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Rhonda (Chapter 1) - Mon 19 Jan 2015


    LOVE IT!!!!!

    The only thing I DON'T like is the thought that after one more chapter your Fabulous Fic while be at an end....

Anonymous (Chapter 36) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

   Love Chapter 36.....

  Faced with aggressive behaviour from jealous demonnesses, Kagome receives loving support from Sesshoumaru, and the strength of Chikas's friendship.......

  Rhoyu has taken his rightful place as DaiYoukai of his lands......

  While butting heads with the stubborn Southern Lord in an attempt to make him reconsider a mating between Inari and Inuyasha she finds all the ranks standing with her  as their Hime. Seeing that he has no support the hard headed Lord reconsiders.

And looks like we have two very happy couples about to find all their dreams come true....

       **sigh**Lovin' It!!


NicoRavenPen (Chapter 36) - Mon 19 Jan 2015

~~*Sigh* It was beautiful... ^____^

Kitsune Diva (Chapter 35) - Thu 15 Jan 2015

I am in love with your story.  I could kick myself for not reading it sooner. Your story reads as a romantic epic. The character development is immpeccable.   It is rare that anyone makes a villan that is both evil and redeemable.  Kura is one of the best villans I've ever read in Fanfiction; her motives and backstory were great. I didn't see Inari being in love with Inuyasha, that was a total shock and I love it. The trials Kagome and Sesshomaru go through are beyond shallow romance, it's the trials of a true couple. I love that honnor, love and duty are such forces that can make or break chacracters lives.  I look forward to reading more of this wonderful story. 

naleah (Chapter 35) - Tue 13 Jan 2015

True love understand.

NomDePlume (Chapter 35) - Tue 06 Jan 2015

Oh I love this fic! I really like the different rankings and that any kind of youkai could be in any ranking, instead of just dog youkai vs cat youkai etc. You did a great job of world building as far as youkai customs and traditions go. I am interested to see Kagome wield the Hime influence in order to help Inuyasha. I look forward to reading more!

dancingfingers (Chapter 35) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

When will this story stop making me cry? *sniffles* If it weren't for my make-up, I would have been a mess, lol.

I'm really, really relieved for Sesshomaru!

And I hope for the best and more strength for Kagome.

And I also cried (inwardly, of course) for Inukimi; it must have been hard to stop the war with her heart breaking for losing her mate to another.

And thank you, for the beautiful chapter.




AnimeLady04 (Chapter 35) - Mon 05 Jan 2015

ah ha! I knew Kagome would listen and understand! IF one things been constant, its she always tries to help her friends no matter what and she sees beyond what Sesshomaru wants to show. Kagome's insight into Sesshomarus mind has helped their relationship and maybe now he can start strengthing their relationship by actually talking to her and helping her understand more of youkai society and her own power as the Hime.

I believe with Kagome as the Hime and Sesshomaru now mating the Hime, together they can ensure Inuyasha will have happiness. It may cause a lot of tense awkardness and skimishes with Inari's father but it would be worth it to see Inu happy and Kagome become happier because of that.

Also, maybe Sesshomaru has learned that he cannot hide things from the all knowing Kagome ;)
Great chapter!

Guest (Chapter 35) - Sun 04 Jan 2015

Kagome is too perfect. It's so sweet - too sweet. I feel like I'm reading a fairy-tale.

P.S. Is English your second language? Your English is really amazing, but I'm just getting this vibe from the story, as a native, born-and-raised-speaking English person.

P.P.S. Good luck finishing the story, nevertheless!

Loveyaa (Chapter 35) - Sun 04 Jan 2015

Quite the chapter! Quite the moving chapter. I wonder if they can both forgive themselves and move on. Hopefully love conquers all. Way for Kagome to be the stronger one and the one not willing to give up. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

sesshouscat (Chapter 35) - Sun 04 Jan 2015




i was tying to torment you by not responding 

but you can see how well that worked 


love the last two updates  I was at work for the first and last updates

can you imagen my tears at work 

::sighs::: now to wait for the next one

Ankita (Chapter 35) - Sun 04 Jan 2015

Eeeee :) phewww lovely chapter. .. hehe i m gladd its not ending soon :P

Didie (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

Ooooh... Sesshoumaru definetely has some issue wiht trust... I hope he'll make an effort to trust, confide and open more open to Kagome next time, cause in the relationship, love is not enough, love even become pointless if there is no trust, openess and communication....But anyway I still love it! Can't wait for the next update Do your best Sesshoumaru's Secret Admirer-san!

melissa k (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

This is going in a better direction. I loved it! Thank you for the up date and Happy New Year.

elizabeth (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

thank you very much for updating 

sesshomaru realized that loves kagome

Marie (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

Yahoo!  Angst andlove undeniable. ..  this can only get better. 

rosheemary (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

Thank you for updating  Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer-chan!

I love your story and here, on this chapter i could feel the emotion burried in the depth of those molten gaze, and wow... kagome devotion.. it's so... beautiful...

thanks again for updating, i really can't wait for next chapter! :D

but take your time and keep your hard work :)

Selina (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015

That was amazing! I absolutely love your portrayal of Sesshoumaru. I can't wait to see how this ends! 

NorthPeach (Chapter 35) - Sat 03 Jan 2015



*wipes tears away*

That was beyond beautiful...

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 34) - Mon 29 Dec 2014

Poor Kagome. But he had a good reason for not allowing Inuyasha to mate his love and for not telling Kagome.

In my opnion, Sesshomaru did not back Inuyasha because he would have no allies in a brutal war. Sesshomaru would probably be pushing the envelope by mating Kagome (a miko and ningen at that). Then to go to war so his hanyo brother could mate a full youkai demoness.......with half of Nippon against them and no other allies, Sesshomaru very well may lose the war especially if some of his own people abandoned the West to join the war. If Sesshomaru at least had some allies, I think he'd risk it but not against half of the entire country.

For not telling Kagome...Sesshomaru 1) probably does not want her angsty and hurt over this. She woke up from her long sleep then left him for a long time. So he's missed her and does not wish to jepordize anything especially so close to the mating......and 2) he still thinks Kagome does not see him fully. He firmly believes he is hiding his true darker self and she only sees the good. So he's afraid if Kagome sees all of him - both his goodness and darkness and cruelty - she would not want him.

But what Sesshomaru is missing is....Kagome might have grown up the future, but she's been in the past long enough to know that leaders, especially the higher lords, always have to make sacrifices and very tough decisions. The saying goes, One life for 1,000 lives. That saying applies here. While Sesshomaru probably would want to give Inuyasha some happiness and finally see someone that loves Inuyasha for who he is happily mate him....Sesshomaru just cannot risk such a huge war for nothing. No allies, the possibility his own people will abandon him, his kingdom, his own future mate......and only so Inuyasha could mate someone he loves.

While harsh, it was the way of the world back then. Even in Greek mythology and the Operas and other stories written back then, had a lot of tragedy because leaders had to make the hard decisions on sacrifice.

On the other hand, Kagome was kept in the dark so she probably feels like Sesshomaru still does not trust her or in their love and she may even feel betrayed that neither Inuyasha or Sesshomaru talked to her to come up with ideas or to at least say "this is what I've decided"......just left her in ignorance.

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