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Brandie (Chapter 14) - Tue 28 Feb 2012

I really love your story so far and can't wait to read more please update soon

Shelly (Chapter 14) - Mon 27 Feb 2012

I aboslutely love your story so far. You have a great writing style and don't make the characters cheesey or shallow. In the spirit of waiting for more chapters, I wanted to offer a few more holidays. In addition to the Solstaces, Obon, Hanami, Easter, Groundhog Day, Mardi Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Mothers/Fathers/Grandparents Day, Golden Week, Culture Day, or April Fools Day may give some inspiration. Can't wait for your next chapter!

MonMon (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

What a great story! Absolutely loved how this chapter ended but you could see the deep feelings that were taking root between the two of them. I love the build up!

TheMikoShivae (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

Yay!!  Fluff!!!  And another awesome chapter :D  i love this story so much :)

Kiyoshi_Snow_Leopard_Demon_Assassin (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

I love this story and I wish that I could write something as awesome as this

NightQueen (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

Oh so fabulous! Of course they've been falling in love from chapter 1, but this chapter just kind of told us they don't like sharing each other with stupid people!!  I look forward to every holiday with great pleasure.  Hmm I need to start looking up new things to celebrate!

criticat (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

Oooh White Day is coming up! I want to know what happened to those chocolates!

I like the way their relationship becomes something more step by step rather than !BOOM! and they are all over each other. The end of the chapter was very sweet. Poor Kagome, falling asleep before she got to hear what he said :)

Lyss (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

awww another great chapter!!! :D thanks for writing! i can't wait for more! i'll be so sad when this story ends!

koneji (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

This chapter totally made my day. And yes, we can't deny the romance now! Another amazing chapter!

jhiz (Chapter 9) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

I absolutely loved the spat with the miko and demon powers and how they made up.  Snuggling and reading together in the quiet is very peaceful and a wonderful way to combat the harsh itck of their day.

jhiz (Chapter 4) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

I can totally see this situation being overwhelming... talking to a past "love" is often strangely uncomfortable even if you are removed enough from the original emotions to not still be in love...  I think you did a great job of showing the anxiety and lost feelings that the encounter can cause.

dianne (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012
this chapter was so cute and the argument was funny! I cant wait to see what they do next. ^.^

LoudlySilent (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

 I absolutely love this story. You can see the slow progression of the feelings they have for one another. So many stories have them meet up and boom! they're an item within hours or days.  Good Job!

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

Of course White Day is coming but I would adore if you also worked in a reference to is Pi day as well!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 14) - Sun 26 Feb 2012

so sweet!

Cherry (Chapter 13) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

This is a great story and I love how you use various days to carry it along.

Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 13) - Sat 18 Feb 2012

Awesome chapter. So I don't know if this is an actual holiday but on my calendar (feb 21) it say pancake day! I could be a very funny chapter maybe. Just throwing it out there :3

Rai (Chapter 1) - Wed 15 Feb 2012

I saw this and HAD to tell you: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day - Feb 23rd.  Made me laugh, and think of Convivial, which is amazing as always!  Thank you for the wonderful story!

RubyJeweler (Chapter 13) - Wed 15 Feb 2012

Ooh! I can hardly wait to see what you have next in store for us. Damn, Sesshomaru can cook? Another dreamy sigh.

daapatemysoul (Chapter 13) - Tue 14 Feb 2012

Loved it, as always! Im starting to see the beginnings of feelings evolving from friendship into a bit more. His reaction to her hands was a bit more intense than I would have expected from "just" a friend or pack leader. I am however, still breathless with anticipation for the day he actually makes a move- I hope it's soon! I dont want them to jump straight into a heavy relationship, or anything, as that wouldn't fit the tone of this story, but a kiss that leaves them both startled, shifting feelings, a cuddle that starts off just friendly and leaves them both a bit confused and turned on... Any which way, it's adorable. And I hope I didn't confuse youwith my thoughts on your other story. Obviously, as the author, you take it in any direction yu want- lol. I love your stories and can't wait to see updates n them. It made my evening, as I'm laying here hating my leg with a passion. (Turns out I broke my hip in 2 places after my surgery and I probably broke it again today. And yes, that hurts as bad as you'd think it would. Gah. Thankfully, no need for surgery, since it's already been fixed!)

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