Reviews for Liar, Liar by R.M. Avalon

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Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 2) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

Wonderful chapter! I loved the fact Sesshoumaru's already attracted to him and she doesn't even realize it. I can't wait to see what the next day is going to be like. :)

Sesshyskoi (Chapter 2) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

This is a very good story. I can't wait for the next chapter!

Synyster Star (Chapter 2) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

wOOt!!!!!! <3 I loved it!!!! its awesome!! i guess i'll have to be patient for more ;p lol!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 2) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

i think i'm in love with this even more! this was kinda awesome, i can totally see Kagome higjacking his kitchen! and flashing =x wouldnt it be amusing if she woke up to wondering youkai hands!

tamiiland (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

I want to know what happens neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext. D: Inuyasha will recognize Kagome in the family meeting and all hell will brake loose; not to mention that there's the little whoops-I'm-pregnant issue. I WANT TO READDD.

BThurman (Chapter 1) - Wed 05 Jan 2011

Very well written!  There were a few times you slipped and changed your tense but it was still an easy read and definetly entertaining.  I look forward to reading more from you.  ^_^

FayeMegan (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Hmm interesting. I wonder how he will react when he learns that she's pregnant? Looks like some sticky situations are headed this way

Mai (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

I'm very much looking forward to your works!  I miss old-fashioned chapter stories (not trying to downgrade drabbles or oneshots in any way).  There's just something about full-length chapters that make you want to just sit down and immerse yourself in them with a nice cup of tea.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

An intriguing beginning to what looks like a really good story.  I too am curious how this is going to play out with Sesshomaru and InuYasha and Kagome being the ex, but am looking forward to seeing where you go with this story.

So far your portrayal of Sesshomaru is really well done, with a balance of an old-world warlord in the new era - he seems to have learned how to feel over the centuries.

Keep up the great work!

Synyster Star (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

hehe i like it!!! nice job Ava!! can't wait to read more ;p

Loveyaa (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

I really enjoyed the beginning of this and can't wait to see where all of it leads. I think its weird that Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru are related and yet she didn't recognize Sesshoumaru's last name. Things can only get more interesting from here on out and I can't wait for it!!

Shay (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Can't wait to see how you develop this story. Sounds like it will make for an intersting read.

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Awesome story so far! I so can't wait to see what happens when they arrive at his parents house. lol I do believe chaos will happen! lol :)

Fluffy Lady (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Don't be sorry about our individuality as a country! That's what makes us such a great nation. 

Great story! Really cute and I'm looking forward to reading more. :D

TheMikoShivae (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

awesome so far!  can't wait for more!

knifethrower (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

The best yet!  You are great with characterization.  This version of Sesshomaru is the perfect blend of impatient abruptness and caring- I liked that he was hurt, in a somewhat minor way, by his break-up with Kagura, and his level of concern for Kagome seemed just right, given the fact that he was already distracted by the break-up, impending visit, and practically running down a woman in the street.  The dialogue in this story is right on target too.  I immediately felt like I knew these characters, and cared about them as well.  There are obviously going to be big complications when Kagome gets to his family's estate and finds out he is InuYasha's half brother!  Can't wait to see how that works out for them...  Please, please, please, keep working on this story in particular, it is my very favorite!

Lavender (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Oooh la la! Sexy intensity there! ;P

I'm not really into pregnant kagome, unless its from Sesshy, but I think in thsi story it adds a spin of reality. I'm really enjoying this so far and can't wait for more!

Keep it up!


vicki patterson (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

love it, just cant wait to see what happens when Kagome finds tinuyaha at the house for the week as well, so please update soon, cant wait to see what happens next.

sara (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Nice idea and well written but how is this going to work when she was with Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru wants her to pretend to be with him so that would make her the liar and cheater. It´s going to be hard enough for her so I don´t know how you will make this work without making it a horrible soap opera. Males like Inuyasha here should be castrated and females like Sango exposed like the two-faced sluts they are. I hope you won´t make Kagome a crying ninny the whole time (even if I can understand why she broke down in the car), I´ve always hated it that she is always portrayed as the victim who takes all the shit other characters dish out. I want to see her temper and her not taking any shit from anyone who wronged her.

criticat (Chapter 1) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Woo Sesshomaru the hero :) Although he is a little more talkative than usual I have to admit that I love him nonetheless. Update soon please! 

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