other would help me decide. Of course despite the fact Yu Die is another Inuyasha character in general, it would be SessKag because Kagome inhabits her body.

Rin-Rin, if I'd ever seen the Holy Pearl, I would definitely help, but I haven't and I can't...however, it sounds to me like you should go with the non-canon interest. Sesshomaru/Kagome is the non-canon Inuyasha pairing, so I think you should go ahead and shake it up on the Holy Pearl too.

Of course, if the pairings really matter to you, then I'd say go with canon.

If you're really, really unsure, I'd say write a little of both pairings and see which one feels better. *shrug* Sometimes characters like to write themselves, you know?


p.s. - I'm so far behind it's not even funny...and now I'm rewriting what I'd already started because first-person just isn't cutting it. At this rate, I'll finish my NaNo (checks website) on March 4, 2014. And I've got classes today so who knows how much I'm going to get done! >.<
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~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Yeah, I should but dang it, what Yu Die and Wu Dao have so special. Dang it. Maybe I'll just write both and decide which I like. If you get to watch Holy Pearl, I recommend that you do. It's wonderful. There so much more character depth added, so that's really what stems my main conflict here. Yu Die or Ding Yao. Darn it, why do I have to like the SessKag pairing and this mysterious other pairing of Yu Die and Wu Dao's canon versions? Which may be my other problem here.


As for your word count problem, I keep having to hold myself back from poking fun at you Aubrey. In the post you replied to, I was gonna be like, and Aubrey, is your word counter broken? -_- Anyways, work hard, toil away at it. And just know that I'm a little on the stuck side too.

And dang it Yu Die (Rin) is watching Holy Pearl right now), do not pull a Sara Asano on Wu Dao even if Kagura's Holy Peal counterpart is tricking you. The only way for Wu Dao to ever get San Cha Ji (Tessaiga) is if he loves someone (namely you, Yu Die). Sorry, had to get off my chest.
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Last Edit: 2013/11/04 08:22 By Wunderberry. Reason: Added a hint for who Yu Die is
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
Missy- I want to read your story when you finish. It sounds super interesting, much more interesting than mine right now.

Rin-Rin san: I'm stuck. I wish I could help you here but I don't know anything about the context in which you're writing. I'm sorry Good luck though!

As for word count- I finished the first chapter and I'm at like 3,000 something words. Hopefully, my muse will focus on this story and I'll get to a decent amount by tomorrow/end of the week.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
I don't know if this can help at all or your still confused but Sesshomaru and Kagome are cursed so that they have live through past incarnations until they can do it with each other. Right now, Sesshomaru is Wu Dao (who is Sesshomaru. Wut? o.0) and I'm trying to decide her Kagome is, Ding Yao who is Kagome or Yu Die, an consenting adult (dropping more hints that are extremely vague) who becomes Wu Dao's canon love interest.

As for your story, my first portion, the portion in which Kagome and Sessho are cursed, was like four thousand. Anyways, enough bragging, good job and I do hope you make it.

-Is still avoiding Holy Pearl because Yu Die idiotically thinks that that she can get San Cha Ji from Wen Tian (Inuyasha). Look Yu Die, Sara will try this three-thousand years later with the Tessaiga and it will not work. Learn from her even though that isn't really possible-
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
Oh god...this is so bad...

So I am totally without power at our house, so I'm staying out at my mother's with my fiance. However, my entire writings for a Nano is stuck on the desk top that cannot be turned on :/ I totally do not know what I am supposed to do.

Also..thank you to everyone who said that you wanted to read my story. You have no idea how much that means to me.
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Last Edit: 2013/11/04 17:55 By mistress of rave.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
This might not help right at this moment, but if there's a monitor at your mums you can hook up your desktop too it - also I recommend dropbox - go to, get the program, and then once you've saved your stuff to it you can access it from any computer anywhere.

DON'T DESPAIR! If nothing else, you can write on paper and then type it up later; words are words, regardless!

:cheering you on:
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
10,000 baby, by day four too! Isn't Rin-Rin awesome?

Hey Aubrey, how's your NaNo coming?
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Shikon Miko
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 60
Hello everyone!
I never really knew about NaNo until I saw this thread and other Dokuga authors started telling me about it so I also decided to enter :3 Let's all do our best!
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Hey, good luck Stranger (can I call you Stranger?). It's pretty fun, at least in my opinion, but Aubrey might argue a different thought.

Hey, if you signed up on the NaNoWriMo site, what's your SN? You can add writing buddies, and if they're anything like me, they'll stalk your word count.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 60
Rin-Rin wrote:
Hey, good luck Stranger (can I call you Stranger?). It's pretty fun, at least in my opinion, but Aubrey might argue a different thought.

Hey, if you signed up on the NaNoWriMo site, what's your SN? You can add writing buddies, and if they're anything like me, they'll stalk your word count.

lol you can call me Stranger. I don't mind ^^
My NaNo username is the same as my dokuga account so it'll be easier for me to make writing buddies. I'm still not 100% sure on how this site works, but it's fun writing my story. I've had this plot bunny for a long time so I think it's time I had the story told.
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Last Edit: 2013/11/05 03:53 By belovedstranger.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Rin-Rin wrote:
10,000 baby, by day four too! Isn't Rin-Rin awesome?

Hey Aubrey, how's your NaNo coming?

At this moment, I dislike you you are quite awesome though - I'm glad someone is making progress. I don't have classes today but I do have an exam tomorrow so we'll see how much I can get done in between studying and whatnot.

Good job, Rin-Rin!

Also, welcome to NaNo, Beloved, and good luck!

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~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Ah, don't be such a downer Aubrey! You'll ruin my ego trip fun.

Thanks. Feeding my ego sense of accomplishment is always great nice

Anyways, good luck with studying, write at least five hundred words tomorrow, and good luck on your exam.
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Last Edit: 2013/11/05 07:15 By Wunderberry.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Rin-Rin wrote:
Ah, don't be such a downer Aubrey! You'll ruin my ego trip fun.

Thanks. Feeding my ego sense of accomplishment is always great nice

Anyways, good luck with studying, write at least five hundred words tomorrow, and good luck on your exam.

Me, a downer? Never! I want you to enjoy your ego trip fun just as much as you want to enjoy it!

I've gotten a little bit more done (I broke the 2,000 word barrier, yay me!) and I'm sure I'll be getting more finished before the day is out...I hope to be caught up by the end of the week, and I've got all day Saturday to write too.

I'll catch up with you, Rin-Rin!

...eventually lol


p.s. - since procrastination and I have been in cahoots for, like, ever, I have declared my studying to be of (very) minor importance, especially since my abnormal psych class is fairly easy - I'll get it done later!
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~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Will do!

Yay, two thousand is always a good barrier to break. Ten thousand too. Work hard, toil away at it as I've said before. Write on Saturday as well.

We'll see about that.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
So i've broken 5500 and we have our power back on! So I'm able to write at home, unfortunately I am quite behind and need to be at like 8000 by the end of tonight :/ I can honestly say that it seems a bit overwhelming and I'm not entirely sure how to start.

On the plus side, I just finished chapter one. In it there has been explaniations, accusations, angry smut and drama! Onto chapter two and btw how are you guys doing your chapters? Are you naming them or are you just having "Chapter One"? Just curious more or less.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Even though mine will be split into chapters when I start posting the chapters online, I haven't broken them into chapters while I write. I have scenes, and rough ideas of where breaks shall go but no real indication. It just helps me stay focused that way.

Good luck on catch up. Hope those words come easy to ya!
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I just hit 6000 and I have been separting it into chapters, I find my writing comes more fluid that way and that I have easy jumping off points for going into the next day or next scene.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
On the plus side, I just finished chapter one. In it there has been explaniations, accusations, angry smut and drama! Onto chapter two and btw how are you guys doing your chapters? Are you naming them or are you just having "Chapter One"? Just curious more or less.

I've been breaking into chapters. It's easier for me that way because it gives me a space to break and continue. And I haven't really named my chapters: I have a title for Chapter 1 but no title for Chapter 2.

Also quick question: does anyone else have a prologue of sorts in their stories? Cause I do.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I didn't do a prologue I back tracked my story a little bit to show information and the relations to the teacher before his disappearance and what they would be doing on the dig site. I did get to my word count by the end of the night though so I was happy about that.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
I sort of did a prologue and sort of didn't. The first part of my story is kind of like a prologue, but as I've said, it ain't.

Neh, kind of kind of not.

*Has smut to write*
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I"m still struggling to make today's word count, I just feel so distracted today I'm at 8346 :/
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Hope you make it. Haven't started myself today but even if I didn't, I'm good.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
I just 11K, wooha! If you're stuck, I recommend leaving the scene you're in and trying a new one - or try expanding a scene you already wrote a bit! Sometimes I get hung up on one particular spot in the story, but something else will call to me and that makes the words come out much easier!
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I am totally behind, in your guys' opinions how hard is it to catch up?
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
*~*Missy*~* wrote:
I am totally behind, in your guys' opinions how hard is it to catch up?
That would depend on how far behind you are, Missy. If it's just a few hundred words, that's much easier to churn out than thousands (which is about how far behind I am). You should also keep in mind that being behind doesn't actually mean much in the grand scheme of things. There was no guarantee when you signed up that you would finish, and that's perfectly fine. The point is to get something done, you know? Just so that you don't have a million ideas floating around in your head and not on paper.

Falling behind is a bummer, yeah, but I say don't worry about catching up too much, because the more you stress out about something, the harder it is to get that something done.

Now, if you do want advice about how to catch up, I'll say this: walk away. It's contrary to everything that is NaNo, but taking a break could be just the thing you need to refresh your writing muscles, and maybe when you come back to your novel, you'll find writing easier and you'll be able to catch up quickly.

Or at least, that's what I've found, in my process of writing and then re-writing. I'm still not caught up (I think I'll finish in December, which is better than March, like it was before) but I'm determined not to worry about it. Either I'll catch up or I won't, and even if I don't, at least I have something written down.


p.s. - sorry about the ramble-ish post, I'm a little sleepy
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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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