Wow! Great story!!! Finally the showdown/beatdown! Oh...and Sesshomaru is going to visit her as well? Hmm...the possibilities of all this coming together is leaving me on the edge of my chair...please update again soon!
Great story, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, keep it coming.
Terri (Chapter 11) - Mon 06 Aug 2012
chapter 11 came up blank for me :( I would love to read it though
Eeeek!I need more! I am absolutely in love with your story. Please update soon! :)
Alexis (Chapter 9) - Wed 11 Apr 2012
Great chapter I was kinda hoping kagome to whoop Inuyasha ass!!!
I think your timeline is off. You mention that Inuyasha hadn't seen Kagome in over a year, but then talk about the beating he recieved from Sesshoumaru being 6 months ago. Would you please clarify? Other than that, I am enjoing the story so far.
Inuyasha is such an ass! I can't wait till Kagome brings him down!
Malika (Chapter 8) - Thu 05 Apr 2012
Love the story. Keep it going!!!! :)
Time for Kagome to kick some ass!
chevonne (Chapter 4) - Sun 01 Apr 2012
truth be told sesshomaru is an ass for treating kagome that way.
she would be a fool to be with him
Avidreader (Chapter 8) - Sun 01 Apr 2012
Awesome! This was a great bridging chapter. I like how it ended as well. Now I'm really looking forward to the next updates! Thank you for hanging in there.
Alexis (Chapter 8) - Sun 01 Apr 2012
Inuyasha is going to get his ass kicked!!!! Can't wait!!
I am very very interested i was looking for a good MA fic to read and you certainly have one :) I would just spell check and read over it i've found a few typos in it. But hurry and post my chapters i want to know what else happens and i want smut! LOL but seriously amazing fic, Keep it up! :)
Alexis (Chapter 7) - Sat 31 Mar 2012
Awwwww don't tell me that's rin? And finally sesshomaru opened a major can of whoop ass!!!
Alexis (Chapter 6) - Sat 31 Mar 2012
Ooooo sesshomaru is going to kick inuyasha's ass!!!!! Really can't wait until the next chapter!!!
It's about time he got his ass kicked! Boy Sesshomaru really handed his ass to him!
Alexis (Chapter 5) - Fri 30 Mar 2012
Great story can't wait until later chapters!!! Please update soon!!!!
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