Reviews for Lord Charming by forthright

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henandchicks (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

Again, I say Noooooooooooooooo!

Enchanting_Breeze (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

Poor Kagome! I am disappointed in Sesshoumaru. I guess Sesshoumaru can't see how precious Kagome is since he hasn't met anyone to compare her with. Can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks!

ChaoticReverie (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

Baaah what an ass!! I know it's kinda how things go with this lot, but I can't help but feel outraged and heartbroken for Kagome. :( Poor thing. Wasn't his whole plan to blow everyone off after they realized just how amazing he was?!?! Now he's just another man whore panting after pretty girls. *sigh* I know eventually things will change, but right now I want to punch him in the face...

You've really got me riled (but in a good kinda way)! Great job getting everyone emotionally attached! X)

kagomesirene (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

sigh...well i feared it would come to this...

...but what should he do otherwise...

it's his first date ever X3 don't forget that...poor puppy X3

....he has to stop himself from going to kagome cause he thinks that now he get's what he always wanted...

to be wanted...!!!

i hope he'll realize really that trysting...kissing etc with the demoness is not as much as fun as it is with someone he lies aka kagome...

oh well but we mustn't forget he's male...they're not as averse to having just a little fun with whoever as we would would   ;3

X3 the best way for sesshou to recognize his errors is for Kenta and Hideki to show an interest in kagome or her telling him she wishes to go home cause her task is over


btw...kagome already seems to know of her feelings for sesshoumaru....


Wanting to be wanted was one thing; being wanted for the right reasons was another. When his lips finally touched hers, it almost broke her heart. If only he meant it.


12345c (Chapter 25) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

The best line I've ever read in a fanfic --> You have feet!

I nearly shot pop out my nose...I hope that you are satisfied!



Silverwing (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

Oh no!!!! Don't do anything stupid Sesshoumaru! And thank you so much for updating so much lately! It has been super exciting!

Nyx (Chapter 139) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

I downloaded/uploaded/stored this on my ereader so this is my first review on this story. I like Sesshoumaru's mom. I don't think I have before. In most stories she's scarred him for life or is a cruel, conniving woman, erm... demon.

The gossip, that was a good thing to include. I wonder how it will affect the plot?

Great story.

REDWOLF (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

GOOD CHAPTER! SESSHOUMARU feels his day is SPOKEN FOR....THAT DOG!!!!....GRRRRR.....Why Kagome should leave his butt in the dust. let him drag his butt clean on the dirt the "ole" dog! I hope his mother makes him feel like crap. I hope Kagome is steamed at this!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

What a jerk! I do, however, have confidence that he'll realize his mistake too. I hope there's a little scandal an unexpected suitor for our little miko c:

Shae (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

I'm a little surprised at so many people hating on Sesshoumaru.

I mean he made an agreement with Kagome that she would help him improve his reputation and/or make the ladies notice him. There were no promises of undying love, no boyfriend/girlfriend commitments, in fact at this point I would say that neither Sesshoumaru nor Kagome even really see each other as a potential partner in a relationship yet (in their minds at least, their hearts and feelings are another matter entirely). So... He isn't in fact betraying anyone by accepting an invitation to tryst. There are also unkind assumptions about the demoness he went with, when we really don't know anything about her. I'd say maybe he is genuinely interested, is using this as a chance to further their reputation-increasing goals, and/or a way to gather more information. Maybe he'll get stopped, interrupted or distracted before anything happens. Or perhaps it will be something entirely different.

I have to stress that I don't think this was something done to hurt Kagome, it just so happens that as they're currently at the feelings-stirring-for-each-other-but-trying-to-deny-them-or-being-unaware-of-them stage. Obviously a few hurt feelings are the result. Yes they're getting closer, but I still don't think either realizes what might be going on yet (remember the kisses are supposed to be practice, not for real). His mother on the other hand might very well know, I wouldn't be surprised if she does.

Anyway, I've been waiting to see what would happen after the golden flower since I saw it on LJ, it's great to finally see it pop up in sequence and what comes after it :D Seems Sesshoumaru's mother did a wonderful job with Kagome and the flowers, can't wait to see what mischief comes of it :3 

Kaleigh (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

I really enjoyed this chapter, it seems like Sessoumaru feels something for Kagome because he WANTS to stay.The wistful thoughts say it all. He can't because of social obligations...for some reason though I have this feeling that he isn't ACTUALLY going to tryst, just kind of slip away and wait the night out and let the gossip machine do its work. Although I'm pretty sure that's what I WANT to happen not what's actually going to happen. Thank you for the update :)

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

*sigh* I just feel hollow, hearing his last thoughts. “His night was already spoken for.” I feel boneless, like I could just slip off the bed to the floor, and just give up.  He was kissing her and all the touchy feely, and his words made me think he wasn't just reacting to the stripe touching because it was nice, but because it heightened what he already felt or maybe I was just imagining.  My only hope is that he said "his night was already spoken for," and not "he was about to do the lust and thrust". My chest literally feels tight, and I have a slight dislike for chest pain. It makes me feel like I’m dying. I never thought I would feel this distressed, not extremely sad to the point I would cry, just from reading a story. I understand the whole she came to help him get to do slap thighs with the demoness or maybe just gain all their attention, but I don't think this will make Kagome wish to stay so she could continue to actually watch it go on in front of her, to watch and have her heart break into chunks, then pieces, then shards, then dust.  Sesshoumaru didn't seem to understand or have tactical experience with winning females attention since losing his arm in the first place, so I guess he wouldn't do well in this situation, of actually having to recognize their attention, beyond sexually made offers, once he received it. I understand, but it still saddens me. I really don’t want to see her sad, so I hope to see her, under the Western Lady’s watch, occupied with other males’ general attention to keep her mind off of it, and keep her laughing and smiling while he is off shaking the sheets with that demoness. It’ll keep me from having a coronary  


Jennifer (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

As much as I dislike it, I understand.  They're feelings for each other aren't fully developed yet.  Still, I am a little surprised Sesshoumaru is going to tryst.  I mean, I know his whole agenda was to be desireable to the females, but I didn't think that he was interested in actually doing anything with them.  I always felt that he just didn't like being overlooked.

GreyEcho (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

Gah so he will go ahead with it. >.< Not that I did't think he would but... *sigh* meh. Can't wait for the next chapter.. this is sad slow torture. Well done.

and Good job Sessh.'s Mom. XD

Jenna (Chapter 287) - Sat 14 Apr 2012

ohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodness!!!!!  Seshomaru WHY?!!!


Pricila (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

UGH NOOO!!!  Poor Kagome what is Sessh thinking?  How could he leave her to go with another demoness?  What happen to the jealousy?  I hope with all my heart that he finds this tryst abhorring and leaves.  The end, period.  I hope he comes back to find the story teller trying to woo her or the archer, that'll teach him!  Let him see others are interested in Kagome and want her for her.

AND I was so happy to see that you posted the next chapter and now must go to bed sad, mad, depressed at Sessh's actions.  Well, actions have consequences, let the cards fall where they may.

Jo (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

*snort* I'm not too impressed with Sessh at the moment, but whatever, he's got his own plans. Actually, it seems that everyone does but Kagome.
Hm... with all the stories going on with her hair, there's no way that Story-sama is going to let tonight pass without an entrance! Especially since Sessh is going to be occupied.

Oooooh! Okay, now I'm really looking forwrard to the next update!

FoxPriestess (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Sesshoumaru, why you are so dense?! D:


Really loving this, forthright! The word limitation makes you come up with some great synonyms and turns of phrase!

Lillian (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

I'm so sad for Kagome! Sesshomaru needs to get his stuff on. As in...get his 'what am I doing tonight I should totally be with Kagome' stuff on.

Allyonora (Chapter 287) - Fri 13 Apr 2012

Well, I hope Sesshoumaru have a lovely spoken night.

As for Kagome, she's awesome and deserve somebody who'll put her first, who will want her first and no one else. Someone who'll tryst with the first female avaiable and (maybe) have second thoughts just because it isn't appealing or because he's jealous of other males attention on Kagome... I'm really really really sorry, but it doesn't make the cut. Having second thoughts doesn't excuse you for acting like a jerk.

As I said before, Sesshoumaru is out of my list for treating her like garbage when he made her see him going out with another. Critical hit, no savings envisioned. I still can't see how this situation can be fixed. I'm sorry, but this romance is done for me, unless Sess can work a miracle. Let Kagome have someone else.

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