Reviews for Lord Charming by forthright

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Saraniya (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

No, no, no... Argh! Poor Kagome I'm really starting to disike Sesshoumaru :)

Karen (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Awww poor Kagome!!! D:

Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

OK, so Kagome must must get all these other youkai's attention and sessho needs to be jealous and forget about all them skanky demonesses trysting invitations. How dense is sesshomaru? He's all jealous in the tournament when she's cheering for some other guy and now he completely forgets about her.

 Argh ! if he trysts with the demoness ( or maybe he already has, i really dunno) I don't think kagome could get over that, I think she has already had enough of her share of men picking other women instead of her. Realistically I think she would be inclined to close her heart to sesshomaru after that, i think due to her history with Inuyasha, her heart would be more cautious and only truly allow herself to fall in love with someone that had only eyes for her. At the first warning bells, she would retreat, its a natural defense mechanism. I mean, realistically, how do you go about explaining to the girl you wanna be with that while you had the opportunity to bed her or some random person, you bedded the random person? Is she gonna wanna spend eternity with someone like that? No.

koneji (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

You've broken my heart, forthy :( But as usual, you've done a wonderful job conveying what you mean in such a short number of words! I'm glad for the update!

KT (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Ah come on Sesshoumaru... why don't you see what is in front of you for once  T-T

Poor Kagome. Well, I thought Sesshoumaru didn't care for trysting. I guess maybe he is trying to keep up his image? 

Nice chapter! Maybe the storyteller youkai will come and steal Kagome away ;D And as for the scandals... oh boy. I can't wait for the next chapter!

C.Nichole (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Man, been waiting for this all day. And wow- I kinda hope that Sesshoumaru gets served a big bowl of payback in the form of some good, old-fashioned competition. Or a really bad tryst, one of the two lol.

Enchanting_Breeze (Chapter 286) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

I like the Western Lady. She's fun! Hope she can make Kagome catch Sesshoumaru's attention ;)

Brandy (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

:( :( im, gunna, cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

REDWOLF (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

GREAT GREAT CHAPTERS! I know just the thing for Kagome....jump the bones of one of thoses other dogs and kiss the daylights out of them and fry Sesshoumaru just for asking her to be there to hurt you. OHHHHH I am so mad at Seshoumaru, i'll bet he tyrst just so he could say he could. Well maybe it's time for poor poor Kagome to take it home now. Poor girl. I am so crying for her. Must he be so Sesshoumaru, can't you pay him back?

REDWOLF (Chapter 285) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

WHAT!!! He went with that other woman..why.....that dog grrrr!

GreyEcho (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

Aw, that's sweet. Too bad that's not what it is.

henandchicks (Chapter 285) - Thu 12 Apr 2012


kagomesirene (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

noooooooooooo i definetly remember vthe golden flower to be an invitation to tryst *CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*


dumps a bucket of ice-cold water on sesshou...there let's see what you'll do now I3


poor kagome...maybe storyteller-sama will cheer her up a little bit...somehow i get the feeling kagome might think about leaving...

after all, sesshoumaru got what he wanted from her...the *bitches* are hot for him X3

so kagome might consider going home before her heart gets broken even more XC


very please update asap...better so evey day -_-


EtherealCrescent (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

This chapter did nothing to ease my anticipation! Wonderful authoring lol. I'm guessing that Sess is NOT doing what we think he's doing because it's going to be ridiculously hard to win Kagome back after something like that... though I will admit that it would surely be entertaining to read you weaving that plot somehow. Whatever you do is bound to be great and I'll just sit here and patiently wait to be amazed. :)


Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

Forthright, you are making our poor hearts suffer with trepidation! We are all holding our breaths, we wanna know what happened, did sesshy go and tryst with the other woman? please say it isn't so !My heart goes out to Kagome, poor poor thing and sesshy's mom is so oblivious to kagome's feelings for her son. I just wanna give kagome a big hug. Please please update soon, seriously yesterday I had this uncomfortable feeling thinking about kagome and sesshy's situation all day..( I know, I know... but I get way too involved with good stories ;) I can't help it!) Anyways please give our hearts a nice reprieve and make it all be better . pretty pretty please. 

Allyonora (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

ARGH! I'm still so angry with Sesshoumaru!!! How could he?

How could he be so caring and appear so interested and do something like this??? I mean, one moment he's kissing Kagome, the next he's slaping his tryst with another woman in her face? What did he want? To prove that Kagome is beneath him? That she's not his priority? That his best is not her? Well, great job.

I don't see a way to fix this. Making he change his mind and not tryst? To say he had something else in mind when he lead the demoness to the maze? Well, but the damage is already done, he already treated Kagome like trash, going out with another in front of the miko. 

Those last chapters broke my heart. I don't trust Sesshoumaru anymore. I'm cheering for Kenta now. Or Storyteller-sama. Or Inuyasha. Or even SessMom. Anyone who treat her better.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

Wheee! How exciting! Sesshou's mom must be planning to get Kagome a new makeover that will most likely than not make Kagomyet he most beautiful than all. Even for a demoness c: excitement! I can't wait for the festivities and what will happen between storyteller-sama and Kagome! Sigh, you are so good, forthy. Making us use the grey/dark matter that is housed inside of our skulls c: update soon, blessed torturer!

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

I feel so bad for Kagome, and I have since Strange Reaction.  It's just becoming so sad. I've reread it a few times trying to keep myself from bombing you with my begging.  I reallllllly hope that darn golden flower was a request for her to borrow Kagome and do the horizontal tango or something equally amusing. I feel just as sad as she, watching her now, and I want to hit Sesshy over the head with a fire poker or Hiraikotsu.  All this time, all the bonding, the getting closer, the opening up, and to see him pretty much throw it away/mess it all up without thinking is horrifying....unless he DID think and didn't just send her away while he appeared to go play hide the snake. :/ I hope mommy dearest has seen with her all seeing eyes, and is preparing her to either stun Sesshoumaru, or stun all the other eligible bachelors *wiggles eyebrows* In the end, I am just really afraid of a big fall, before the pick up. I will possibly cry if I reread again and put them all together. Well, I shall follow faithfully as you lead.



raindancer13 (Chapter 286) - Thu 12 Apr 2012
Oh, how I do wish you'd post more chapters just this once! But I suppose you do that to keep us coming back for more. Please update soon! This story is wonderful!

Selazul (Chapter 285) - Thu 12 Apr 2012

No No NOOOOOOoooooo!

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