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Emiko (Chapter 22) - Fri 13 Apr 2012
Urgh, Kagome, I so sympathize!! I'm at the end of my so called hell week. 2 exams for chem and bio, a lab report, a 5 page lab summary, homework for chem that I have no idea how to do and a japanese listening test that 1/4 my grade. All in the same week! I've gotten 4 hours of sleep in the past roughly 4 days!!! ???????????? But enough about me and more about you and the story you write that I am crazy about!!! Thank you for the time you spend just to entertain us. Sooooo worth it!! I'm sorry to hear about your computer troubles. I hope everything clears up and gets back to normal. I was so depressed when good friday and easter came and no Hatter :( Dare I ask for makeup chapters if free time permits?? =P PLZ, PLZ , PLZ w/a naked Sesshy on top??! Wait, scratch the Sesshy offer!! I don't wanna give him away, lmao! Anyways, keep up the great writing!!! Tootles!! - Emiko

gradualwisd0m (Chapter 22) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

I enjoy your updates whenever they appear! Not too many fanfic update email notices invoke an "Ooooo!" reaction like ones from your pieces! In fact I'm going to go find my USB drive & back up my school files right now (thanks for the reminder; sorry about your files though, i know that sucks). I can't afford to lose them in this last quarter of my AA degree. I always enjoy the holidays or celebrations you choose & I think you use them uniquely instead of in a cliche which seems like cheating. I love a fic that has a very well structured base for which to build the plot and I love that the characters aren't all over one another because no logical person does that in real life. You've taken time to develop everyone. Love your writing. :)

nightmareofcat (Chapter 22) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

awwwww poor putor went kablooey, i shall play a funeral dirge for your harddrive.

lil bit shorter than usual but considering the circumstances excellent save hat!

keep it up queen of the wangst.






the nightmare will return.


koneji (Chapter 22) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

That's a heavenly way to fall asleep~ And boy do I know what Kagome's going through right now. Fantastic work on the chapter!

floyd (Chapter 1) - Wed 11 Apr 2012

Am beyond myself anticipating good friday and easter!!

Ivy (Chapter 21) - Fri 06 Apr 2012

I figured that I would let you know incase you didnt, today is Good Friday

nightmareofcat (Chapter 21) - Mon 02 Apr 2012

hat hat hat after all that hubub in chat you still spelled speciesist wrong. but nevertheless excellent chappie. loved the way sessmama just popped up putta the blue like a daisy.

Lyss (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

Thanks for updating - the chapter before this and this one! I really needed something good right now! I love this story and I love how you aren't just throwing Sess and Kag together! :) I look forward to more! :) Thanks for writing!

KT (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012 got me there. I was holding my breath wondering when Sesshoumaru's mother was going to burst out with a trick, or burst out laughing... Ha ha April fools XD

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

i think that i kinda want her to come back just so kagome can show her whoes boss and sess ends up haven to keep his miko calm :3

Kayelyn (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

Oh goodness...Sessmama was most definitely a "speciest" LOL! Love that word! I'm glad that Kagome was able to stand up to her. But I think Sessmama learned a good lesson...Do not bad mouth Rin. However, I am hoping that she has some redeeming quality somewhere and that I will grow to like her...maybe.


Thanks for the update!

Til next time, Lovely!

Brenna (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

Also! Sesshmom is so rude XD

Brenna (Chapter 21) - Sun 01 Apr 2012

Yay an update! I absolutely love this story and can't wait for more! :D keep up the awesome work Hat!

Rayne (Chapter 20) - Sat 31 Mar 2012

hey today's orange and lemon day!! ....just saying :)

Rayne (Chapter 20) - Sat 31 Mar 2012

This chapter was quite fascinating. I don't exactly know why, but it just felt like it. Just to add, I have no idea what Earth Hour is, but I can sort of infer that it has something to do with 'saving the earth by cutting back eletricity' .... right? 

Anyway, on with my review! I'm terribly sorry for not reader your chapters so far, until now, and am going to make up for it by posting a long comment! :P

I like how the story is progressing slowly, how you made the characters OCC yet still feeling as if they're NOT OCC - as if  this could be very possible. Sesshomaru hasn't turned into a complete lovestruck idiot (like other stories...) and Kagome's still a strong-female lead character (even with her mood-ish swings). They're pretty much into character and subtly changing, not overly so, and that makes all the difference. The side-canon characters you've re-introduced before are also sort of changing, or have already changed. The already changed ones have plausible characteristics and I could actually see all these events happening. Your OCs have also been added in perfectly, since their appearances and introductions aren't so abrupt that you can't get the feel of their personality - on the contrary - they sneak into my little imaginary world of Inuyasha, causing big impacts when they do do something big. I can't wait for the next chapter and I do hope you'll continue your awesome story!


P.L.U.R. (Chapter 20) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

How beautiful! I couldn't think of a more fitting word other than beautiful! The progress in the relationship between them is just that, Beautiful! And I cherish how you managed to create a chapter to make us all feel as if under a spell! Thank you for writing, and thank you for reminding me of Earth Hour, I have obviously been living under a rock for the past few days!

Hugss, and all my PLUR:


Lissa (Chapter 20) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

I just wanted to say that I love love LOVE this story. I found it last night and only stopped reading to go to sleep. Then I just HAD to  keep reading at work today and before I knew it I had forgotten I was even at work and finished the whole thing! It is just amazing. You do such a good job showing the characters and I can't wait for more chapters!!

Chaos Ninja (Chapter 20) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

Awwww Sesshoumaru, you may do it subtly, but you're a hopeless romantic. :3 this is awesome!!!! Can't wait for more.

Saraniya (Chapter 20) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

Sigh...if only he were real... :) Thanks for the update!

dianne (Chapter 20) - Fri 30 Mar 2012

Aww, that ending was so adorable! 

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