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NaNo 2013
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NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
So, since we're so close to November, I was wondering how many Dokugians are participating in National Novel Writing Month? For those that are, is your novel going to be original or fanfic? Have you plotted out a rough outline? Do you know your genre?

Anyways, just wanted to bring it up. Now I have to get back to researching historical eras on the internet.

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Last Edit: 2013/11/01 18:50 By Wunderberry.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
Aubrey, despair not! I shall share with you >.> a secret. The biggest nano lesson.


I mean, if typos really bug you or something...I suuuuuppoooooose that's fine - but RESIST THE URGE to edit. First drafts suck. No matter what. Unless you're Mozart (we're not Mozart, he's dead.) And ALL the words you write count to your word count - so if you find yourself in the middle of a sentence rewriting the previous paragraph, woo! Don't delete - just go onward!

WORDS! WRITE! WOO! :cheers on all of everyone:
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
I am (somewhat reluctantly) participating this year. I almost decided not to but my cousin, who is the one that got me into it in the first place, has more or less put the bug in my ear and the idea won't go away.

As for my entry, I'm going to be doing an original, but I'm not sure whether I want to post something that I've already started or something that I've been meaning to rewrite for years. I haven't plotted either one of the stories out (they're both fantasy/romance) because planning has never been my strong point and when I actually do outlines I end up ignoring them anyway.

At any rate, maybe you guys can help me pick which one I want to do before, well, tomorrow. Here are my choices:

Novel One:


For ten years, the people of Alistaire have suffered under the rule of a tyrant queen, and now, with tensions between the Empire and its people reaching a fever pitch, dragon tamer Sonja Cross must make a decision: turn her back on change, or set her sights on hope for the future.

Novel Two:

Untitled (if anyone can come up with a title, that'd be, like, the most awesome thing ever)

Sage always thought she was ordinary, and until Auriq showed up, she had no reason to believe any differently. Now, with talk of soulmates and empires and a war only she can stop, Sage is positive she'll never be ordinary again.

I, personally, am leaning more toward doing Blaze, but I've been tossing that idea around in my head for literally two years and nothing has been written, and I'm already three chapters into the Untitled story. What do you guys think?

And is no one else on all of Dokuga participating? No one at all?

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Last Edit: 2013/10/31 09:47 By Aubrey Simone.
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~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Personally I'd lean more towards novel two, but maybe that's because Blaze's summary is very meh in mind. It tells me a little but not much, and though Novel Two is the same way, I just gives me a little more detail.

Though in the spirit of NaNo, starting fresh without any chapters written prior would make Blaze more worthy.

But anyways, choose whichever you want. As long as you have fun and doesn't kill you.

I am participating too. Though mine's only fanfiction and basically a set of short stories that are connected. I've a ton of research for it though. -_-

Reincarnation: Naraku had gotten his biggest enemies out of his way, and seemingly for good. The chances were one in a billion that Sesshomaru and Kagome would find their ways back to the present when they must to jump from time to time, incarnate to incarnate, and one time line to the next. Especially if they must copulate each time to continue on. Luckily though, fate can be a funny thing and roots easily entangle. (Summary needs a trimming but you get the gist).

Originally, that was going to be what I used for the 50 First Lines Challenge. Now it's NaNo fodder. -_-
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Knight of Disorder
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 76
I want to do it but I won't have the time. November is the first four of the last five weeks of my fall semester so it's full of tests and such. I might try and throw one together after my finals if I have time.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
This year is the first year that I don't have school to bog me down. So I'm gonna try to do it. Except, I probably won't succeed. We'll see
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Last Edit: 2013/10/31 10:09 By kaoruhana.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
My first too. That's the reason I chose the story I did, so that I can stick with it more as I have lots of freedom to move around with it.

Any details you want to share about yours? Or not, who knows, you might not have planned jack, jk.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Rin-Rin, Kami of Dogs wrote:
Personally I'd lean more towards novel two, but maybe that's because Blaze's summary is very meh in mind. It tells me a little but not much, and though Novel Two is the same way, I just gives me a little more detail.

Though in the spirit of NaNo, starting fresh without any chapters written prior would make Blaze more worthy.

But anyways, choose whichever you want. As long as you have fun and doesn't kill you.

I am participating too. Though mine's only fanfiction and basically a set of short stories that are connected. I've a ton of research for it though. -_-

Reincarnation: Naraku had gotten his biggest enemies out of his way, and seemingly for good. The chances were one in a billion that Sesshomaru and Kagome would find their ways back to the present when they must to jump from time to time, incarnate to incarnate, and one time line to the next. Especially if they must copulate each time to continue on. Luckily though, fate can be a funny thing and roots easily entangle. (Summary needs a trimming but you get the gist).

Originally, that was going to be what I used for the 50 First Lines Challenge. Now it's NaNo fodder. -_-

Yeah, I was starting to lean more toward Novel Two as well, but like you said, Blaze makes actually participating worthwhile since there's nothing written for it yet (and it actually has a title lol). I don't know which one I'll do, but hopefully I'll have made my decision by tomorrow because I definitely don't want to start late and have to play catch-up.

Also, your story sounds really interesting, Rin-Rin! I hope that after NaNo is finished, you'll post it here, because I've never seen anyone do anything like that and I'd love to read it!

kaoruhana wrote:
This year is the first year that I don't have school to bog me down. So I'm gonna try to do it. Except, I probably won't succeed. We'll see

Well good luck! I've participated twice before and didn't finish either time, so don't worry about finishing - I like to think that participating at all means that we deserve some sort of award, because NaNo is No. Joke.

Since you and Rin-Rin are participating for the first time, here's my advice: KEEP WRITING AND DON'T EDIT! Even when you get stuck, force yourself to write through it, and don't worry about editing, because that isn't important.

Naturally, I'm bad at listening to my own advice, but hey, maybe someone else will, right?

Knight of Disorder wrote:
I want to do it but I won't have the time. November is the first four of the last five weeks of my fall semester so it's full of tests and such. I might try and throw one together after my finals if I have time.

Man, that sucks! I understand though, and if school needs to come first then school should definitely come first (even though I'm probably going to be tearing my hair out soon trying to juggle school and NaNo, once again, not listening to my own advice lol)

If you do decide to write something after, then the best of luck to you! Writing a novel is hard whether you're under ridiculous deadlines or not!
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~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
Sorry- I didn't read the rest of your post earlier Rin-Rin-san! I plan on continuing a story I began last year for nanorimo. I spent a month making up a map, a plot line, and everything for it. It's about four city states that attempt to unify to create a new country. And as for the plot- I need to work on the plot a lot more- I just know the rough details so that's that. I guess it's slightly historical fiction- I'm gonna do a ton of research on Italian city states and bring back references from my Politics courses as well as stories I've read before. We'll see if I succeed. And come up with a new title: it's called "Four City States" on my computer.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 16
Since I have been stuck on the two original stories that I started writing a long time ago, I thought I would try NaNo this year. I am going to work on a story which is developing in my mind from the backstory outline of one of the two stories that isn't going anywhere. It is a romance/epic journey set in post-Viking Scandinavia and Russia. It may not actually need to be novel length to tell the story, but who knows. I have a few sentences of plot description from the earlier novel's outline and brief character descriptions to work from. I know the end of the characters' stories, but I have been wondering about their earlier lives.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
YAHOO! NANO! I'm working on book two of my eight book series for this year's nano - should be fun! If any of you want to look me up on Nano I'm lyrainthedark there too XP Also I know there are many more dokugans than have replied to this thread Nanoing, so keep an eye out fellow wrimos!
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Last Edit: 2013/10/31 13:43 By lyrainthedark.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
"I definitely don't want to start late and have to play catch-up."

Playing catch up when you only have a month to write sounds like a nightmare, especially since there's Thanksgiving this month if you're an American.

"Since you and Rin-Rin are participating for the first time, here's my advice: KEEP WRITING AND DON'T EDIT! Even when you get stuck, force yourself to write through it, and don't worry about editing, because that isn't important."

I keep hearing that advice. We'll see how well I can stick with it.

"Also, your story sounds really interesting, Rin-Rin! I hope that after NaNo is finished, you'll post it here, because I've never seen anyone do anything like that and I'd love to read it!"

That was always my intention, though after heavy editing I'm certain.

"Sorry- I didn't read the rest of your post earlier Rin-Rin-san!"

That's okay! Your story sounds interesting though. Good luck?


Your novel sounds interesting as well, though probably just because I'm all for anything that's set in a historical period. Who knows? Anyways, good luck to you and I hope that it does turn out so you hit the goal.


I kind of assumed that there were more out there that hadn't replied. Good luck to you and to them.

Hey, if anyone wants to look me up over on the NaNoWriMo site, I'm Mi Ling Chi.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I'm doing mine, I have my title The Spirit of the Queen. And its going to be a back in time orginial story. Lots of hijinks and finding out who the three main characters are.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Everyone's stories sound so interesting!

And since Lyra and Rin-Rin have given their usernames, I'll go ahead and give mine too: it's Aubrey Simone just in case anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy.

There are just a few hours until midnight - is anyone going to be starting at midnight exactly?

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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Will be adding you as a writing bud!

I will! I'm gonna get started and hope to at least get two thousand in before bed, hopefully more.

What about you Aubrey? What's your goal before bed?

Edit: So, though this might go without saying, this thread can act like the support forums over on NaNo. Once things get started, feel free to say how you're doing word count wise (or not... ), celebrate ten thousand, twenty thousand, etc., and whatever else you want to say in relation to your NaNo.

Also, ow. Just had dinner and I burned the underside of my wrist while steaming broccoli.
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Last Edit: 2013/10/31 23:19 By Wunderberry.
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
Ooh yay- I'll put my username up too if anyone wants to add me. It's kaoruhana
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Yay, writing buddies! Thanks Rin-Rin! I'm about to go through and add everyone else as well, so don't be surprised if you see that you've got a message from me in your NaNo inbox!

Also, NaNo supplies a word war widget, where we could put up to five names on it and see who gets to 50,000 first...would anyone be interested in doing that, to keep us motivated? I think it would be fun, don't you?

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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Your welcome.

You're on Aubrey! I definitely will join the word war, so you've go at least one participant your way.
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Cool! That's one - if anyone else wants to join in on the word war, let me know! Don't worry about the widget, I'll take care of all of that.

Oh, and by the way...

It's November 1st! Happy writing and good luck everybody!

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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Aubrey Simone
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Alright that's three people total for the word war...there's room for two more people on the widget, so I'll wait a couple hours to get it just in case someone else decides they want to join in.

Oh and Himura Asami, it's definitely "interesting" lol, so long as "interesting" is a synonym for "sometimes mildly stressful"!

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\"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don\'t matter and those that matter don\'t mind.\" - Dr. Seuss

~Aubrey Simone~
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
I still have two hours 'til November first. *Sigh* Good luck Aubrey, have fun!
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Time Traveler
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 57
I honestly wish every year that I had the time to do Nano. But November has always been annually my busiest month of the year with either finals or studies and now work in RL. XD.

Sometimes I can't get a break .

If you can do Nano, go for it! I sure would if I could too! XD

~ Pyre
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 109
Cool! That's one - if anyone else wants to join in on the word war, let me know! Don't worry about the widget, I'll take care of all of that.

Go ahead and add me to the list! It's technically Nov 1st for me since I'm still visiting family in India so I'm gonna get started I guess
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Himura Asami
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 9
I've never even heard of this!
How do you do it?
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Re:NaNo 2013 10 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 17
Alright, I've got ten mins 'til midnight so I'll explain. NaNo is National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 or more words in the month of November. The site for more info is here.
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