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Lexy217 (Chapter 32) - Mon 03 Nov 2014

I'm so sad for ryo!!!! I hope you do a sequel. I feel there is still so much that can't just be wrapped up in an epilogue.

Mitsuneko Harahi (Chapter 31) - Sat 01 Nov 2014

I'm sad Kura died and Ryou is left in her wake and that Kagome had to find out the way she did but at least it came straight from Sesshoumaru. I'm hooked on your story and am probably going to end up reading your other works as well. ^_^


Camille (Chapter 31) - Fri 31 Oct 2014

You have a beautiful talent ! The way you can make the readers feel when reading a chapter of yours is amazing . Not every one has that talent . Once again I have enjoyed a great chapter you have posted . Until next time (which I hope is soon xD )


WildcatYST (Chapter 31) - Thu 30 Oct 2014

Another lovely chapter. Looking forward to more!

Badtzmaru1907 (Chapter 1) - Thu 30 Oct 2014

Love your story can't wait for you next update! <(^_^)>

JeniNeji (Chapter 31) - Wed 29 Oct 2014


Loveyaa (Chapter 31) - Tue 28 Oct 2014

What a debbie downer of a chapter. Yay for Kagome coming back though. I wonder how that love story will play out. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

PurpleSolstice (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Hmmmm... I'm still undecided.

marisel (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

omg this is one of the best story  i have read.   my thanks and best wishes tovyou.

Miss C (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Ohhh He messed up, BUT she will forgive him!!

sesshouscat (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014


















so evil  T.T 

again i daw your up date at work and  aaited till I got home

i seeR my girlish screams of joy

Re gonna get me in to some serious trouble one day  >.<







any who



update soon yet another great chapter that made me scream




WAS ???!!!


THAT ?!!!


(Sighs) I'm of to bed now  I've had my fix 


snowbird (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

I can understand Sesshoumaru was being torn apart inside but he should have let Kagome see at least thru his eyes he was happy she was back.  Her reaction was stupid and highly emotional.  Is Ryou's feelings more important than Sesshoumaru's love for her?  She's being stupidly hysterical and not thinking.  Her body still has some healing to do.   It's probably weak from being in a coma.  Is Inuyasha suppose to carry her around everywhere even when they make camp?  They should not have let her leave until she has some of her strength back and had more time to think things thru.  I'm just disappointed with her right now.  She should know better due to having lived and seen the cruelties of the past and that justice can sometimes be just as cruel.  Life cannot be just a bed of roses without thorns.

Marie (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Yep it has been confirmed you like to torture your readers. Endless agonizing torture.  (=*÷*÷=&!

And like a fool ill take it.  Bring it on. 

elizabeth (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

that good kagome wakes  that will happen now

melissa (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

It is hard for me to review at times (tech issues) but I wanted you to know that I am loving it. Poor Kagome will have to see in the end.

NorthPeach (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

I'm seriously crying now... that was a msterpiece of epic porportions... Ima go sob in some quiet palce now...

Silence-Midnight (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Ha, i knew it. I KNEW IT!!!!

I knew that you would do what with the Shiko no Tama!!

Really good chapter!!

And I think Kagome doesn´t fear Sesshomaru but she fears for Ryou. So she will return and she will also accept her position as new Lady of the West.

So can´t wait for the next chapter^^

Until then


AnimeLady04 (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Aw now Sesshomaru has to give Kagome some time....I mean geez, first she was attacked and nearly killed then she is in a coma for three weeks and when she finally awakens - he doesn't tell her he is even glad she is awake but immedately turns cold and tells her how long she's been asleep in addition to Kura's execution and the how she was executed. That's a lot to take in when Kagome first wakes up. Me, personally, I need coffee when I first wake up, no emergencies allowed until I have my first cup of joe!

I firmly believe that as soon as Kagome sees Ryu, she may apologize for not being able to save Kura but she will understand why Sesshomaru did what he did and she will return to him. It may not be in two days because she has to heal not only from being in a coma but the emotional truama she's suffered. But she will return to him.

Kagome has not flinched from youkai society yet - so I don't think she will start now. And like I've said, she has been hanging out with youkai since she first came to this time. So she should know the brutality of it. Even in ningen society, a ruler must extract justice swiftly and ruthlessly otherwise, other Lords and enemies will see that ningen lord as weak and will constantly bring war and battles to the people. So yes Sesshomaru was harsh and ruthless but it's in their nature. He's done a lot of sacrificing for Kagome's sake but he can't erase whom or what he is - a youkai Lord.

beachvilla (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens with Ryou. Leaders have to make crappy choices sometimes. 

KEdakumi (Chapter 31) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

Well that was a heck of a wake up call. I know it's all politics in demon society, but Sesshoumaru did it for revenge, not justice and I think it will take Kagome some time to get over that and Sesshoumaru some time to see that.

Such a good story. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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