Well what I should have said was that I don't think its often used as good afternoon
The exchange students/teachers aids only use it as hello. They use konbanwa more often than not during our class (which is like at 3 pm).
Idk me, personally, konnichiwa used at the end of a statement like that looks odd but meh
Konban wa means good afternoon.
Konnichi wa means hello
Just thought id put that out there
Keep it coming, Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
Keep it coming, Happy New Year!
Jow (Chapter 15) - Tue 27 Nov 2012
So far you've done really well and I look forward to your next chapter! Please keep up the great work!
Keep it coming.
The plot is good but you have quite a lot of missing words in this & word choice errors. You may want to see if you can get a beta or something to go over & fix things.
TKE (Chapter 15) - Mon 26 Nov 2012
now that was classy Kagome..lmao!
Oh, dear! I'm not sure if I want Rin to spill the beans to Kagome about Sesshomaru dreaming about her, but it sure would be funny! However, I don't think their relationship should blossom that quickly, they need to learn to work together, then be friends, and then have a delicious drunk smut when they confess their feelings! But I have fallen in love with this story, so please get your plot bunnies hopping and update soon! (:
Wooohoooooooo!!! THats a girl Kagome! Now take that fiery spirit and pounce on Sessho! -fist pumps-
I loved it...
Keep it coming.
TKE (Chapter 14) - Sat 24 Nov 2012
show him who's boss Kagome...lol!
Keep it coming.
It is about time inuyasha got put in his place.. Clapps for Kagome..
TKE (Chapter 13) - Sat 24 Nov 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed Inu gettin his ass handed to him....lmao!!! Great job!!
Yeah! Love the butt kick'n. Can't wait to read the last lesson.
Keep it coming.
AAARRRGGGHHHH! More more more - that was too short!!!! Who cares if Sesshomaru is coming? She's doing some serious ass kicking here and I'm so loving it! How many lessons did she get from Sango & Kaede??? Hope to see another update soon...
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